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  1. #1
    Mr Bill's Avatar
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    Arimidex dose and timing question?

    This was my protocal when I went in for lab work:

    140mg test cyp every 5 days
    .5 AI 2x per week 1 and 3 days after test
    250units HCG 2 and 1 day before test
    .75 Synthroid for thyroid
    muti vitamin at lunch
    ZMA before bed

    These are the results of my labs.

    testosterone , serum 805 348-1197 ng/dL
    free testosterone(direct) 20.6 6.8-21.5 pg/mL
    dihydrotestosterone 74 ng/dL no range given
    prostate specific ag, serum 0.7 0.0-4.0 ng/mL
    rbc 5.94 4.14-5.80 x10E6/uL HIGH
    hematocrit 50.7 37.5-51.0 %
    prolactin 9.7 4.0-15.2 ng/mL
    estradiol 19.8 7.6-42.6 pg/mL
    estradiol, sensitive 45 3-70 pg/mL

    Since I am having some ED issues and my estradiol came back a little high I want to get it back down in the mid 20 range and see if everything goes back to normal.

    My question is will raising my AI dose to 1 1/2mg work to bring down my estadiol number?
    What would be the best doseing schedual for the 5 day injection protocal that I am useing?
    Can takeing more AI at first bring the numbers down quicker?

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    First of all, I wouldn't bother with taking more AI at first... I would just make the change and leave it at that.

    However, I personally don't think that E2 is really that high. In fact, it could go a little higher and it wouldn't concern me personally. If I had your exact numbers and wanted to change anything... I'd actually lower the T dose. if that is your T level 5 days after a shot, then you're basically living most of your life "above range." More is not more when it comes to quality of life!

    The reality of this change would actually bring your T into a better range and would be expected to bring the E2 down a little as well.

    Of course, it's important for me to comment that I don't know you, your history, your past success on TRT, etc etc... I'm merely commenting on what you're showing right here at this snapshot in time.

  3. #3
    lacey23 is offline Junior Member
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    E2's probably not high ( depending on SHBG). I really would advocate against touching the arimidex . I know when things aren't right it seems like a good idea to tinker. But, tinkering with arimidex is a dangerous game as it's not suicidal.

    It is hard to say without a more complete picture. But, if the ED isn't that bad, I'd advocate leaving everything the same, and then just adding in a daily dose of cialis.

    I'de be donating some blood pretty soon if I were you.

    Edit- Wait a minute. Didn't see there was 2 different E2 tests. That's a really big difference in pg/ml's, jeez.
    Last edited by lacey23; 01-26-2013 at 05:08 PM.

  4. #4
    Rusty11's Avatar
    Rusty11 is offline Senior Member
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    Both of the above guys are giving good, sound advice. And, I agree about the daily dose of cialis. Like HRT stated, I don't know you or your history.
    PLEASE don't be one of those guys who starts a thread titled, "HELP, I've crashed my e2". So many guys seem to be doing this. Anyway, follow the experts here.

  5. #5
    lacey23 is offline Junior Member
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    I would also like to add something to my above post.

    If your mood, energy is good, and ED isn't bad I'd do what i suggested above, But, if ED is bad enough that cialis isn't going to get you over the hump on its own, I would consider moving to a suicidal AI like Aromasin .

    Going by blood work can be tricky these days for E2, and arimidex is not something that can be tinkered with well. It can take quite a while to get it right. I've gone too low E2 on 0.1mg E3d. And, then when I stopped for a couple days ED improved, but the flood of aromatase (due to arimidex not killing aromatase) then creates a wave of E2 that becomes quite hard to control. Then it's almost like you are back where you started. It seemed like with Arimidex I would get about 1 week of feeling good, and then follow that by a long time of not feeling good/waiting for a Dr's appointment so I would know if E2 was actually high or low. That is not true for everyone, but a lot of people seem to have trouble with it. To properly dose Arimidex it seems like you need to wait out the rough patches (which can be long), make small changes, and can take a decent chunk of time to get it right.

    With aromasin you can go by how you 'feel' a lot better instead of relying on BW as much. Imo it's easier to distinguish if E2 is high or low. The half life is lower so you notice the changes quicker. You can start very low, and increase the dose small amounts untill you feel good. And, if you increase it too much and back off it, it is a lot easier to control as there is no 'flood' of estrogen. Once you find a dose that relieves symptoms you can just stick with it. If at that dose you are in a good mood, no bloat, good energy, but erections are only 80% then maybe add in a daily dose of cialis.

    Just something to consider if you aren't currently in the ballpark of the 'sweet spot'.

  6. #6
    Mr Bill's Avatar
    Mr Bill is offline Junior Member
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    First of all, I wouldn't bother with taking more AI at first... I would just make the change and leave it at that.

    However, I personally don't think that E2 is really that high. In fact, it could go a little higher and it wouldn't concern me personally. If I had your exact numbers and wanted to change anything... I'd actually lower the T dose. if that is your T level 5 days after a shot, then you're basically living most of your life "above range." More is not more when it comes to quality of life!

    The reality of this change would actually bring your T into a better range and would be expected to bring the E2 down a little as well.

    Of course, it's important for me to comment that I don't know you, your history, your past success on TRT, etc etc... I'm merely commenting on what you're showing right here at this snapshot in time.

    I have been on this road for almost three years now. First the Endo with the gel who crashed me and then wanted me to go off for 90 day and then get lab work done. Then the Urologist who gave me a 300mg shot and wanted to get labs done in three weeks and that would tell him how much my shot was gone to be on the 4th week. So he was setting me up for a huge shot every 4 weeks, no thanks. Then on to a clinic to get a full weekly protocal and now my GP Doc. GP is not as up on TRT like the clinic but willing to learn and my script is covered by insurance. My T dose has been moved up from 100mg every 7 days to 200mg every 7 days over those years. My numbers when I was at 180mg were 560 total and 14.3 free and I still felt off. When I was bumped up to 200mg my numbes came back at 860 total and 21.6 free. My E2 sensitive number was 24 when I started the injections and then I started having labido issues the E2 test came back at 45. I was then put on 1mg arimidex per week. Started to get better after a couple weeks. On the 200mg every 7 days I would feel off by the end of the week so we changed to the every 5 day schedual at 140mg. The ED issues started as delayed orgasm, not a bad thing at first LOL. Now its affecting labido and thats a problem. I know when everthing is ballanced out I have no ED of labido issues. Just having problem staying ballanced.

  7. #7
    Mr Bill's Avatar
    Mr Bill is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lacey23 View Post
    E2's probably not high ( depending on SHBG). I really would advocate against touching the arimidex . I know when things aren't right it seems like a good idea to tinker. But, tinkering with arimidex is a dangerous game as it's not suicidal.

    It is hard to say without a more complete picture. But, if the ED isn't that bad, I'd advocate leaving everything the same, and then just adding in a daily dose of cialis.

    I'de be donating some blood pretty soon if I were you.

    Edit- Wait a minute. Didn't see there was 2 different E2 tests. That's a really big difference in pg/ml's, jeez.
    I was thinking about adding cialis, but I know if I can stay ballanced everthing works great.
    My RBC numbers have alway been high even before TRT. I was looking into giveing blood but they dont want it if you travel in the carribean. You have to not have traveled for 6 months for them to take it.
    The one test is Estradiol and the other is Estradiol sensitive

  8. #8
    Mr Bill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty11 View Post
    Both of the above guys are giving good, sound advice. And, I agree about the daily dose of cialis. Like HRT stated, I don't know you or your history.
    PLEASE don't be one of those guys who starts a thread titled, "HELP, I've crashed my e2". So many guys seem to be doing this. Anyway, follow the experts here.
    I don't want to be that guy either! LOL

  9. #9
    ctenosaura's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lacey23 View Post
    I would also like to add something to my above post.

    If your mood, energy is good, and ED isn't bad I'd do what i suggested above, But, if ED is bad enough that cialis isn't going to get you over the hump on its own, I would consider moving to a suicidal AI like Aromasin.
    Why do you consider these suicidal? If I have to take an AI, and had to choose from Arimidex or Aromasin , why would I choose from the other?

  10. #10
    lacey23 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ctenosaura View Post
    Why do you consider these suicidal? If I have to take an AI, and had to choose from Arimidex or Aromasin, why would I choose from the other?
    aromasin is a suicidial AI. To lower E2 it kills the aromatase.

    Arimidex is binds to aromatase rendering it inert. However, when you stop taking/or reduce your dose, the aromatase that was bound up now becomes active again.

    The problem with that is that you end up with a flood of E2 that is hard to control. However, with Aromasin -because it kills the aromatase- you don't get that rebound/flood of E2. Your E2 just slowly raisese back up as your body starts producing more aromatase.

  11. #11
    Mr Bill's Avatar
    Mr Bill is offline Junior Member
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    OK, back to the original questions.

    What is the best way to take AI on a 5 day protocall?
    Is it best to take the full dose 24 hours after your shot or break the dose in half or thirds?

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