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  1. #1
    carlovee is offline New Member
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    51, low T, GP is no help...newbie needs advice...

    Hello, I'm new here and very glad I found this site...I've been looking everywhere for this kind of info.

    I'm 51 and in the past year my libido dropped considerably. I also have a lot of the other low test symptoms; low energy, loss of muscle mass, etc...

    I finally insisted on getting tested...

    Component Value Range
    Testosterone 369 72 - 623 ng/dl

    Component Value Range
    FSH 7.5 1.4 - 18.1 mIU/ml
    Fsh Range Interp
    Value: NORMAL MALES (AGES 19-65) 1.6 - 9.7

    Component Value Range
    Luteinizing Hormone 4.87 1.30 - 8.00 mIU/ml
    LH Gender MALE
    Lh Interp
    Value: LH NORMAL RANGE 1.3 - 8.0

    Component Value Range
    PSA - Equimolar 0.6 0.1 - 4.0 ng/ml

    My GP says my score of 369 is fine, all the other tests are 'normal', and he won't recommend any test therapy.

    What do you guys think of those numbers? I know 369 isn't terrible but my desire for sex has plummeted over the last year. 3-4 times a week has turned into once every week or two weeks. Is there something they're missing?

    My GP is willing to refer me to an endo specialist but it seems pretty clear to me that this clinic has a conservative attitude toward Test therapy and I'm doubtful they'll help.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


  2. #2
    makingwaves is offline New Member
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    Check out an A4M doc if you want to be in control of your medical care on this issue. They get it and will be happy to treat you for a fee.

    I spent too long getting the slow conservative tx. Then I pressed my doc and feel a power struggle and doubt at every turn. We have talked about Crislers protocols and that kept me around. The money spent on conservative tx, and extra tests would have paid the difference with A4M and the right tx off the bat.

    Are you sure you want 1-4 shots per week until you are old or dead? To me this is the question that determines whether or not the cure is worse than the disease?

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlovee View Post
    Hello, I'm new here and very glad I found this site...I've been looking everywhere for this kind of info.

    I'm 51 and in the past year my libido dropped considerably. I also have a lot of the other low test symptoms; low energy, loss of muscle mass, etc...

    I finally insisted on getting tested...

    Component Value Range
    Testosterone 369 72 - 623 ng/dl Don't think I've ever seen a range like this. What lab is it from?

    Component Value Range
    FSH 7.5 1.4 - 18.1 mIU/ml Fine
    Fsh Range Interp
    Value: NORMAL MALES (AGES 19-65) 1.6 - 9.7

    Component Value Range
    Luteinizing Hormone 4.87 1.30 - 8.00 mIU/ml fine
    LH Gender MALE
    Lh Interp
    Value: LH NORMAL RANGE 1.3 - 8.0

    Component Value Range
    PSA - Equimolar 0.6 0.1 - 4.0 ng/ml Nice

    My GP says my score of 369 is fine, all the other tests are 'normal', and he won't recommend any test therapy.

    What do you guys think of those numbers? I know 369 isn't terrible but my desire for sex has plummeted over the last year. 3-4 times a week has turned into once every week or two weeks. Is there something they're missing? Don't know without seeing ALL your blood work. Take a look at the sticky thread titled Finding a TRT Doc and post that up that blood work if you have it

    My GP is willing to refer me to an endo specialist but it seems pretty clear to me that this clinic has a conservative attitude toward Test therapy and I'm doubtful they'll help. Great but the title endo does not mean they know testosterone. That's a misconception. In the same sticky are several search engines to try including one for A4M docs

    Thanks in advance for your help.


    Above in bold. Straighten me out on that range for testosterone. Is that correct? We really need to see complete BW to give you educated opinions.

    Welcome to the forum Car. Others will chime in.


  4. #4
    carlovee is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by makingwaves View Post
    Check out an A4M doc if you want to be in control of your medical care on this issue. They get it and will be happy to treat you for a fee.

    I spent too long getting the slow conservative tx. Then I pressed my doc and feel a power struggle and doubt at every turn. We have talked about Crislers protocols and that kept me around. The money spent on conservative tx, and extra tests would have paid the difference with A4M and the right tx off the bat.

    Are you sure you want 1-4 shots per week until you are old or dead? To me this is the question that determines whether or not the cure is worse than the disease?
    Thanks for the reply. This is what I need to hear...Is it generally true that insurance won't cover an A4M dr's care and treatment?

    RE: "1-4 shots...until old or dead." This is something I've heard...That if you start on TRT your ability to produce test will shut down. Is that true?

    thanks again.

  5. #5
    carlovee is offline New Member
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    kelkel: Thanks also...Yes that's a pretty bizarre 'normal' T range right? I called them on that and here's what they said...(paraphrasing) 'Your peak T levels are at 8am so since you had the blood drawn at 10:30am we've adjusted the range to reflex that.'

    I'm new to this research but I have yet to come across some information that validates that.

    I think I'll request Free T, and Estrodiol tests (I'll check that thread you mentioned for other relavant tests) so hopefully save money on having to pay others for testing, but I've pretty much lost hope that my clinic is going to help me.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I'd try a different lab. Read that sticky and get the BW in it. Many many things can cause low T. One is quite simply, age. It gets all of us!
    I don't agree with a lab adjusting your range. Very odd at least to me.

    Whether your insurance covers an A4M doc I have no clue. I don't need referrals with mine but I lucked out with an astute euro on my third try. Yes, once on TRT your endogenous test production will shut down and the injected bio-identical test will take over. If you're low it's a good thing to get back to the levels of your youth as opposed to your current levels, right? If in fact you end up needing TRT.

    Amount of shots depends on your protocol. Mine for example is 60mg test cyp injected every 3.5 days. HCG injected SQ every M-W-F. HCG mimics LH production to keep your testies somewhat functioning. Some people need an aromatase inhibitor on top of that as well. There are several choices available from intense to simple. Or different delivery methods from gels, to injections or even implanted pellets. The choice should be yours with your doc after examining what is best for you, your family and lifestyle.

    Read all the stickies above. It will really help bring you up to speed.


  7. #7
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
    BuzzardMarinePumper is offline Knowledge Member on Prostate Cancer
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlovee View Post
    Thanks for the reply. This is what I need to hear...Is it generally true that insurance won't cover an A4M dr's care and treatment?

    RE: "1-4 shots...until old or dead." This is something I've heard...That if you start on TRT your ability to produce test will shut down. Is that true?

    thanks again.

    I'm 53 and once you get in the groove the shoots ain't nothing . I started with a bad Dr. my BW came back and it was obvious that my GP was not qualified to treat TRT efficiently . I am 100% disabled and I have a medicare replacement policy . I called them and talked to the proper dept and not just Customer don't care. They recommended me to get a second opinion. They also told me that if the ne Dr. wanted a new blood test whith different Blood panels they would gladly pay for a second Opinion and they didn;t want me being treated by an nqualified Dr. I would imagine you have better Insurance than medicare and even if you don't I spend more on supplements than I do Co-pays and medication. If the meds get much higher I will be better off to go the the clinic that the asmin of this forum is opening. It is dscussed in the top sticky of this section and I will have to fly from Atlanta to Orlando 2 to 3 times a year and with all they offer for $199.99 a month I can work that into my tight budget !

  8. #8
    carlovee is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the info...I'm up here in upstate NY but if the folks open a site in NYC that would work, I could swing $199/month. I'll rattle some cages with my insurer (Aetna) and see if I get any help from them but I'm not holding out too much hope for that.

  9. #9
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    OP - You're not going to get anywhere with this Physician so why waste your time?

    You are missing a lot of labs that could that help rule out other medical conditions first and foremost before starting a TRT protocol.

    You need a complete Thyroid panel run as well.

    Most likely you are age related androgen deficient and a good TRT protocol will change your life. Baring any other condition I know my Doc would have you on a complete TRT protocol...your serum levels are not in a good range.

    If you are near New York city go see this guy: Dr. Timothy Morley - (212) 600-2996.

    He is one of New York's most highly trained Physician in TRT for men.

  10. #10
    carlovee is offline New Member
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    Speaking of Thyroids...I was reading more posts here and I see how important TSH is, well my TSH scores have always been high:

    Component TSH
    Standard Range 0.32-5.00 uIu/ml
    1/27/2012 6.27
    7/16/2012 4.05

    Would the high TSH increase the low T symptoms? I've just started taking iodine to try and help my thyroid.

    I'm going to pursue this for sure now, something's out of whack.

    You're right, my GP is no help and I need to see a A4M specialist. I'm about 3.5 hrs outside of NYC but I think I'll call Dr. Morley and see if he'll at least give me a consult so I can get on the right path.


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