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  1. #1
    Repsol's Avatar
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    Just started TRT - 36 y/o

    Hey guys,

    I’m 36 yrs old, 5'10 190, and have been experiencing all of the typical Low T symptoms for the past year or so. Except for not having the ED and morning wood problems thankfully, but still have had lack of libido.... Didn’t realize what it could possibly be until around November after reading/learning more about it. So I had some bloodwork done back on 11/29/12 through a local GP and came back with these numbers:

    Total T = 259 ng/dl (348-1197)
    Free T = 9.6 pg/ml (8.7-25.1)
    PSA = .4 (< or = 4.0 ng/ml)

    **See second lab work attached (Jan.3)

    While talking with them about my results, I learn that they do every 2 or 3 week injections, and it would always have to be done at their office…So thanks to the reading on this site and a couple of others, I walked away from that office.

    So I use the search function and found a few clinics in my area. After calling a few places and getting some really high initial consultation $ amounts and some that I just didn’t get a warm fuzzy feeling about, I ended up scheduling an appointment with a Wellness clinic close to my office.

    Had my first appointment towards the end of December, and the doctor seemed like someone who would be willing to work with me, and is open to writing a script and letting me inject at home, which is good. BUT, he initially was talking about setting me up for a every 14 day inj period. Told him that with the research I’ve done, would really prefer at least weekly with a lesser dosage, or E3D, to avoid the roller coaster. He said that we could try 150mg every 10 and see how that went. I didn't push the issue at this point, just happy that he was willing to let me self inject. AND he uses HCG with his protocol which I was happy to hear.

    So the first week of January, I started my routine of Cyp 150mg every 10 (Plan on changing this to at least 100 E7D), and 500iu HCG every M/W/F. I'm feeling much better than I did before, and started on a weight lifting schedule again. Already have small gains since I started about 3 weeks ago which is motivating.

    I decided to get more BW right before I started (Jan.3), because I didn't get the E2 or LH in my first test. Would like to get an opinion on the numbers from you guys if possible? More specifically the LH and Estradiol, but of course any others that may pop out.

    Seems like my Estradiol is towards the lower part of the scale and LH is at the top. Not sure if this means anything, but will wait for you smarter guys to respond.

    Thanks guys
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  2. #2
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    I'm not sure what the LH means but your estradiol seems way low. 150 mg cyp should raise it to more normal ranges I would assume. i am new to this as well so others can chime in. Your doc doesn't have you on a AI does he? Any problems reaching orgasm now or before going on test?

  3. #3
    Repsol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasondd1 View Post
    I'm not sure what the LH means but your estradiol seems way low. 150 mg cyp should raise it to more normal ranges I would assume. i am new to this as well so others can chime in. Your doc doesn't have you on a AI does he? Any problems reaching orgasm now or before going on test?
    Shoot, sorry Jason, didn't see this before....No, he hasn't put me on an AI at all yet, but that might change after the BW I just now received. And nope. no problems at all reaching orgasm ever.

    Just now got my first set of BW since starting beginning of January. So 4 weeks into it.

    Jan.29 2013 (Taken on 6th day after last shot)
    Test, Serum = 888 (347-1197)
    LH = 0.2 (1.7-8.6)
    FSH = 0.2 (1.5-12.4)
    Estradiol = 61.3 (7.6-42.6)

    Protocol for 1st 4 weeks
    HCG 500iu (M,W,F)
    T Cyp 150mg E10D IM

    Just before starting TRT - Jan.2 2013
    Test, Serum = 229 (348-1197)
    LH = 8.6 (1.7-8.6)
    FSH = 5.9 (1.5-12.4)
    Estradiol = 11.7 (7.6-42.6)

    Estradiol is way up there. Think I might start doing 100mg E7D now.

    Would really like any of the experts here to give me any advice they might have regarding my numbers. Is it normal to have the LH and FSH bottom out like this?


  4. #4
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    Others know much more but it looks like the test is working. It usually raises estradiol as it raises so most end up on a AI. I am by no means an expert, but i think LH and FSH bottom out once you go on test. So i think it being low is normal and expected. Again others should help much more. i am a newb myself.

  5. #5
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    You need many more labs than just what you presented here, see the sticky on Finding a TRT Doc and look at the follow-up labs.

    Any rate:

    Jan.29 2013 (Taken on 6th day after last shot)
    Test, Serum = 888 (347-1197)
    Looks good but we really need to see Free Testosterone or Bioavailable at this point.

    LH = 0.2 (1.7-8.6)
    FSH = 0.2 (1.5-12.4)
    You're HPTA suppressed so these are going to be're shutdown now.

    Estradiol = 61.3 (7.6-42.6)
    E2 is too high. It's converting a lot of your Testosterone into E2. You need to get this under control with the use of an AI as soon as you can.

    Personally, I think your HCG dosages to excessive; you would do well at half the dosage. It would save you money and help reduce your E2 levels as well.

    Did you have your thyroid checked or prolactin levels checked before you started this protocol to rule out other reasons for you low serum levels???

  6. #6
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    I just looked at your posted labs on Jan 3 and it's missing a lot of critical labs we need to make an accurate assessment of your situation.

    No labs done on Thyroid BUT did you see your LH value? It's at the top of the reference range YET your Testosterone serum levels are low.

    LH (Luteinizing Hormone) IS the hormone necessary to signal the receptors on the leydig cells on your Testes to produce sex hormones.

    Normally, in age related androgen deficiency LH values are low hence low testosterone production BUT your LH levels are excellent.

    Now add to it that your pre TRT protocol reflected actually very low E2 levels and it all signals that there may be a medical condition behind your low Testosterone serum levels.

    Any number of things can cause this and a condition with your Testes may be the one you want to rule out first and foremost. Tumors, cancer or testicular varicoceles can cause this to happen.

    Did you get a diagnosis of Primary or Secondary Hypogonadism before you started your protocol.

    If I were you I would want to rule out all possible medical conditions and/or pathologies.

    Just throwing Testosterone at your symptoms without further medical testing is doing you a huge injustice IMO.


  7. #7
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    could his E2 be so high because he is doing a single dose every 10 days? Maybe breaking into 2 doses could help lower it? Idk, just a curious thought.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    could his E2 be so high because he is doing a single dose every 10 days? Maybe breaking into 2 doses could help lower it? Idk, just a curious thought.
    No. there's more going on here...

  9. #9
    Repsol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    I just looked at your posted labs on Jan 3 and it's missing a lot of critical labs we need to make an accurate assessment of your situation.

    No labs done on Thyroid BUT did you see your LH value? It's at the top of the reference range YET your Testosterone serum levels are low.

    LH (Luteinizing Hormone) IS the hormone necessary to signal the receptors on the leydig cells on your Testes to produce sex hormones.

    Normally, in age related androgen deficiency LH values are low hence low testosterone production BUT your LH levels are excellent.

    Now add to it that your pre TRT protocol reflected actually very low E2 levels and it all signals that there may be a medical condition behind your low Testosterone serum levels.

    Any number of things can cause this and a condition with your Testes may be the one you want to rule out first and foremost. Tumors, cancer or testicular varicoceles can cause this to happen.

    Did you get a diagnosis of Primary or Secondary Hypogonadism before you started your protocol.

    If I were you I would want to rule out all possible medical conditions and/or pathologies.

    Just throwing Testosterone at your symptoms without further medical testing is doing you a huge injustice IMO.

    Thanks for the detailed reply gd.

    I did have more BW taken in December which included my Thyroid, T3 and T4, and those came back good. Don't have my papers here with me but will post those tests when I get back home tonight.

    I did not get any diagnosis of Primary or Secondary Hypo. Basically both my current Wellness clinic doc, and the first GP I saw focused mainly on the Test and Free Test numbers. I had to take tests on my own so I could get E2, LH, FSH.

    So how can I determine primary or secondary? I found the comment below, can someone tell me if this is accurate? If so, then according to this, I am considered Primary?

    "In primary hypogonadism, your lh - leutenizing hormone - / FSH - follicle stimulating hormone - levels are high while your test levels are low.

    In secondary hypogonadism, your lh - leutenizing hormone - / FSH - follicle stimulating hormone - levels are low as well as your test levels."

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