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Thread: clomid

  1. #1
    harleyrider is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2011


    Have been on androgel for year or so. Can't find an answer to the question of using clomid with the androgel.Will it help with raising "T" ? Will it help with shrinkage? Does it offer any help with estrogen? or just stick with the androgel. Looking for some direction as I am new at this. Thanks

  2. #2
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    Clomid while on Androgel no. HCG on Androgel almost a must. Check the stickie on HCG top of forum.

  3. #3
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    No point in using Clomid while on any HRT. It just doesn't help enough to be of value. HCG helps raise T more, as jason stated above.

  4. #4
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    what do you mean does it offer help with estrogen?

    clomid is a weak estrogen mimic.

    as far as getting enough T, then that's pretty much up to just takign the right amount of testosterone . HCG is not a requisite, although some people swear by it while others condemn it. it would likely increase your T further, but it has numerous other impacts as well.

  5. #5
    harleyrider is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2011
    Thanks for the info. I have tried HCG and didn't see/feel anything. At 69 not sure if HCG effective. That's the reason I'm looking for info on clomid. Any info would be great. Thanks.

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