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  1. #1
    Jredwine's Avatar
    Jredwine is offline Junior Member
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    Total Test 278 after 200mgs Every 2 weeks!!! WTF!!???

    My dad is 70 and has been on Test Cyp for about 6 months. They started him at 100mg's every month. Ridiculous! Then they moved him up to 150, then 200mg's finally every 2 weeks.

    He just had his bw back and his total test was 278 (348-1148). I cant even begin to wrap my head around how IM injections of 200mg's every 2 weeks could net this result.

    Anyone else had similar experiences? They bumped him up to 300mg's every 2 weeks.

    I would have liked to have seen his free/bio available and SHBG, but they only did a CBC and Total Test. workup.

    One thing to note his bw was done on 11/28 and his last shot was on 11/14, so this was his trough.

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    junk2222yard's Avatar
    junk2222yard is offline Associate Member
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    Does he have E2 results? Maybe he is converting a lot of that to Estradiol for some reason? (I am no expert, just like to put it out there before the vets chime in, for fun.)

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    It's not so much the amount, it's the half-life. Further, his doc is clueless. He need to be weekly and I'd bet his levels would test out far better. Take the BW from the Finding a Doc sticky to the doc and request that the next time as well. E2 level is very important at his age.
    Last edited by kelkel; 01-03-2013 at 09:44 PM.

  4. #4
    JD250's Avatar
    JD250 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Those numbers are totally believable..... as Kel mentioned "halflife" if they pulled blood towards the later part of the 2 week period he's lucky his numbers were that high..... that doc is clueless, notice I didn't say "stupid".... but he is clueless. 5 to 7 days .... research it

  5. #5
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    I agree with the guys! Protocol MUST be at least once a week, even better twice a week like most of us do.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Exactly what Kel said; testosterone injection has peak serum levels at about 72 hours after the injection and a half life of about 5 to 7 days depending upon the man and how he metabolizes.

    As noted by the guys above, needs to be a weekly or even better twice weekly injection protocol to get more consistent serum levels.

    Every two weeks is doing more harm than good.

    Talk to the Doc's about what you just learned here on half life and insist on twice weekly injections and you will see a difference.

    Are they monitoring his E2 levels?

    Are they managing his E2 levels with an AI?

    Are they prescribing HCG to keep your Dad's testicles functioning properly?

    If no to all of these; find a new Doc and fast.

    Did they check his thyroid?

  7. #7
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Nothing to add here that hasnt already been said, the obvious! I would simply hit "print screen" with gd's comments above and show to your Doctor, his/her reaction/response will be all you need to make a decision to continue or move on. Frankly, as much of a pain in the ass as it is, I would MOVE ON! Doc is clueless as JD pointed out, not stupid, big difference.

  8. #8
    bigboy67's Avatar
    bigboy67 is offline Associate Member
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    just for a little personal experience, this exact situation happened to me. My Total T before TRT was like 260 or something... doc put me on 200mg E2W. That amount effectively shut down my natural production for weeks, but the peak of Test happens within three days of the Test shot, with decline the rest of the time. So when I got tested two weeks later, my level was actually like 216...

  9. #9
    Jredwine's Avatar
    Jredwine is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the info guys!

    My Dad is retired military so I am never sure about his dr's. ( I know I saw a lot of shitty ones as a kid, looking back)

    He is going to see about going sub-q at home 2x per week. I've been trying to get him to go this route, but I am not sure his doc is listening.

    No E2 test, and the egregious thing about that is he actually presented originally with gyno. That was the entire reason he was EVER even checked for T levels!

    His T levels are likely low due to his age and the fact that he lost nut back in the day from "the clap". A nice little lady decided to share this with him while in port. (Stud!)

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    If he has elevated E2 levels than all of the Testosterone he's injecting is only going to synthesize into even more E2.

    You need to discuss this with his Doctor as he not doing him any good...more like hurting him to be honest.

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