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  1. #1
    chickenstirfry is offline Junior Member
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    Does the HCG estrogen spike subside with continued use?

    Hi guys,

    I am currently using 250iu's twice per week with 50mg test prop every other day...
    Everytime after the HCG shot I get typical high e2 symptoms, bloat, anxiety, fatigue etc.

    How some of you guys are running HCG without an AI is beyond me! Does the e2 spike effect subside after some time of continued use with HCG?


  2. #2
    EverettCD's Avatar
    EverettCD is offline Member
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    Good question, I would like to know also.

    One of the knowledgeable guy's will post up soon.

  3. #3
    chickenstirfry is offline Junior Member
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    Just putting in a small bump for this and asking also...

    If the e2 spike from HCG does not subside, does Exemestane more effectively 'penetrate' the testicles to deal with intra-testicular aromatisation than Arimidex does?]

    Many thanks bros

  4. #4
    athletic.guy is offline Associate Member
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    My opinion is that the e2 spike is not from aromatizing test, I believe it spike directly from the gland. I only assume this because of blood test and HCG / aromasin adjustments during a 750mg test e cycle.

    That's my opinion....

  5. #5
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm wondering about this too. Endo wants me on mono Hcg at 2000iu twice a week. I've been on 200mg cyp,600iu 2xp.w. Anastrozole .5 2xp.w.

    Wondering how much e2 boost will come with high dose mono therapy. been holding at 23 e level.

  6. #6
    vmons01 is offline Junior Member
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    Six weeks into my treatment my E2 spiked pretty high. I was put on an Ai for about 5-6 months at which point I was taken off because my E2 levels stabalized at about 23 (sensitive). Haven't been on since (for about a year). I was told at the beginning of treatment that a lot of guys need it only for a short duration of time until their body adjusts to the increased test. I am on 145 mg Test Cyp per week and 250x2 HCG per week. I am 5'10", 175 lbs, 12% bf.

  7. #7
    Trevtrev's Avatar
    Trevtrev is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vmons01 View Post
    Six weeks into my treatment my E2 spiked pretty high. I was put on an Ai for about 5-6 months at which point I was taken off because my E2 levels stabalized at about 23 (sensitive). Haven't been on since (for about a year). I was told at the beginning of treatment that a lot of guys need it only for a short duration of time until their body adjusts to the increased test. I am on 145 mg Test Cyp per week and 250x2 HCG per week. I am 5'10", 175 lbs, 12% bf.
    What was your AI dose?

  8. #8
    athletic.guy is offline Associate Member
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    When I was on a heavy cycle 750mg test e, tren e 400mg, I used hcg @ 500iu e3d for the entire 12 week cycle and 50mg ed of aromasin couldn't control my e2, so I dropped to 250iu e5d and could control e2 with much less aromasin and left the test and tren at the same dose.

    I might try 100iu eod or possibly ed next time around.

    OH AND TO ANSWER THE OP, NO THE ESTROGEN SPIKE DOES NOT IMPROVE OVER TIME IN MY OPINION, but I only use hcg during long heavy cycles and a little into PCT. the longest I've used hcg is 20 weeks and the e2 styed high the entire time due to the hcg.
    Last edited by athletic.guy; 01-01-2014 at 07:49 PM.

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