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  1. #1
    n99 is offline New Member
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    18 year old with low test

    Hey everyone I already posted in a different forum but was suggested to come here instead. I am 18 years old and have never done any steroids or pro hormones before. I have only ever done an EC stack as the most "hardcore" thing. Blood work results showed that my total testosterone is 276 while my free testosterone is 7.4 pg/dL. As you can imagine this worries me greatly as I am only 18. I've decided to go to an endocrinologist but have a couple of questions.
    -The first one being do you suggest that I get all my other blood work (i.e. LH, SHBG, FSH) done before I go there so I don't have to make another appointment and spend more $$$ and so the doctor and I can get right into causes and treatment options? And if so I want to make sure I have all the right categories tested so let me know if I'm missing anything: LH, FSH, SHBG, Estradiol, Estrogens, total and free test levels, and prolactin.

    - The second one being how do you guys think the meeting will/should go? Do you think I will actually be put on any sort of treatment at such an early age or will the doctor just tell me too wait a couple of years before considering anything? And if so do you think I should stick with that advice or go to another doctor?

    -Srry that I don't have more BW this is all I have, any input will be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    n99, sorry you are going through this at such a young age. You are spot-on with the labs that you need to have taken.

    If LH is low and the condition is secondary, then without doubt you need to get an MRI. If LH is high, then you will more than likely need to see the urologist and get a testicular exam. Either way, you need to find out 'why' this happening, and take corrective actions if possible before thinking of any treatments.

    Have them do a complete thyroid panel, along with all the standard lipids, CBC's, metabolic panels ...

  3. #3
    asiandudexxx is offline Junior Member
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    Hey, I had a similar issue.

    I would say yes to the above BW except maybe nix the estrogens and change the estradiol to the "sensitive" assay.

    For young guys wanting to keep fertility, hCG or clomid seem to be common treatments. I have heard that some men who have TRT can come off of it and have children (with the assistance of pharmaceuticals or not), but it's not "guaranteed"

    I'm new here so the other older, more knowledgeable guys will chime in I'm sure.

  4. #4
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    OP - Vette is dead on accurate; 18 yo men don't have low levels like yours due to age; it's pathology related.

    Many, and I repeat, many, conditions can cause this to happen and you need Physician who understands these things.

    Follow vette's blood work recommendation as it will tell us a lot.

    When you get your blood work back, please post here in this thread complete with ranges and we'll jump in.


  5. #5
    asiandudexxx is offline Junior Member
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    Damn, Vett beat me to it. Everything Vett said is gold.

    +1 to the thyroid panels. That's how I found out about my hypothyroidism as well.

  6. #6
    n99 is offline New Member
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    Thank-you everyone for the support and advice. Here is the other results of my BW, I'm not sure if it will show anything but I thought I would throw it out there

    Comp. Metabolic Panel (14)
    Glucose, Serum 73 mg/dL
    BUN 27 High mg/dL
    Creatinine, Serum 1.08 mg/dL
    eGFR If NonAfricn Am 100 mL/min
    eGFR If Africn Am 115 mL/min
    BUN/Creatinine Ratio 25
    Sodium, Serum 140 mmol/L
    Potassium, Serum 4.4 mmol/L
    Chloride, Serum 102 mmol/L
    Carbon Dioxide, Total 22 mmol/L
    Calcium, Serum 9.9 mg/dL
    Protein, Total, Serum 7.3 g/dL
    Albumin, Serum 4.8 g/dL
    Globulin, Total 2.5 g/dL
    A/G Ratio 1.9
    Bilirubin, Total 1.0 mg/dL
    Alkaline Phosphatase, S 58
    AST (SGOT) 24 IU/L
    ALT (SGPT) 31 IU/L

    Cholesterol, Total 145 mg/dL
    Triglycerides 44 mg/dL
    HDL Cholesterol 57 mg/dL
    LDL Cholesterol Calc 79 mg/dL

  7. #7
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Metabolic is OK ... Slight elevation with a few kidney related labs, but could be dehydration and/or just a lot of working out. I wouldn't sweat it too much, but go with what your doctor says.

    Also, Asian made a good point to make sure the E2 assay stays focused on the "sensitive" panel. I sometimes tend to forget that most GP's have no idea about it.

    Please keep us posted with updates.

  8. #8
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
    BuzzardMarinePumper is offline Knowledge Member on Prostate Cancer
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    I have no doubt some Dr. stear clear due to liability ! But there are some that are lacking in the actual knowledge and ability to treat you as needed ! I promise I know ! I had a Dr. that was of the opinion just shoot 1 mL EOW and that was all you needed to do ! He still had this opinion even after reading BW. So to me it was plain he thought he knew what he was / is doing !

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