When you signup with LowTestosterone.com and you talk to the representative, please be honest with him. If you have used anabolic steroids in the recent past be honest and say you have. If you've been self-administering your own TRT be honest and say you have. If you're wanting to transfer from one TRT program to another, be honest about that.

You cannot get into trouble for telling the truth. I've been looking through some threads, a little searching and I see a common theme. A question is often asked "I'm going to the doctor, should I be honest with him about my steroid use ?" Many respond with "No, do not tell him" and this may be the worst advice you could give someone.

If you want to take advantage of the testosterone treatment we're making available, in order to get the most out of it you need to be honest. If you're not honest, as soon as your blood work comes in it is very easy to see you have not been telling the truth. Even if you have stopped all steroid use for several weeks, sometimes there are strong indicators that you have not been 100% honest. Further, if you are not honest, if you've been using steroid or are a transfer client, yet fail to make this known estradiol will not be tested in your initial blood panel, you'll have to wait six weeks for your second blood panel.

Some of you are doing yourself a diservice and we would like to encourage you to be as honest as possible as this will ensure you get the most out of what you're paying for.