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  1. #1
    The Hyena is offline Junior Member
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    Please read and comment (self administered TRT)

    ok people i havent been on here for a while but im goin to put my situation out there, for everyone to comment and critique.

    i started trt without a doctor, did a cycle about 2 years ago then went on 250mg of test e a week since...
    i do my injects monday morn and thursday night
    ive done HCG 500/ week 250 twice a week

    im 42yrs old
    about 11% body fat
    train jiu-jitsu and Muay thai
    dont get to lift much

    just wanted opinions about this, im too poor to go and get it from a doctor or get bloodwork and dont know if im doing the right thing, but ive already done it .... what can i say, please read and critique and give me opinions etc..... in a wierd place mentally ya know ?


  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    do you have any recent blood work you can post? how are you treating your estrogen? are you taking any AIs? a correct and complete protocol consist of the following,

    1. Test Cyp, 100-120 mgs each week, split into twice a week is better (your current dose is very high)
    2. hCG 250 three times a week, or twice a week one day before test injection
    3. AI, take as needed, but most start with 0.25 mgs twice a week, once one day after each test injection
    4. Donating blood as often as they allow, or as needed. i bet you RBC and hemoglobin are through the roof!
    4. Optional: Supplement with vitamin D3, DHEA and Saw Palmetto
    5. BW every 4 months minimum

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Great advice given by Bass as usual. You seriously need to titrate down. More is not better in TRT and longevity is a serious concern here. BW is crucial and highly recommended. Examples of BW is in the Finding A Doc Sticky at the top of this forum. Private Med Labs has discreet testing available and discount coupons are often findable. You really need to know your levels as some if elevated to long can be risky. Think CBC's and lipids which can be effected by AAS usage. I'm hesitant to call your protocol TRT just yet!

    Let us know what you think. We're all here to help!


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I can't add more than what the two wise ones stated above other than 250 mg a week is lot for a TRT protocol... especially one self administered.

    You need complete blood work done as noted; anything we discuss now is just pure speculation.

    Just know, under a trained Physician's care on TRT blood work is done every 6 months...that should put it into perspective.

    Any signs of elevated E2?

  5. #5
    The Hyena is offline Junior Member
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    this is the reason ive been on this board for so many years ,you guys have great advise ..... and very knowledgeable
    as i stated before i dont really have the money for bloodwork at the moment (hard times) and i dont like Cyp, done some and hated it.... but i am taking heed to everything yall are saying
    and if a can afford bloodwork what do i ask for ? and where do i go to ask for it ?

    1. how do i lower the dose and keep blood levels stable ? injecting mon morn. and thursday night ? how hard would it be to inject 1/4cc ?
    as for ai i do letro, .25mg mon and friday .....
    i cant give blood for a while because of a tattoo history (tis what i heard anyway)
    just looking for advise, do you think a heavy PCT protocol would get me back ? SWIFTO might could answer that ?? do yall think i should stop or keep on keepin on ?
    ps. gdevine what is signs of E2 ? estrogen ??

  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    You just take less as Bass said. You may feel better in the long run because 250 is a lot and I'm sure puts you at the top if not above normal range. More is not always better. The problem with running to much is also it can raise your E2 wich eventually can lead to gyno, ED or other side effects. Other sides of high E2 are being emotional, acne, lack of muscle gains and others.

    Go online to private labs MD and look for Male Ultimate Anti-Aging Panel It will run around 319 and havea everything you should need.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 01-07-2013 at 03:08 AM.

  7. #7
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    Great advice as usual from the vets here.

    Hyena - i was at 300 mg per week when I started and I dropped to 140 without any negative consequences - that I could notice anyways.

    Hope you can get on an AI soon. Until the more well versed guys can chime in, elevated e signs include acne and puffy/sore nips to name a few.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Twice per week injections would be a wise move. Less T injected at one time = less spike in E2 = good thing! Read the following on Estrogen control as well as GD's thread the was provided:

    Please do not only use nip sensitivity as your only guide to estrogen control. It does not work. Gyno is not the only sign. More are internal than external.

    You need to find a way to see a competent doctor for a proper evaluation and BW if at all possible. Otherwise we are really just guessing.

  9. #9
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Agree with all the above, I think the pros covered just about all the angles. A lot of us can get you a 15% off discount to that link that lovbyts provided for BW.

    I don't think PCT is your option at this stage. Somehow, someway, you need to get this program reeled in and administered properly. You're going to need to also make sure that the other variables are inline (thyroid, prostate, cortisol, vitamin D3, B12, ... The list goes on), or for the long-term you are just potentially asking for bigger problems. You state you cannot afford a lot of this, I state that you can't afford not to find away to make this a priority and get it done correctly. What you don't know can hurt you.

  10. #10
    rollingthunder's Avatar
    rollingthunder is offline Associate Member
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    couple comments...

    1. life extension offers blood tests at pretty reasonable prices. i am a member (i think it's $75/yr and that 75 bucks can be applied toward purchase of supplements, (like micronized DHEA!) but not, unfortunately, toward the blood tests) and i pay $75 (member price, non-members pay $100) for the "Male Basic Hormone Panel Blood Test" which checks:
    - DHEA-S
    - Estradiol (an estrogen)
    - Free and Total Testosterone
    - PSA

    as the name implies, the "basics". you might start with this.

    2. others above have hinted at this but i'm gonna be more direct - you are foolish to begin injecting yourself without testing first. and i agree with what vettester says above, - "make this a priority and get it done correctly. What you don't know can hurt you." if you are going to do this, don't go about it "half-assed"!

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