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Thread: Stopping TRT - NEBIDO

  1. #1
    jimmy79's Avatar
    jimmy79 is offline Junior Member
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    Lightbulb Stopping TRT - NEBIDO


    Just a bit of background.

    I have been on TRT (Nebido) for 2 years. I have recently decided to completly stop and try to restart my system.

    My last TRT shot was In August (4 months ago). 2 months ago I started HCG and used it for 1 month then stopped it.

    So the past month I have been using Clomid(25mg) & Nolvadex (20mg) every day. Also 50,000IU vitamin D twice a week.
    I'm going to stay on this for another 2 weeks then stop.

    I have done a blood test a few days ago and will do another one in 2 weeks. I will post the results here for anyone who is interested.


    Last edited by jimmy79; 01-06-2013 at 01:08 PM. Reason: typo

  2. #2
    apple2go is offline Junior Member
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    Why did you decide to stop it?

  3. #3
    Steve N is offline New Member
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    I am thinking of starting Why Stop?

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Why are you stopping when you need it and don't produce enough natural testosterone ?
    What makes you think you can kickstart your hpta off again when the reason you went on was because it doesn't produce enough.

  5. #5
    jimmy79's Avatar
    jimmy79 is offline Junior Member
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    Before I started I was going through a very stressful period. Which is why I think I was low on T.
    Lets see what the blood results tell us :-)

  6. #6
    Soar's Avatar
    Soar is offline Productive Member
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    Wish you the best of luck! At 59 TRT may offer you a bit more then your natural testosterone levels would. I'd think anyway.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmy79 View Post
    Before I started I was going through a very stressful period. Which is why I think I was low on T.
    Lets see what the blood results tell us :-)
    I think at your age it will be a miricale if you get your test levels anything like being on TRT, you also should consider what natural test levels would feel like at your age compared to trt...
    Still cant understand why you would stop when you need it but best of luck

  8. #8
    junk2222yard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I think at your age it will be a miricale if you get your test levels anything like being on TRT, you also should consider what natural test levels would feel like at your compared to trt...
    Still cant understand why you would stop when you need it but best of luck
    You are probably right, but perhaps he will be satisfied with less than HRT levels now, especially during a different and less sressful time of life.

    I wish the original poster good luck, and certainly appreciate him taking the time to post his experience. We need more stories from people doing a doctor-monitored restart; they are hard to find.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junk2222yard View Post
    You are probably right, but perhaps he will be satisfied with less than HRT levels now, especially during a different and less sressful time of life.

    I wish the original poster good luck, and certainly appreciate him taking the time to post his experience. We need more stories from people doing a doctor-monitored restart; they are hard to find.
    Yes they are, I've not seen many around this forum. Will be interesting to see the end result

  10. #10
    jimmy79's Avatar
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    My age is 33 not 59. I can't seem to edit that field.

    I have received 2 sets of blood results now.

    After 4 weeks on Clomid (25mg) & Nolvadex (20mg):
    Total Testosterone : 277 (231-781 ng/dl)
    Free Testosterone: 6.1 (5.0-16.0 ng/dl)
    LH: 0.2 (1.3-9.6 IU/l)
    FSH: 0.4 (1.2-15.8 IU/l)

    After 6 weeks (2 weeks after previous blood test) Clomid (25mg) & Nolvadex (20mg):
    Total Testosterone: 216 (231-781 ng/dl)
    Free Testosterone: 4.7 (5.0-16.0 ng/dl)
    LH: 0.2 (1.3-9.6 IU/l)
    FSH: 0.2 (1.2-15.8 IU/l)

    My LH & FSH levels does not seem to be responding to the Clomid&Nolvadex treatment. Any ideas what could be going wrong?

    I'm going to stop everything for 3 weeks. Then start Clomid only at 50mg for 2 weeks. Unless anyone has a better idea?

    One thing for sure is that my testes are not atrophied anymore. Don't know if that means anything.

    Last edited by jimmy79; 01-18-2013 at 07:54 AM. Reason: spelling

  11. #11
    apple2go is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmy79 View Post
    Before I started I was going through a very stressful period. Which is why I think I was low on T.
    Lets see what the blood results tell us :-)

    I don't have too much knowledge (YET!). What I read is that stress alone is not be able to decrease your test levels below the 'normal' just in case you have the low ''normal'' levels which is not fine at all.

    Why did you start trt if you suspected stress for low test?

    Your low lh levels look strange to my while on SERM.

  12. #12
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Jimmy, maybe im missing it in a different thread but what were your levels prior to going on TRT?? Stress, Diet alcohol lots of things, pain meds, can lower Tes, however, it looks a litle disheartening to me to see your 6 week results slipping consideably from the previous one. Hope I am wrong for your sake but you may need to make peace with the fact of TRT even at age 33. Much worse things, pls keep this rolling am curious where you land, best of luck.

  13. #13
    jimmy79's Avatar
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    To answer apple2go, I did not at that time think that stress was the cause. I only see that now looking back.

    The LH levels are strange indeed. 2 years ago before I started with TRT, I did a 7 day Clomid (50mg) test. (There is a thread here somewhere) My FSH went from 3.2 up to 4.2 and my LH went from 4.7 to 2.9.
    My Total Testosterone & Free Testosterone doubled in that week! Would I be right to say that it is the FSH then that raises your testosterone and not your LH??

    So my question is: Is there any research that would explain why LH would go down on Clomid ?

    To answer bullshark99, My levels were in the low range. I have also discovered that I were using Anti-Fungal medication when doing the initial blood tests. I have read that it causes lowering of testosterone. Can anyone confirm this??


  14. #14
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i cant change my profile age either

  15. #15
    jimmy79's Avatar
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    I did some research on Clomid and it seems that it actually desensitizes your pituitary gland to GnRH.
    Which means less LH will be produced.

    So I'm going to start taking only Nolvadex (40mg) ed.


  16. #16
    junk2222yard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmy79 View Post
    One thing for sure is that my testes are not atrophied anymore. Don't know if that means anything.
    It is a change, so it must mean something. Are they fluffed out as big as before you ever did HRT? Or just not as small and tight?

    Any mood change?

    Is this doctor supervised, and if so what is your doctor's opinion of your numbers?

  17. #17
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    i got a question. now i see the levels of normal test are based on how old are you are. does that make any sense? at any abge i would wanna be around 1000. majority of people with high range of test and normal levels of estrogen live longer and face less problems the older they get. i also read that is if your older and have low test and high estrogen is guaranteed prostate cancer. again, just a question. i dont know anything. why im here!

  18. #18
    jimmy79's Avatar
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    I'd have to say same as before I started HRT.

    Mood, Clomid made me very emotional. But since I've stopped the Clomid and only using Nolvadex my mood has improved a lot. Clomid makes me want to cry the whole time.
    I feel good now.

    The doctor is monitoring me but I will only see him next week to discuss the blood results.

    dreadnok89, start a new thread :-)

    Another thing I forgot to mention is that I'm using GHRP2 & GHRH (Mod-GRF) which should in theory help a bit.

    Last edited by jimmy79; 01-25-2013 at 04:43 AM.

  19. #19
    jimmy79's Avatar
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    just an update for those interested. After about 8 months of being off TRT my system did not restart. The doctors then put me back on TRT as I were feeling worse even than before I started TRT for the first time.
    After effects of trying to stop... Since using the Clomid I have been getting dry eyes at night. Even now about 3 years later, I'm still sometimes get dry eyes at night. (I presume it is because of low estrogen? who knows)
    anyway I'm back on TRT ever since and still on it. Not using anything else for the past 3 years. Just plain TRT every 10 weeks. Any questions are welcome.

  20. #20
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Well just the obvious, how do you feel? You tried, at least you know for sure.

  21. #21
    thisAngelBites's Avatar
    thisAngelBites is offline Knowledgeable Female Member
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    I love when people come back after they try something radical, and report to others so we can all learn. Thanks for that.

    I don't know of any study that tries to restart T production after some amount of time on TRT (and who would fund such a study? That would only happen if a drug company developed a drug to restart testes, and why would anyone work on a project that wouldn't require ongoing medication?), so the best we can do is use anecdotes, and we very rarely hear of someone who is able to restart.

    In those rare instances when people do restart successfully, I expect it's more common in the young, or in people who have not been suppressed by TRT long, but no one knows for sure.

    Sorry it didn't work for you. I hope you can get yourself dialed in so you are feeling good.
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  22. #22
    jimmy79's Avatar
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    I feel wonderful :-)

    I must have been crazy to have wanted to stop.
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  23. #23
    ks1234 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmy79 View Post
    Clomid makes me want to cry the whole time.

    I couldn't help but chuckle at this.
    Thanks for reporting back man! It's always good to hear how folks are doing

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