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Thread: test levels..

  1. #1
    rbm33 is offline Junior Member
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    test levels..

    hi all

    my stats are...
    46 yrs old
    185 lbs
    currently about 11% bf

    i have done a couple cycles of tren with erally good results and without most of the dreaded tren side effects.

    i recently had my test levels checked and it was running 350 so my dr. started an injection of 150mg of test cyp per week and a small amount of estrogen blocker once a week. after a month of injections my test level jumped up to 1050 and my estrogen lever was 50. so currently the plan is to stick with the 150 mg per week of the cyp and bump up my estrogen blocker a bit to lower my estrogen levels.

    what my question is is if i start of cycle of equapoise and possibyl add another 350mg of test cyp on top of the 150 im gettign from the dr. what will that do to my blood work results that he has me taking once a month??

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Why the rush to add more compounds? He has you doing BW once a month? If that's the case, your Doc will definitely know you're up to something. While your E2 will raise eventually, your Total & Free Test levels will surely be off the charts not to mention an increase in your hematocrit & lipids profile. Now that you're on TRT for life (Doc should have discussed this) you'd be better off getting dialed in for at least a year before considering any type of blast. Remember, TRT is for the rest of your life now in order for you to maintain optimal health. Screwing around with this equation can only be detrimental. Forgot to add that you can also make great gains on your TRT dose alone of 150 mgs/week anyway...
    Last edited by APIs; 02-27-2013 at 02:22 PM.

  3. #3
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    what my question is is if i start of cycle of equapoise and possibyl add another 350mg of test cyp on top of the 150 im gettign from the dr. what will that do to my blood work results that he has me taking once a month??

    What do you think is going to happen?

    Your testosterone serum levels are going to be in the supraphysiological levels and he's going to see it right away and probably dismiss you if he's ethical.

    You'd need to wait out the half life of the Test and Equapoise (I'd be concerned about very elevated RBC count) before blood work if you don't want him to know.

    This might be a better question for the aas Q&A forum, we don't cycle in the HRT forum.

  4. #4
    rbm33 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guys. It sounds like i should wait awhile before i stack anytHing, and like was posted i should be able to make good gains with just 150mg.

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rbm33 View Post
    Thanks guys. It sounds like i should wait awhile before i stack anytHing, and like was posted i should be able to make good gains with just 150mg.
    good call

  6. #6
    EverettCD's Avatar
    EverettCD is offline Member
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    As the resident experts have stated, just wait it out until you get your TRT stabilized. You will thank yourself later.

    Quote Originally Posted by rbm33 View Post
    Thanks guys. It sounds like i should wait awhile before i stack anytHing, and like was posted i should be able to make good gains with just 150mg.

  7. #7
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Lol, hrt isn't about getting good gains.

  8. #8
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreadnok89
    Lol, hrt isn't about getting good gains.
    Yeah....that comment seemed a little unusual. HRT/TRT is designed to elevate low T and if done correctly, normalize hormones in an age dependent fashion. Doses provided will certainly help with strength, fatigue, and perhaps regulate abdominal fat better IF combined with appropriate nutrition. TRT is not a steroid cycle developed to promote enormous muscle gains. It'll help gym performance but shouldn't be viewed as an approach tantamount to anabolic steroid cycles.

  9. #9
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    In addition to the great advise you've received ... This might be the best time to actually optimize your program. You stated 150mg took your serum over the 1,000ng mark, which in turn has increased your E2; warranting the need for some AI. You could probably achieve a greater balance by finding away to stay in the 700-to-800 range, which might reduce (or maybe eliminate) the need for any AI at all. There are some considerations for this, including free and bio T, so to help we need a broader picture.

    If you have any recent labs, we could comment further, give some suggestions, and possibly help you optimize your overall program with looking upstream and downstream, and in other areas beyond testosterone . Have patience as you get your protocol put together.

  10. #10
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreadnok89 View Post
    Lol, hrt isn't about getting good gains.
    No, but the OP stated an interest in it therefore it's an important aspect to him. Just like many others here whom choose to maximize on it. Part of the package IMO...
    Last edited by APIs; 02-27-2013 at 06:37 PM.

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