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  1. #1
    OLDANDWEAK's Avatar
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    HCG seven moths after starting TRT.

    Those who like me were prescribed test only, then later found out what all was needed to go along with it, how long after starting HCG did it take for you to see the difference, as in ball size, increased libido and so on? Also did your boys hurt when being reinflated as much as when they were deflating?

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    i started hCG about 3 months after TRT, I shrunk to half the size. it took about 3 months to see them come back, but only to 90%! now they are about 80%, hCG may help slow atrophy but I don't think it will completely prevent it. this is my opinion and based on my experience.

  3. #3
    harley121's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    i started hCG about 3 months after TRT, I shrunk to half the size. it took about 3 months to see them come back, but only to 90%! now they are about 80%, hCG may help slow atrophy but I don't think it will completely prevent it. this is my opinion and based on my experience.
    What bass said- I started hCG about 8mo after trt. They def do not hurt a fraction as much re-inflating as they did shrinking. I felt like I was walking around a few min after being kicked in the nuts most of the time.

  4. #4
    OLDANDWEAK's Avatar
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    Wow. Mine are at least down to half size, maybe even less. Sperm production is very low as well. I was hoping for a full recovery, but I guess I will take what I can get. Tomorrow will be my first subQ test injection, and hopefully I will have my HCG by next saturday to get started with it. I plan to do 1/4 ml test twice weekly on sunday morning/wednesday night, and HCG 250iu saturday morning/tuesday night. Hopefully I will eventually be able to lower the test to 40mg twice weekly if I can get some natural production from the HCG.

  5. #5
    bass's Avatar
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    oh you will get natural test production with hCG . looks like you been doing your homework! good planning.

  6. #6
    Rusty11's Avatar
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    I was on a gel for nine months before starting hcg (on my own-doc wants nothing to do with it). Not meaning to hijack, but a quick question. I've been injecting 100ius (hcg) ED for two weeks. Is it too early to go get my own labs to see if the hcg is raising my e2 and to see if it's raising my T level. Just want to know, so I can adjust hcg and/or gel dosage. Yea, I'm seeing an endo, but all he does is give me the script for gel and tell me e2 and hcg are not important for me. Thank you.

  7. #7
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty11 View Post
    I was on a gel for nine months before starting hcg (on my own-doc wants nothing to do with it). Not meaning to hijack, but a quick question. I've been injecting 100ius (hcg) ED for two weeks. Is it too early to go get my own labs to see if the hcg is raising my e2 and to see if it's raising my T level. Just want to know, so I can adjust hcg and/or gel dosage. Yea, I'm seeing an endo, but all he does is give me the script for gel and tell me e2 and hcg are not important for me. Thank you.
    Id get a new doc first of all.

    Beyond that, I think 2 weeks is fair to check blood and see if you need to make adjustments. Keeping in mind, of course, that if things are pretty close to good then I wouldn't change a thing. There could certainly be some changes in the next 2-4 weeks as things re-equilibrate.

  8. #8
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    Thanks HRT...went to labcorp today to have sensitive e2/free and total test checked. Hopefully, all is good. 100iu/day is doing me good. BTW...Haven't seen you here lately. I always enjoy reading your viewpoints/opinions. Thanks again for the reply.

  9. #9
    Henryhill470's Avatar
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    You guys are lucky. After being on TRT for 8 weeks my boys where down to 20% or less.
    No Sh-t. Scared the hell out I me. Istrted HCG now for the past month and they are back to about 75%. This board is absolutely amazing


  10. #10
    OLDANDWEAK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty11 View Post
    Thanks HRT...went to labcorp today to have sensitive e2/free and total test checked. Hopefully, all is good. 100iu/day is doing me good. BTW...Haven't seen you here lately. I always enjoy reading your viewpoints/opinions. Thanks again for the reply.
    Hope everything looks good for you. I am starting the HCG today. I plan to do it twice a week at 250iu's for now, and may switch to a mon./wed./fri. schedule later depending on the outcome.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by OLDANDWEAK View Post
    Hope everything looks good for you. I am starting the HCG today. I plan to do it twice a week at 250iu's for now, and may switch to a mon./wed./fri. schedule later depending on the outcome.

    Thanks, bud. Not sure of your complete trt protocol or how you're feeling, but the hcg will bring those boys back to life pretty quickly. Its a nice feeling. Good luck. Let me/us know how it works out for you.
    Last edited by Rusty11; 01-05-2013 at 11:06 AM.

  12. #12
    Granovich's Avatar
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    may i know why you guys using HCG ? beside getting your balls to normal size
    you will get back on TRT again and they will go smaller again
    so why doing it unless you are trying to get your girl pregnant
    or do you need to stop TRT and get On HCG everytime balls gets smaller ?

  13. #13
    OLDANDWEAK's Avatar
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    The HCG is to keep your testicles functioning properly. You do not have to go off TRT when using HCG, you run them together to keep you in proper working order.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    may i know why you guys using HCG ? beside getting your balls to normal size
    you will get back on TRT again and they will go smaller again
    so why doing it unless you are trying to get your girl pregnant
    or do you need to stop TRT and get On HCG everytime balls gets smaller ?
    There is a sticky at the top of the form on it.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by OLDANDWEAK View Post
    Wow. Mine are at least down to half size, maybe even less. Sperm production is very low as well. I was hoping for a full recovery, but I guess I will take what I can get. Tomorrow will be my first subQ test injection, and hopefully I will have my HCG by next saturday to get started with it. I plan to do 1/4 ml test twice weekly on sunday morning/wednesday night, and HCG 250iu saturday morning/tuesday night. Hopefully I will eventually be able to lower the test to 40mg twice weekly if I can get some natural production from the HCG.
    Are you self administering your HCG protocol or is it under your Doctor's care?

    HCG is not like testosterone when it comes to injection' not as sensitive.

    If I were you, I'd go 250 iu's every other day for 90 days then adjust from there.

    HCG is a very safe peptide where lower doses more frequently have the best results.

    Where are you getting your HCG?

    If you haven' the sticky on HCG.

  16. #16
    Granovich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    There is a sticky at the top of the form on it.
    I have read every sticky on this forum
    Its not related thou as far as i understood
    My question was do you do Trt for a while like 9 months a year and then take 3 months off and use HCg .nolvadex .clomid ?
    Or you stay on it even for years unless you need to have a kid then u come off and do the same thing
    Or you do trt all year long and u just do HCG every know and then while you on trt when you see that your balls got smaller

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    I have read every sticky on this forum
    Its not related thou as far as i understood
    My question was do you do Trt for a while like 9 months a year and then take 3 months off and use HCg .nolvadex .clomid ?
    Or you stay on it even for years unless you need to have a kid then u come off and do the same thing
    Or you do trt all year long and u just do HCG every know and then while you on trt when you see that your balls got smaller
    If you have a legitimate medical reason for utilizing a TRT protocol it's for life...there is no other option other than stopping, restarting HPTA if you can, and going back to the same or lower serum levels you were at before you started.

    You say you read the stickies yet you ask these questions???

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    If you have a legitimate medical reason for utilizing a TRT protocol it's for life...there is no other option other than stopping, restarting HPTA if you can, and going back to the same or lower serum levels you were at before you started.

    You say you read the stickies yet you ask these questions???
    Thank you for your answer
    But still didn't answer the question
    I know what you said but thats not what im asking. I know the stuff you said
    And Yes i read the sticky again and still doesnt answer my questions

  19. #19
    OLDANDWEAK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    Are you self administering your HCG protocol or is it under your Doctor's care?

    HCG is not like testosterone when it comes to injection' not as sensitive.

    If I were you, I'd go 250 iu's every other day for 90 days then adjust from there.

    HCG is a very safe peptide where lower doses more frequently have the best results.

    Where are you getting your HCG?

    If you haven' the sticky on HCG.
    My HCG is self prescribed. My doc is unaware and will only do EOW test inj. at 200 mg. So I decided to self inject and do my own protocol. Currently I am doing this
    Test cyp. 50mg. sub Q Sunday morning/Wednesday evening
    HCG 250iu's Satuday morning/Tuesday evening.
    No AI currently.
    50mg Pregnenolone daily
    25mg. DHEA daily

    I will have BW done in the next couple of months and see where this has me. I didn't want to go too fast too soon on the HCG from fear of my test getting too high and having alot of conversion to estrogen. After BW if I am good on estrodial, and test is good I will start 250iu's EOD. I have read the stickies on HCG, well all of them actually, but will admit that I am still somewhat overwhelmed with all of the info on this site. What are your thoughts on this protocol? I am dor sure open to any suggestions.

  20. #20
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    ^^^^Your protocol is pretty much the standard start-up protocol for a man who is diagnosed as age deficient secondary hypogonadal.

    Keep an eye on E2, remember, for the most part, E2 always follows Testosterone .

  21. #21
    OLDANDWEAK's Avatar
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    Thanks gdevine. I will have all the tests ran that are in the stickies when I get it done and post them here for further evaluation as to where I need to go then.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by OLDANDWEAK View Post
    Thanks gdevine. I will have all the tests ran that are in the stickies when I get it done and post them here for further evaluation as to where I need to go then.
    Post all post blood work and follow up in this thread...don't start a new one.



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