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  1. #1
    je909ki is offline Junior Member
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    High H&H; almost passed out when donating blood

    Been on TRT for 3 Mo and just got my BW back. Test levels were good but my Hematocrit was 52 (42-52) and Hemoglobin was 17.1 (14-18). I went to donate blood a few days later (against my doctors wishes) and my hemoglobin was 19.1 and 20 is the cutoff. Anyway, I got about 3/4 of a pint out and started feeling very lightheaded and on the verge of passing out. The nurse unplugged me and gave me water and food. I felt lightheaded for the next 24 hours. I didn't eat right before but I did eat a few hours before donating.
    Could this be because of high H&H? Has this happened to anyone else? I'm not squeamish around blood or needles so I can rule that out. Any advice would be appreciated seeing as how I'll be doing this the rest of my life.

    age: 24
    230 Lbs

    50mg Test C/ twice a week
    250 I.U. HCG / MWF


  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    How do you feel now? A pint should replenish within 24 hours or so.

    I pulled a ton of blood yesterday for testing (9 tubes, different sizes, not sure exactly how much) and I felt light headed but went straight to breakfast and felt better afterwards. I was fasted, however.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I donated blood 3x in afghanistan, and guess what?

    ....they don't take a pint, they take a liter!

  4. #4
    Trific's Avatar
    Trific is offline Member
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    What is your test level?

    Care to try maybe 45mg on each pin, because you might be very close to that sweet spot where your test level is high enough for you to feel good but not too high where you need an AI and your H&H goes too high.

    But yes, people get light headed all the time from giving blood.

  5. #5
    je909ki is offline Junior Member
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    I felt fine a couple days later and my test was 750 (high end is 1150) so ideally I'd like to raise it a little. I'm hoping the HCG will take care of that. It's not just being a little light headed, I started pouring sweat and felt like I was passing out until the nurse put my legs up.
    Just worried I won't be able to donate blood if this keeps happening.
    Thanks for the input guys

  6. #6
    Trific's Avatar
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    I wouldn't worry about it just be watchful for it...that's why they have cookies and such...they think it's kind of funny when you almost faint, just need to hang out for a bit.

    Some feel considerably better after they give.

    If 750 is the lowest you get, that might be a good place to stay.

  7. #7
    je909ki is offline Junior Member
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    Am I worrying too much about my H&H being too high? I know I'm still in range but I Don't know enough about it to not worry. How high does it need to be to actually see symptoms?

  8. #8
    Trific's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by je909ki View Post
    Am I worrying too much about my H&H being too high? I know I'm still in range but I Don't know enough about it to not worry. How high does it need to be to actually see symptoms?
    Here's a thread, there's a bunch more if you search on this forum for heamatocrit:
    Last edited by Trific; 03-27-2013 at 06:48 PM.

  9. #9
    GFA is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by je909ki View Post
    Been on TRT for 3 Mo and just got my BW back. Test levels were good but my Hematocrit was 52 (42-52) and Hemoglobin was 17.1 (14-18). I went to donate blood a few days later (against my doctors wishes) and my hemoglobin was 19.1 and 20 is the cutoff. Anyway, I got about 3/4 of a pint out and started feeling very lightheaded and on the verge of passing out. The nurse unplugged me and gave me water and food. I felt lightheaded for the next 24 hours. I didn't eat right before but I did eat a few hours before donating.
    Could this be because of high H&H? Has this happened to anyone else? I'm not squeamish around blood or needles so I can rule that out. Any advice would be appreciated seeing as how I'll be doing this the rest of my life.

    age: 24
    230 Lbs

    50mg Test C/ twice a week
    250 I.U. HCG / MWF

    Im curious why your doc said not to donate? I had a scary incident last year where my hemoglobin hit 20 and I felt intoxicated is the best way to describe it. My hematologist had me do 4 weekly donations in a row. High hemoglobin should not be messed with. You can have a stroke.

    He wanted my hematocrit to be 45 or less.

    But as others have stated, you should donate frequently to manage your hemoglobin.

  10. #10
    Trific's Avatar
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    Maybe are going to have to donate as often as they let you.

  11. #11
    je909ki is offline Junior Member
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    The Doc said there was no need to donate but didn't elaborate. It's to the point where I just tell her what she wants to hear and do my own research until I switch doctors. I already made my next appt to donate so I'm going to do it as often as they allow.
    Thanks for the help, my mind is a little more at ease now.

  12. #12
    ctenosaura's Avatar
    ctenosaura is offline Associate Member
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    Man up boys! I give blood and then Irish tap dance out of the place! Seriously though its an individual thing. Im only 175 lbs and actually feel no different when I finish where a friend of mine who has 60 lbs more body mass and gives the same amount has to lay in bed all day after. And yes, I give him shit about it -lol.

  13. #13
    bigt405 is offline Junior Member
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    I gave blood today and watched a lady pass out while donating. She had not eaten anything for breakfast. I gave with no problems, but I had already drank three protein drinks this morning.

  14. #14
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by je909ki View Post
    I felt fine a couple days later and my test was 750 (high end is 1150) so ideally I'd like to raise it a little. I'm hoping the HCG will take care of that. It's not just being a little light headed, I started pouring sweat and felt like I was passing out until the nurse put my legs up.
    Just worried I won't be able to donate blood if this keeps happening.
    Thanks for the input guys
    This sounds like a classic situation of sympathetic stimulation... in other words, your body went into fight/flight/freight mode.

    Have you donated blood before?

  15. #15
    je909ki is offline Junior Member
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    I guess I'm just going to be one the those people that has to take it easy for a while after donating. I do recall donating in high school but I don't remember feeling any of these symptoms. I guess I'll just try and better prepare myself for next time. Thanks again for putting my mind at ease.

  16. #16
    BillyBob210's Avatar
    BillyBob210 is offline Junior Member
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    Try drinking more water and eating before you go. You will be fine. I donate every 2 months.

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