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  1. #1
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    How to get proper DHEA blood labs?

    What is the best way to get your DHEA-S lab results tested? My previous two test have come back low (25 & 50mg daily in 1 morning dose) and am currently waiting for my results from 1 daily morning dose of 100mg (LEF brand).

    All test have been in the morning (8-10am) and fasting... Due to the short half life, is this the best way to get accurate results? Or should I take DHEA in the morning and then get blood work done, say 3-5 hours later?

    Just trying to find out if my levels are truly as low as they are or if they are being skewed due to my fasting (usually slightly over 24hrs since previous DHEA intake)?

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    My Dr told me to take all my vitamins for the day when I went in for BW so I don't know that's always a part of the fasting.

    I don't take DHEA though but I can't think missing or taking one dose would skew your #'s.

    HRT or the other guys better versed in BW will have better info for you I'm sure.

  3. #3
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    I wouldn't expect a lot of DHEA to remain in your system after 24 hours. There could be some though (there was for me but much less than at a more "peak" time).

    If you already know your trough level is low, then I would get a more peak reading. That way, you can at least figure out if it is getting in your system.

    Be sure to take DHEA with fat/meals as well since this will improve absorption.

    Finally, what brand were you taking before? I do believe the LEF stuff is micronized. I never used it, but I had very large DHEAs increases from MRM brand of micronized DHEA 25mg. I took 1 pill with breakfast.

  4. #4
    FRDave's Avatar
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    I do take in the morning with about 15 grams of fat so im good there. I have had 4 test so far (no supplements / 25mg daily / 50 mg daily / waiting on results with 100 mg daily). All test were taken the day after supplementation... For instance, if I took DHEA at 7am on Tuesday morning, I would have got blood work Wednesday morning while fasting with no DHEA intake that morning.

    As for brands, I have tried MRM, Nutricology and Life Extension.

    So I am thinking due to the half life, my levels may be fine yet the reading is showing low since it has been nearly 24 hours or slighly more between DHEA intake and testing :-/

    My estrogen has shot up nearly 20 points so maybe I will drop back down to 50 mg daily and just split up the dosage into 2 daily doses of 25mg daily. I should probably just get the MRM brand again as well, hmmm.

    Thanks for the responses guys,

  5. #5
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    I do take in the morning with about 15 grams of fat so im good there. I have had 4 test so far (no supplements / 25mg daily / 50 mg daily / waiting on results with 100 mg daily). All test were taken the day after supplementation... For instance, if I took DHEA at 7am on Tuesday morning, I would have got blood work Wednesday morning while fasting with no DHEA intake that morning.

    As for brands, I have tried MRM, Nutricology and Life Extension.

    So I am thinking due to the half life, my levels may be fine yet the reading is showing low since it has been nearly 24 hours or slighly more between DHEA intake and testing :-/

    My estrogen has shot up nearly 20 points so maybe I will drop back down to 50 mg daily and just split up the dosage into 2 daily doses of 25mg daily. I should probably just get the MRM brand again as well, hmmm.

    Thanks for the responses guys,
    If everything else was the same except your dose of DHEA then it's pretty reasonable to think it might have contributed to your elevated estradiol. DHEA will aromatize.

    Given what you've just said, I would reiterate my opinion earlier, in that I would be interested to see a reading closer to the peak... maybe 3-5 hours after the dose.

    Also, if you find you need more DHEA it might be worth considering multi doses. Not only will this provide you with higher levels over time, but it might help levels over all. That's because DHEA upregulates enzymes in the liver to eliminate it (as well as other drugs associated with P450) so the more you take, the more your body becomes efficient at eliminating it. Taking smaller doses may help prevent this to some degree.

    My biggest concern, though, would be aromatization.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post
    If everything else was the same except your dose of DHEA then it's pretty reasonable to think it might have contributed to your elevated estradiol. DHEA will aromatize.

    Given what you've just said, I would reiterate my opinion earlier, in that I would be interested to see a reading closer to the peak... maybe 3-5 hours after the dose.

    Also, if you find you need more DHEA it might be worth considering multi doses. Not only will this provide you with higher levels over time, but it might help levels over all. That's because DHEA upregulates enzymes in the liver to eliminate it (as well as other drugs associated with P450) so the more you take, the more your body becomes efficient at eliminating it. Taking smaller doses may help prevent this to some degree.

    My biggest concern, though, would be aromatization.

    It's hard for me to narrow down the increased estrogen specifically to DHEA since my Dr. had me up it to 100mg daily at the same time I started TRT. So it could be DHEA, HCG and/or the test itself, although I only inject 50mg test 2x a week via sub-q.

    I have made a few changes to my protocal so we shall see... Next time I will take the DHEA the morning of and get tested like 3-5 hours later as you suggested.

    Thanks for the help,

  7. #7
    Time1 is offline Banned
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    wtf is DHEA?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Time1 View Post
    wtf is DHEA?
    Check out the sticky here:

    Lots of good info if you do a google search as well.

    Hope this helps,

  9. #9
    Time1 is offline Banned
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    cheers mate

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