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  1. #1
    KRutko is offline New Member
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    Nov 2012

    Effects of lowering estradiol

    Can anyone help shed some insight into what may be some typical symptoms experienced while Estradiol levels are decreasing? I just started Dr. prescribed arimidex .5mg last Sunday due to an ultra-sensitive Estradiol level of 74. Feeling very thick headed, foggy, sleeping very poorly...Just wondering if there are any "typical" symptoms experienced.

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    I believe the symptoms are similar to high E2 levels.

    Im sure a TRT Specialist will chime in shortly. In the meantime, take a quick peek at this.*27.html?cat=5
    Last edited by MickeyKnox; 02-28-2013 at 10:12 AM.

  3. #3
    KRutko is offline New Member
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    Nov 2012
    Thanks for responding. I just tried the link and it says it cannot be found on this server.?

  4. #4
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Yeah that's weird..

    Here it is in full text..

    The Dangers of Low Estrogen in Men

    Dan N Gregory
    Dan N Gregory,

    Estrogen, although generally regarded as the female hormone - plays a very critical role in men's health as well. As fitness enthusiasts and / or bodybuilders, you may be generally advised to keep estrogen levels to a minimum; by means of aromatase inhibitors or SERMs. But if you do not have high estrogen levels, and they are within the normal range, should you still decrease it ?

    It is wise to be careful in these situations. Low estrogen in men is now linked to bone loss - and a decrease in bone density. Even if you have high testosterone / DHT, you still may have cracking in your joints when accompanied with low estrogen. Low estrogen levels also can lead to the weakening of your adrenal glands, and this can even cause certain forms of depression. Since estrogen helps increase serotonin in the brain, low levels cause may cause you to become impulsive, irritable, depressed or even manic. You may have trouble communicating your point in a speech, and obsessive (intrusive) thoughts have been reported when estrogen levels decrease too much. You may feel lethargic and fatigued as well. You may also withdraw from friends / family, trust may feel like a burden.

    Your libido may also take a drop, although erections will probably be just as strong or stronger as long as you have sufficient DHT levels. However the emotional output of your sex drive may be dampened and you may feel a bit blunted in general actually. Delayed ejaculation is common when estrogen is on the low side. Your heart pump can also be affected by low estrogen levels, stronger beats but a lessened heart rate are commonly reported.

    Estrogen deficiency in men can also cause skin changes, including darkening of the areola (skin around nipple). You may also have hair follicle disturbances and / or excessive hair growth. Your skin may become more pigmented, or it could become pale looking. The pale looking effect is due to adrenal insufficiency whereas increased pigmentation would be correlative of a high melanocyte-stimulating-hormone output.

    So as an overview, the effects of low estrogen in men are as follows.

    Decrease in bone density; bone loss.
    Joint Cracking or Soreness
    Lack of libido - but powerful erections in the case of sufficient DHT levels.
    Heart pump changes, fluttering sensation due to lower blood pressure.
    Skin changes; hyperpigmentation or pale-looking skin.
    Hair follicle inflammation - excessive hair growth.
    Fatigue and depression.
    Anxiety / Obsessions
    Blunted emotion.
    Lack of trust for others; jealousy.

    Estrogen deficiency and / or low estrogen is commonly not the most welcome of hormonal imbalance for women, and men seem to be just as affected by low estrogen as women, maybe even more. This is not to say that you want to spike estrogen significantly, but if it is low just try to raise it enough to get it in the normal range. You only need small quantities of estrogen if you are a guy between ages 18 - 30. To boost estrogen levels, first discontinue aromatase inhibitors. If you are already off of anti-estrogen's, consider supplementing with boron - a mineral that increases estrogen dose-dependently.

  5. #5
    KRutko is offline New Member
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    I was curious if there were any specific typical feelings/effects while estradiol was going down, not just effects of low estradiol. I could be wrong, and I'll have to wait until my labs come back from my last blood draw, but I doubt my estradiol is too low as I've only taken two .5mg pills to date. I've done research on effects of hight and low estrogen levels. My concern is if I am experiencing any effects typical to the drug or if it is an effect of the estrogen level actively dropping. Like "hot flashes", is that an effect of the estrogen going down or due to the drug itself and if it is a result of the estrogen going down, will they stop once the estradiol level has plateaued and maintained? Thanks again for your valuable time and input.

  6. #6
    LevMyshkin's Avatar
    LevMyshkin is offline Junior Member
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    Hey KR,

    I experienced what you're describing when I start my TRT with Arimidex . Was on .5mg/week. Well, as me and my TRT doc figured out, the .5mg all at once was crashing my E2 out WAY too low. So what I do now is take .25mg about 24 hours post injection and then another .25 48 hours post injection. That's kept my subsequent BW E2 levels in the normal range without me just going crazy.

    Luckily, we have a compounding pharmacy here in the DFW are that crafts the .25mg A-dex capsules so there's no crazy spitting of those tiny pills.

    Not saying this is for sure something you should do, but might be something you look at.

  7. #7
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    USA, In the Tundra
    I have found that lowering E2 too quickly can cause some unpleasant symptoms. Try skipping your next dose, and then cutting the dose in half for next dose, stick with that for a week maybe, and ramp up to full dose over another week or two. If you aren't experiencing gyno symptoms, there is no pressing rush to get E2 lower very quickly.

  8. #8
    KRutko is offline New Member
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    It is no fun as I'm sure you can relate. Thanks for the tips. I did have some nipple sensitivity last Saturday, which is why I started the Arimidex . As of today, with the second dose taken yesterday, the nipple sensitivity is gone, thankfully! I will cut the dose in half (.25mg) until I get my labs back and see where my E2 is doing. Thanks!

  9. #9
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Good luck KRutko. Keep us posted.

  10. #10
    KRutko is offline New Member
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    Will do. Thanks

  11. #11
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Sep 2012
    Ive had high and low. Low is def worse. For me

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