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Thread: endo in canada?

  1. #1
    jrod04 is offline Junior Member
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    endo in canada?

    Does anyone know of a good endo in calgary, or even western canada??

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    If you find a good one in the entire country, let me know..

  3. #3
    jrod04 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    If you find a good one in the entire country, let me know..

    haha ya that seems to be the consensus mikey, id just like to talk to someone a little more specalized in the endocrine system then my family doc for some help.

  4. #4
    Allaaro is offline Associate Member
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    My endo thought my hands were cold from the hands evaporating the moisture in the air(ending up being thyroid, duh).....and that my low test wasn't that low for 23 years old(secondary hypo). My free test wasn't even in range......endo's I've seen are a joke so look to anti-aging clinics or health centers since some are actually decent.

  5. #5
    Soar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrod04 View Post
    Does anyone know of a good endo in calgary, or even western canada??
    I have the same issue, my doc in Calgary is a crazy Russian who just writes prescriptions... Little to no experience with the blood work I'm asking for.

  6. #6
    jrod04 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soar View Post
    I have the same issue, my doc in Calgary is a crazy Russian who just writes prescriptions... Little to no experience with the blood work I'm asking for.
    have you ever heard of nardella clinic? i found their web page on my phone and was thinking of giving them a call, i need to get full bloods done not just a few things and possibly a pituitary mri, as this restart i am attempting isnt working i dont think. im having a hell of a time bringing my test back up and would like to get that going sooner then later haha.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrod04 View Post

    have you ever heard of nardella clinic? i found their web page on my phone and was thinking of giving them a call, i need to get full bloods done not just a few things and possibly a pituitary mri, as this restart i am attempting isnt working i dont think. im having a hell of a time bringing my test back up and would like to get that going sooner then later haha.
    Hmm haven't no but it's worth looking into. Have you you'd hcg already?

  8. #8
    jrod04 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soar View Post
    Hmm haven't no but it's worth looking into. Have you you'd hcg already?
    yes i have, this was my second try with it (my timing was bad for the first one so it was not effective) but havnt notcied any change really, curently running clomid and nolva for 4 weeks hcg was 350iu ed for 14 days. have you read swiftos pct q&a, in there he posted a study on 3 differnt cases of severe hpta supression with successful recovery using around 1500iu hcg every 4 days for 6 injections i believe followed with a month of serms. de-sensatization would worry me a little with that dose, curious as to what you think of that protocol?

  9. #9
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    1500iu daily is pretty over kill.. Tho I've read much crazier doses used. I'm kind f shocked it didn't help you at all at 350daily. You had any luck at all with blood work or a doctor that has at least cracked what you've asked for?

  10. #10
    junk2222yard's Avatar
    junk2222yard is offline Associate Member
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    I can't recommend a specific doctor, but if you have no leads, the "Finding a Doc" sticky mentions the A4M doctor search. There are definitely a handful of docs in Calgary listed there.

  11. #11
    jrod04 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soar View Post
    1500iu daily is pretty over kill.. Tho I've read much crazier doses used. I'm kind f shocked it didn't help you at all at 350daily. You had any luck at all with blood work or a doctor that has at least cracked what you've asked for?
    im saying the hcg hasnt work strictly from the fact that i still have zero libido and no erections what so ever. i do not have blood work to prove this as of yet, i suppose it could be working and maybe i have very high estrogen? as my doc thought it wasnt important to test for that, or progesterone. I booked an appointment with paradim health clinic have you heard of them? i guess they have some pretty crazy ways of finding out whats going on and are knowledgeable in knowing how to fix you ( my buddy went there and they are helping straighten him out after some heavy use). that appointment isnt until beginning of February so im debating on making an appointment with an endo in the mean time just to go in and see what they think. good idea? hopefully someone can help fix me.

  12. #12
    jrod04 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by junk2222yard View Post
    I can't recommend a specific doctor, but if you have no leads, the "Finding a Doc" sticky mentions the A4M doctor search. There are definitely a handful of docs in Calgary listed there.
    Thamx junkyard! ill certainly look into that.

  13. #13
    lacey23 is offline Junior Member
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    In all honesty i think most people are better off just learning things on their own, and finding a doc that is willing to write scripts, and run bloodwork for you.

    I went to an endo, and told him that I ran some cycles and after my last cycle I never recovered. He told me that my test was in range so I was fine (bottom 10% of the range), and it was in my head so I should go see a shrink.

    Even the guys that specialize in TRT aren't all great imho.

    I went to masters mens clinic (which is a TRT clinic in Burlington). He wanted you to wait 6 months between appointments, and started me off on HCG mono which put my E2 3x the top of the normal range, and he didn't believe in AI's. Then switched me to HCG and test cream which still had my E2 well over the normal range for another 6 months. Then he finally ended up on hcg+test, and E2 was still over the range. After a year and a half of being on my period I added an AI in on my own, and he threatened to kick me out of his practice for doing so.

    I also paid the money to get Dr Crisler to advise my regular doc. My current doc is pretty good for the most part, but is pretty skimpy with the testosterone . I figured Crisler would maybe advise him to get me in the top end of the range. For some reason my blood test came back with total test at 14 (range: 8-28). I think it was because I was giving sub q a shot. Regardless, Crisler didn't even advise him to increase the test dose, but just said I should take my thyroid 2x a day instead of 1, lol. $700 well spent.

    Finally I realized docs aren't going to do anything. Best thing to do is just your test in the upper end of the range with frequent injections (even if you have to use a bit of your own non-script test), use a suicidal AI like Aromasin if needed, throw in a splash of cialis if needed, and call it a day.
    Last edited by lacey23; 01-23-2013 at 07:27 AM.

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