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  1. #1
    clarkster's Avatar
    clarkster is offline Junior Member
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    If anyone is using, we all (people looking for a TRT source) would love to hear about your experience with them. Are they in your city already? Did you fly to them etc?

  2. #2
    GeriatricOne's Avatar
    GeriatricOne is offline Associate Member
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    Yes, please share. I am teetering on the edge, tipping toward giving them a try. Just a little cautious after the start-up hiccup, although they appeared to have handled it well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Trust me, they are fine and the launch went well to be honest.

    They are signing up men as fast as they can and their launch was basically a soft one...they haven't even started their advertising yet!

    For all you get, and by trained TRT MD's who know what they are doing, it's so very hard to beat.

    I've been in the TRT world for over 4 years and never thought I'd see this.

    Give em a try fellows...I wouldn't steer you wrong.

    Oh yea, just give them 4 referrals and you get an entire year of therapy for FREE!

    Go beat that!

  4. #4
    GeriatricOne's Avatar
    GeriatricOne is offline Associate Member
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    On that challenge to beat that, GD, let me ask you a devils-advocate question... Why would I want to pay $2400/year instead of saving money by finding a doctor that will give me 3-6 months refills and a check up every 3-6 months?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    i think what gdevine likes is that these guys are highly trained and willing to work with you
    in a perfect world we would all find a dr within our insurance, but for many they give up before that happens.
    Quote Originally Posted by GeriatricOne View Post
    On that challenge to beat that, GD, let me ask you a devils-advocate question... Why would I want to pay $2400/year instead of saving money by finding a doctor that will give me 3-6 months refills and a check up every 3-6 months?

  6. #6
    BigSpanky's Avatar
    BigSpanky is offline Junior Member
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    I've been with them for about a month now. Like you I was skeptical in the beginning especially when there seemed to be problem after problem. The doc I had my first appointment with dropped out of the program the day of my appointment. I ended up driving 3 hours to the Houston clinic. The doctors there were great, they were excited to be part of the Low T network. I've dealt with Justin the whole time and he's kept his word with everything he's told me. I think they have all their issues ironed out except for not being in as many cities as originally anticipated, I wouldn't hesitate to join now.

  7. #7
    system admin is offline Owner
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    Thanks for the Nod guys! As with any new business there will be unforeseen issues but we have overcome many of those and will continue to improve.

    Geriatric one: The blood testing that we provide would cost the average person over $3,000 a year alone. If you were to pay for your own medication, the Testosterone , HCG , Anastrozole would run you around $1,700 or more per year and the doctors visits would be another $150-$300. Not to mention you are provided with doctors who are trained with the latest and most advanced protocols.

    If you have a testosterone level ABOVE 350, you can bet that almost NO INSURANCE COMPANY will cover your treatment and in MOST cases, even if you are lucky enough to get coverage, the insurance companies only cover a portion of your treatment. We offer you more than just treatment and medication.... We are committed to making sure you are well taken care of in all aspects of your treatment.

    Also, as GDevine mentioned, once you join you are enrolled in our referral program and after you send 4 others to join our program, you get your next year FREE, not to mention the FREE Airfare we provide to those who do not have a location near them. If all of this were easy and could be done for a lot less money, you would see those TRT companies all over the place offering cheaper treatment. The fact is, most TRT Clinics are charging a MINIMUM of $500 a month and many of those companies are not giving you comprehensive blood testing and do NOT offer HCG with your treatment..... I highly recommend people research this to see how good of a deal we offer.


  8. #8
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    Anyone who is ready to begin a program now, call 1-800-LOWT-345 (1-800-569-8345) or send an email to [email protected] with your name, city and state, phone number and best time to call and you will be called tomorrow (3-28-13) or on the date and time you prefer. If you are ready to begin a program and have filled out the contact form that can be found by clicking the banner to the left but have not been contacted, again, please call 1-800-LOWT-345 or email and you will be taken care of right away.

  9. #9
    pjbandit is offline Junior Member
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    Any locations in the Connecticut or tri state area?

  10. #10
    Trific's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pjbandit View Post
    Any locations in the Connecticut or tri state area?
    You should just call or email Justin...they might just fly you to one of their stores.

  11. #11
    GeriatricOne's Avatar
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    Thanks BigSpanky and all. Justin responded promptly to a couple of e-mails this week and I called and talked to Brian today. I'm going to call back and sign up next week.

    Heck, with my current insurance co-pays plus now having to purchase HCG and supplies with shipping costs because insurance won't cover HCG any more ( thanks HCG diet fad) I am paying $180 anyway. I talked to my clinic about feeling weekly spikes and drops on one weekly injection, but to receive 2 weekly injections would double my costs. Its a good clinic, but hey won't work with me on a self-administered protocol. So for me this new service is right on time and it appears I have more to gain by giving them a chance. If a local doctor drops out I can always go to Houston once a year.

    I'm going to give them a chance and report back. The only scary part is IM self injecting. But I was nervous about injecting HCG with insulin needles and that turned out to be easy and painless.

  12. #12
    bertgamble is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeriatricOne View Post
    I'm going to give them a chance and report back. The only scary part is IM self injecting. But I was nervous about injecting HCG with insulin needles and that turned out to be easy and painless.
    Don't worry about the IM injections. It is really almost painless in the quad. I am a total noob, and I was scared too. Much easier than it seems.

  13. #13
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    what t levels do you treat? like if your t was 450 for example is that low enough? 600? what is the starting point?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by bertgamble View Post
    Don't worry about the IM injections. It is really almost painless in the quad. I am a total noob, and I was scared too. Much easier than it seems.
    it all seems complicated and risky .

  15. #15
    BigSpanky's Avatar
    BigSpanky is offline Junior Member
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    Anything under 600 qualifies for treatment.

  16. #16
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  17. #17
    JuicDinNY is offline New Member
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    sounds good. The closest one to New York though is Philadelphia PA which sucks! I wonder if that qualifies for the free airfare. Also do you know how it works if you have FULL insurance and no copays or anything???? If they dont take insurance at all then its def not worth it. But if they do it sounds GREAT and I am going to give it a shot and give this forum a COMPLETE step by STEP feedback and an HONEST one too! I am hoping its not too good to be true and I look forward to hearing a reply from you and them as well! Thanks a lot!

  18. #18
    JuicDinNY is offline New Member
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    Wishful thinking/ fingers crossed!

    This ALMOST sounds too good to be true. However I think I am going to take a shot(no pun intended) at it and actually get my father on to the plan as well.

    I have been on TRT for YEARS now and have labs that show without exxogenous hormones, my LH which is non existent and will always be that way unfortunetly, forces my free and total levels down to SINGLE DIGITS! YES, I said it....SINGLE digits, one lab shows a 3 for my total and one shows a 7 for my total TWO different lab companies because at first, my hrt doc didnt believe it and never saw numbers that low before, but after being honest with him initially, it was EASILY explained that after YEARSSSSSSS of DUMB and IGNORANT decisions at a YOUNG age, with NO breaks at all, I did this to myself and have been to the BEST of the BEST without insurance, got 20 different opinions(exxageration but probably close to truth) and all say the same!

    I have FINALLY gotten my levels up due to ALOT of trial and error and in office testing, and many different blood draw options/trials at diff peak times and different days/hours/weeks out after injections and also after NO injections. We finally found a dose that works and now they dont accept my insurance.

    I found a few places on Long Island that accept my insurance and my prescription benefits are FULLY covering the medication, including any PCT brand or generic, arimidex , testosterone cyp, synthroid brand name for my thyroid, hcg for my diagnosed "disease" and EVEN said I am fully covered for Human Growth Hormone which is UNHEARD of! When I saw the before and after price of the kit of American Pharm GH, I almost passed away from coronary/pulmonary failure LOL...

    With ALL this said, I will be giving this site a chance and hoping that ALL the positive feedback is honest and true and LITERALLY can refer HALF of LONG ISLAND and the rest of New York and New Jersey to this practice if all goes well. I know a TON of people of all different ages and backgrounds, some professional level BB and some just who screwed themselves up like myself before I basically had acquired my MASTERS/PHD in HRT and TRT, and then those people who hit "that age" and have gone into "Andropause " and simply want quality of life back...

    I have called the number listed which I believe is 1-800-5698345 and did not work for me. I filled out the little application on the actualy site and hoping someone knowledgeable will get back to me as soon as possible. Like I said I will make a new forum/post and keep EVERYONEEEEEEE on this site informed and will give my HONEST, unbiased, test-filled opinions to help you guys better decide!

    Sorry for the novel LOL and look forward to speaking to you guys and keeping everyone in the loop!

    Feel FREE to message me/PM me ... Cant wait to gain seniority on here and get to SHARE my insane wealth of knowledge not only from extensive studying/research/experimentation, but for the most part from my OWN personal experiences as well as MANY people whom I am very close with. BTW, WITH ALL THAT SAID, I am 27 years old! MEssage me with any questions at all! Thanks guys!

    Last edited by JuicDinNY; 01-29-2014 at 01:43 AM.

  19. #19
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    You have my attention! Look forward to hearing more from you and your story. Thread is old, out of curtesy (and the rules) pls make your new thread and I think there will me many onlookers.

  20. #20
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    JuicDinNY, we do not accept any form of insurance. The program is cash pay only. $199 per month.
    And yes, the phone number is 1-800-569-8345. If you called yesterday or Friday, our office was closed due to a freak storm. Our main office is in Houston TX and all main roads in Houston were closed. You should have no problem getting through now. Our normal office hours are M-F 9-6 CST.

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