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  1. #1
    samwalt is offline New Member
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    Cool Lab results in. I feel 'Ok' but some things look strange

    Greeting everyone.

    I'm turning 30 in the next couple days, so I went to get my blood work and some things look at least, 'sub-optimal.'


    Tsh 3.5 uiu/ml Range 0.5-4.7 uiu/ml - seems sub-clinical hypothyroidism

    Test total 610 ng/dl 292-1052 ng/dl - not THAT bad, if this were the only thing, I wouldn't complain.

    Test, free 7.5 ng/dl 4.8-25 ng/dl - why so low? as % of T? I just read that free T, is most important (I'm new to this)

    SHBG 73 16-94 nmol/l - why so high? if I can lower this, and stop binding, will it boost free?

    DHEA 284 240-549 ug/dl - is this cause or effect of low thyroid? or other shutdown?

    I got the 'overall wellness' for some base numbers, so they didn't give me greater detail on these items.
    I read the main threads and other topics for answers first, and noticed other members with their estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, estradiol, cortisol, T3 & 4 levels added in (if I need any others - let me know). I'm looking for a place to test these too. Hopefully, I'll have by next week.

    My stats and cycle history.

    History: I can't remember the doses on the first two. Sorry
    10 years ago winstrol
    8 years ago 6 weeks - tren , eq, low test - serious car wreck interrupted cycle - no real pct - probably the WORST SHUTDOWN
    4 years ago 10 weeks - test cyp 500 mg/week, eq 500 mg/week, arimidex . 6 week pct: nolva, clomid, hcg .

    About me now.
    I'm mainly concerned with my overall health now, rather then muscle/strength (perhaps this psychology is part of the low T - haha)
    6 ft 1, 195 lb, 9-10% bf, good strength/weight, eat clean from habit, and I'd consider myself rather happy, with low stress.
    I run, play basketball, and lift. A sort of Mentzer routine, all compound, 2 x's week.

    I have at times noticed a bit of fatigue over the years. I have a friend or two that eats the same and stays 1-2% bf lower. My libido is pretty good
    now, but it was always very high before, and now it's just kinda normal. Sometimes I might sleep more then normal.

    I'm also worried about any age related slide and how it'll be in 10 years. Being too low seems as unhealthy as too high.

    Lemme know what you think???? Thanks!!

  2. #2
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    By no means is your testosterone low. Outside of some extreme androgen resistance, only a fool for a doctor would treat someone with a T of 600+ as an initial therapy.

    Your TSH sticks out to me though. 3.5 is very high, although "in range." If I were to do anything, I would look at nutritional deficiencies and thyroid. You would be well to get a complete thyroid panel such as t3 and t4 free and total, reverse t3, and antibodies.

    Numerous nutritional deficiencies can negatively impact your thyroid as well...

    If I had your numbers, TRT wouldn't even be on my radar. Your SHBG might be higher than you like, but it's also necessary. Numerous things can raise or lower it, but it's a byproduct of treating other areas of health - you wouldn't directly try to manipulate SHBG.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Agree with HRT, especially on the thyroid. When it comes to shbg, add vit D3 to your protocol as it will help to reduce it which allows more free T. Also important for thyroid as well...
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  4. #4
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    I concur with the two wise ones above.

    Get a complete Thyroid work up done...FT4, FT3, RT3 and antibodies.

    Start taking 50mg of DHEA every morning along with and as kel noted 5000 to 10000 units of D3 as this will lower your SHBG and free up more of your bioavailable testosterone .

  5. #5
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Agree with what's being stated above.

    Your free testosterone is at 1.22%. It would be good to see this in the 2% to 3% zone. If you get your SHBG down in the 30's, even 20's, you should see your free testosterone double. Being that this variable is where it's at, for grins, I would also like to see your E2 sensitive assay to see where your estrogen sits with this.

    Anything out of the ordinary with your CBC's or lipids?

    Last thought on the thryroid ... In addition to what GD referenced, please include ferritin and iron. All of it is important.

  6. #6
    samwalt is offline New Member
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    Ok, sounds good guys, thanks
    I've been eating well, but I'll have to learn how to tweak for this situation.

    My lipids were good.
    131 Total cholesterol
    58 HDL
    63 LDL
    1.09 'Risk ratio' LDL/HDL
    Psa and glucose (93) were good
    My wbc were a bit low at 41

    I'll get the T3, T4 and all the others.

    I've been taking a D vitamin with my Calcium, but it's cholecalciferol, so I'll get a new one.

    I would have started DHEA but I'm a bit worried about any shutdown. Not sure if it could only shutdown DHEA (which I'm not producing much of anyway) or actual test or the dose is insignificant?
    Talking with 3 of my friends, a doctor, neuroscience student and a bodybuilder, they suggested DHEA with Progesterone?..
    The idea being that I noticed the suppression after tren , and without stacking test, it likely lowered progesterone (maybe also raising estrogen).
    In turn, the low thyroid and progesterone could hold down DHEA, which would hold down test a bit.
    But I don't know how any of these compounds effect the body and I'm a bit trigger shy, plus we're probably all idiots for diagnosing these things.

    thanks again

  7. #7
    samwalt is offline New Member
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    And I mean, after, I get my estrogen, progesterone levels tested too, of course.
    I think I might get my cortisol levels too.

  8. #8
    samwalt is offline New Member
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    Ok, thanks for the help guys.

    I do have my lipids, they were good.
    131 totol cholesterol
    58 hdl
    63 ldl
    wbc's were a bit low at 41
    psa was real low

    I've been taking a D supplement with my calcium, but I just noticed it's not D3.

    I'll grab some DHEA. I was a bit worried about any shutdown, not sure if it suppresses DHEA only (which I'm low in anyways) or actual Test.

    I also talked with a pharmacist friend, a neuroscience student and a bodybuilding buddy after I posted this, and we've come up with a possible theory together.
    I noticed the shutdown after the Tren , and since there was no Test, it probably elevated progesterone, which could hold down thyroid, then these two could suppress dhea, which could contribute to lower then possible test. but we don't know how the shbg would fit in here.

    So this would suggest Dhea with progesterone? This doesn't seem like it'd jumpstart me, just make me take some pills forever, and it could be a complex response.
    I still have much research to do. I'm well aware I don't know anything about this.
    Any thoughts on this? I'm at least going to get my estrogen, progesterone and cortisol levels with my other thyroid metrics.

    The previous post, was me attempting to add on to this same post (which I just rewrote differently) which got canceled out of my screen or something.

    thanks again everybody

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