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  1. #1
    Jredwine's Avatar
    Jredwine is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2004

    Hi Estradiol...what to do

    I am hoping for some advice as where this high E2 may be coming from.

    I just had labs run on 2/25/13.

    Right now my schedule is as follows:

    Daily: 50mg DHEA, 50mg Preg, 5000iu Vit D, 1400mg Fish Oil

    Sunday: 50mg Test Cyp + 250iu HCG
    Monday: .25mg Arimidex (Pharm grade/Prescribed)
    Tuesday: 250iu HCG
    Wednesday: 50mg Test Cyp
    Thursday: .25mg Arimidex

    My Estradiol was 72 pg/mL with the range being 20pg/mL

    My Total test was only 595 with the range being 250-1100, Free was 113 with the range being 35-155.

    DHEA-S was 284 with the range being 110-370.

    All labs are Quest Diags.

    I am thinking the HCG is what is causing this. Is there any way to avoid these E2 spikes when using HCG?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Did you read the sticky on Estradiol and Management at the top of the forum?

    That's not enough HCG to cause the elevated E2.

    The initial general rule of thumb is 1 mg of an AI for every 100 mg of Test till blood work proves otherwise.

    I don't think the .50 mg/wk of your AI is enough for you on 100mg/wk Testosterone . You may be better served at .50 mg 24 hours after each injection than blood work in about 6 to 8 weeks to reassess.

  3. #3
    Jredwine's Avatar
    Jredwine is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah I've tried to go low and slow with the dex, though, as my last e2 came in at 13, so I backed off. Guess I'm gonna ramp it up again. My doc is very cool about it though and will give me what I need.

    Thanks for the input, I'm gonna try .75 dex and see how that goes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Remember, take the AI 24 hours after the Test injection so you get the two to peak at the same time in essence.

    The AI will bring it down and I think .75 is as good a dosage as well.

    Keep us posted my friend.

  5. #5
    TMan96's Avatar
    TMan96 is offline Associate Member
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    Just my 2 cents, but it might be your supplementation of DHEA. I know we all process and function differently. For me, when I tried the 50mg of DHEA it shot my estrogen up with that being the only variable factor. For me, I would like to eventually get off AI, so I have stopped the DHEA for now.

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