Hi, I'm planning to go on clomid etc for a restart effort. When I first saw the doc, I had low-normal test, low -normal cortisol, and low-normal dhea. For the question HPG = pituitary gonadal and HPA = pituitary adrenal.

I've been on various test preparations for about a year, but want to try the restart as Im 28.

What Im wondering is... can HPA suppression (mild to moderate) cause HPG suppression and thus be the root cause of low test? In which case, if the doc gave me prednisone or similar, it could fix the cortisol AND the test?

Or if Im low in test, I just assume its HPG suppression and try and restart and hope that if successful, cortisol also improves as well? If cort doesnt improve, then take prednisone etc.

What I do know also is Im not primary and had scans etc to rule that out.
