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  1. #1
    greengo is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    blood work: very high estrogen but also high test.


    So I recently got some blood work done after 2 major shoulder operations gave me fibromyalgia (or at least closest diagnoses)

    I am a 30yr old male and never did any anabolic steroids or trt or hrt. after these results my doc put me on omnitrope, testogel, with arimidex . all low doses. But I have not agreed to the testogel only started omnitrope.

    After my op: i started getting joint pain, weakness, and looseness. It feels my ligaments are streching too much and it hurts a lot. I should add I was found to have severe vitamin D deficiency and have had 3 injections which brought it up but it dropped again. I think I don't absorb vitamin D very well. Have had loads of daily supps too. Maybe osteoperosis?

    Anyway I am considering running only arimidex to lower estrogen but I read that estrogen is great for joints. Could this make my joints even worse? and anybody know how its possible to have high test and high estrogen naturally?


    Growth hormone 1.52 ng/24u 0-10

    Pregnenolone -2.89 ng/mL 3.90-13.50

    DHEA sulfate 190 µg/dL 140-530

    Somatomedin-C (IGF-1) 243 ng/mL 190-490

    IGFBP-3 3.51 mg/L 2.96-4.96

    IGFBP-3/IGF1 3.81 mol/mol 0-4.5

    Estradiol +45 ng/L <30

    Estrone +63 pg/mL 10-60

    Progesterone 0.51 µg/L 0-1

    Testosterone 7089 pg/mL 3000-10000

    Testosteron free +284 pg/mL 50-280
    Last edited by greengo; 03-08-2013 at 11:29 PM.

  2. #2
    greengo is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Why does the format of the post close all the gaps. Trying to keep the spaces between the results and range etc. but it keeps bringing them closer together

  3. #3
    junk2222yard's Avatar
    junk2222yard is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    To format your results with good spacing use the table icon and put stuff in different cells. (Though you get ful credit for using the real "micro" ("µ") symbols!)

  4. #4
    greengo is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

  5. #5
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Aug 2009
    I don't see anything wrong with your testosterone score, if that's the baseline number?

    On the estrogen, I can't really comment without seeing a Estradiol senstitive assay.

    It would also be good to see your SHBG level. Your free test is showing 4%, which is quite high. I'd like to know if your SHBG is really that low? If so, then that would probably be your culprit for an excessive amount of conversion downstream to E2. Again, an E2 senstive lab will paint a better picture.

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