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  1. #1
    Vahevahe's Avatar
    Vahevahe is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2012

    Psychiatrist prescribed Nuvigil? says bridging gap till trt kick in

    Hello my name is Victor and i have a question regarding the medication Nuvigil. I am starting the first steps of my trt journey and have only been taking a starting dose of TRT (Fortesta 2 pumps a day). I still have alot of fatigue symptoms but this is understandable due to the trt not being fully effective yet. Today my psychiatrist prescribed me Nuvigil to take along with Prozac 20mg and Xanex .25 mg. Iv researched this medication(Nuvigil) and i was wondering if anyone on this forum had any experience with this medication. I don't want to be too dependent on antidepressant/anxiety/fatigue medication but i see no choice till TRT kicks in .I had a really bad experience with a stimulant drug 3 years prior(amphetamine based drug) and i dont want that to happen again...any advice or previous experience with this medication or similar medications?

  2. #2
    jerseyboy's Avatar
    jerseyboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was prescribed Provigil when I fell ill with epsteins barr. Its like a legal type of speed that I didnt care for. It gave me anxiety and didnt really help much with the chronic fatigue I was dealing with. I was still tired but now with a racing heart and anxiety to boot. I was in a bad place at the time not being able to work or even drive so I was dealing with a lot. Everyone is different so you cant assume your experience will be the same as mine. I researched it for weeks and read about people that it worked very well for giving them energy to get through the day. My advice, give it a try and start out with a low dose cuz its strong stuff if you have a low tolerance for stimulants. Its like drinking 3 cups of coffee and it tends to make you crash when it wears off so usually you sleep ok just NEVER take it after lunch or you wont be able to sleep at all. Good luck to you!

  3. #3
    ZombieFred is offline New Member
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    Feb 2012
    No problems for me on that particular compound. I wrote a more descriptive post, but every other word set off the ****ing spam filter.

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