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  1. #1
    Tron3219's Avatar
    Tron3219 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Estrogen metabolism

    Ok so it's been my understanding that trt doesn't require an ai most of the time. So say one were to cycle and drop to trt dose, if u stop ur ai at the end if ur cycle wouldn't that create an excess in estrogen? Especially if using adex because its just an inhibitor not a destroyer?

    If u drop ur test dosage say from 600mg to 150mg. Would u have to continue ai and slowly taper down till the half life brings test levels back to physiological levels and also allow the body to, I guess metabolize the excess estrogen?


  2. #2
    Tron3219's Avatar
    Tron3219 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    Ok so it's been my understanding that trt doesn't require an ai most of the time. So say one were to cycle and drop to trt dose, if u stop ur ai at the end if ur cycle wouldn't that create an excess in estrogen? Especially if using adex because its just an inhibitor not a destroyer?

    If u drop ur test dosage say from 600mg to 150mg. Would u have to continue ai and slowly taper down till the half life brings test levels back to physiological levels and also allow the body to, I guess metabolize the excess estrogen?

    Where did you get this information?

    Did you read the sticky at the top of the forum on Estradiol management.

    Also, are you talking about doing an aas cycle or life long TRT?

    Both are entirely different.

    If aas, go to the Q&A forum...but do your homework first.

  4. #4
    Trific's Avatar
    Trific is offline Member
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    Are you a TRT guy doing a cycle? At any rate I will limited knowledge would say yes to all your questions.

  5. #5
    Tron3219's Avatar
    Tron3219 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine

    Where did you get this information?

    Did you read the sticky at the top of the forum on Estradiol management.

    Also, are you talking about doing an aas cycle or life long TRT?

    Both are entirely different.

    If aas, go to the Q&A forum...but do your homework first.
    It's just what I've heard from a couple people, that their trt dose doesn't require an ai, and they/i may be wrong, thats why i was asking.

    And I was referring to someone that's on lifelong trt but does a cycle and after his cycle back to trt. If no ai on trt were true. Is there some type of transition that has to take place to get back to that. It was just one of those things one gets curious about.

    And no I didn't read that sticky. I didn't see it, I'll go to the actual website and look for it. It's hard for me to find stickies sometimes on the app.


  6. #6
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    And my apologies if u feel this is in the wrong section. I just figured it'd b the appropriate place since the objective is getting back to normal trt


  7. #7
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    Some men need an AI others don't; there are many variables that play into that and the sticky will help you understand that.

    Even if a man who is "dialed in" and doesn't need an AI on physiological levels of testosterone I would imagine that increasing that dosage to levels like 600 mg/wk that it would kick start the aromatization activity and an AI would be needed.

    At those levels its always E ---> T.

  8. #8
    Tron3219's Avatar
    Tron3219 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine
    Some men need an AI others don't; there are many variables that play into that and the sticky will help you understand that.

    Even if a man who is "dialed in" and doesn't need an AI on physiological levels of testosterone I would imagine that increasing that dosage to levels like 600 mg/wk that it would kick start the aromatization activity and an AI would be needed.

    At those levels its always E ---> T.
    I found it, and read it. And I know estrogen always follow testosterone . And with 600mg no doubt the aromatize toon would likely happen, and I'm assuming the estrogen follows the testosterone back to physiological levels as well. What I'm curious about is there a lag in estrogen reduction once u go back to trt. Because the on cycle dosage would clear within a few days (if using prop) and ur trt levels would be back to "dialed in". Would ur estrogen be high still that would cause u to draw the ai out longer?

    Maybe I'm over thinking it?


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    No, you're not over thinking it...just not thinking it through.

    You need to take the half life of Test Cyp into consideration when trying to estimate when Testosterone serum levels will normalize at the conclusion of the cycle.

    Testosterone has a half life of about 5 to 6 days give or take.

    So, if you know what your serum levels were from the time you suspended the cycle you could calculate how you body will continue to metabolize the testosterone till if settled down to normal TRT levels.

    From that you can estimate how to titrate down the use of an AI.

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