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  1. #1
    scotch06 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2013

    Need some advice regarding TRT

    Hi everyone, new member here.

    I am here because my primary care physician has NO idea what she is doing with my TRT, and so, I need some advice.

    Some background stuff:

    I am a 30 year old male who went to the Dr a few months ago for some lab work (feeling real tired lately). Total test came back at 450 and free was at 6.2. I have had my total checked in the past and it has bounced between the mid 600's and been as low as 400. This is the first test that checked my free levels. So to my surprise, my Dr orders me injections (test cyp) 200mg bi weekly. One month goes by and she drops me to 100mg bi weekly (that was my last injection two weeks ago, so I have had a total of three injections over the past six weeks).

    So she orders labs to see where I am at this week, and my total jumped from 450 to 750 and my free from 6.2 to 13. So what does she do you ask? "Let's taper down to one 100mg injection a month".

    Ok, I admit I don't know much about this stuff, but I know enough to stop seeing this Dr, as she has no idea what she is doing. I should also mention that when we started injections, she said that I would not shut down natural production of test, that this would just supplement what my body was already producing, and that it would increase sperm production. I know this cannot be true.

    My question to you experienced guys is this: Have I been on long enough to cause a natural shut down? If so, I have some clomid (one month supply 50mg tabs) would this be enough to kick start my natural production?

    Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Trific's Avatar
    Trific is offline Member
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    So, you don't want higher T after all?

    You really haven't been on a good enough routine to have been able to see what replacing your T would do for you.

    You are definitely correct about her not knowing what she is doing.

    If you really want to stop, these guys here will help, you should probably post in the PCT section of the forum though.

  3. #3
    scotch06 is offline New Member
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    Hi thanks for the reply! I do want higher T levels, but I cannot trust this Dr to do it right so I am on a waiting list for a specialist in my area.

    I will post in the correct forum.

  4. #4
    Trific's Avatar
    Trific is offline Member
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    Since you've started and still want higher T why don't you continue?

    We can help you while you are waiting to see the specialist....just inject 50mg every 3.5 days and 250iu of HCG on MWF and after 6 weeks do BW and see where your numbers are at.

    It might save you some misery if you do it this way...if you take clomid it often has some emotional and visual sides that are unpleasant.

  5. #5
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    Stop seeing her immediately; she has no clue.

    First and foremost is she didn't even take the time to understand the half life of injected Testosterone . Once injected it peaks in serum level in about 72 hours and has a half life of 5 to 6 days. So the injection protocol of one injection every two weeks is seating you on a hormonal roller coaster as your serum levels are peaking and troughing which is not how our bodies hormonally function.

    You need to be on a weekly injection protocol at least if not twice a week.

    Read the stickies at the top of the forum and start to educate yourself.

    You may also want to contact our sponsor as well to get on the right protocol.

    Nevertheless, fire her as soon as you can, she's only going to hurt you more.

  6. #6
    scotch06 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trific View Post
    Since you've started and still want higher T why don't you continue?We can help you while you are waiting to see the specialist....just inject 50mg every 3.5 days and 250iu of HCG on MWF and after 6 weeks do BW and see where your numbers are at.

    It might save you some misery if you do it this way...if you take clomid it often has some emotional and visual sides that are unpleasant.

    I have to go to the office for the injections and she only wants to give once a month so forget it. If I can do cold turkey and just stop after the three injections I would rather do that than take her once a month pop of 100mg.

    I did look into the hcg, I have no way of getting that though. I have asked her office for some and they think I do not need any.

  7. #7
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    Trific is offline Member
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    As G said could hook you up pronto if you'd like.

    If you'd like to crash off the T...taking HCG would probably be the way I'd do it to soften the landing.

    I just bought some at this site, you don't need a script:

    Are you sure you don't want to put your doc in a headlock and insist on at least a 100mg shot every week?
    Last edited by Trific; 03-28-2013 at 11:31 AM.

  8. #8
    scotch06 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2013
    I will check it out, thank you guys for your help.

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