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  1. #1
    riotz0r is offline Associate Member
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    TRT test levels vs Cycle test levels

    I was wondering what the average test level is with someone that is on TRT, I understand it depends on the doctor and everyone is different but I seem to be seeing numbers around 900 or so while doing research on the forums. What are peoples test levels usually at when they are running something like 500ml of Test Cyp every week for 10 weeks... Just wondering what the approx high test level would be, trying to figure out if I want to do TRT or cycle test... I really need to do it the legal way though because of my job lol

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Whether you need TRT should be based on a proper medical evaluation. I'm sure you know many things can effect testosterone levels and there are also many things you can do naturally to improve them. For TRT 8-900 may be a decent ballpark figure but it's not about numbers, it's about how you feel.

    Some people go too high on TRT and fly right past their sweet spot where they would actually feel their best. Less = more in TRT in most cases. Meaning the less you need to use to feel good is the way to go. Both for the long term and for lessening the degree of ancillaries used.

    Now, people on cycles reach supraphysiologic levels of test into the thousands. Some labs actually cut off over a certain amount and only report it as above range. With those levels being so high it exacerbates the potential for sides and thus increases the amount of supporting substances to keep you from experiencing side effects. A cycle is completely different from TRT. Worlds away actually. And to do a cycle such as that legally it would not come from a normal doctor, it would really only be from certain clinics who walk a fine gray line when it comes to legality.

    Take some time and read the stickies above this forum. TRT is not something to jump into unless it's actually needed. Nor is a cycle unless you are fully prepared knowledge wise to handle all that is involved with it. It's really not that simple to do correctly. The first thing you should do is complete BW to see where you stand. A copy of what you should pull is in the Finding a Doc Sticky.
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  3. #3
    Fireguy40 is offline Junior Member
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    I too am wondering what levels are like while running a cycle of 500mg of test cyp. I will anxiously await the experts.

  4. #4
    Fireguy40 is offline Junior Member
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    Never mind...I see Kelkel just answered.

  5. #5
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    you dont go on trt to get an edge in the go because your test levels are in the shitter for your age, or in the shitter overall....and usually you have symptoms as well. If you got a doctor to prescribe you trt, and you didnt need it, but were using a trt dose, i still would consider that a steroid cycle...due to intent to use it wrongly....still that's better than doing it illegally.
    I dont think im allowed to tell you, but if you want the blood test to show that your test is low so you get t prescribed, there are a lot of things you can do the night before the testing occurs.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I'll add that how high your numbers go on that amount depends on metabolism. Just like with TRT amounts, we are all different. 60mg cyp X 2 per week may keep me near the top of the chart whereas it may take someone else 200mg to do the same. We all respond differently.

    Sidebar: A friend of mine is currently training for Nationals and doing 2.5 grams of test a week, as well as everything else you can think of. Imagine what his actual level would be?
    Last edited by kelkel; 03-31-2013 at 10:08 PM.
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  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    you dont go on trt to get an edge in the go because your test levels are in the shitter for your age, or in the shitter overall....and usually you have symptoms as well. If you got a doctor to prescribe you trt, and you didnt need it, but were using a trt dose, i still would consider that a steroid cycle...due to intent to use it wrongly....still that's better than doing it illegally.
    I dont think im allowed to tell you, but if you want the blood test to show that your test is low so you get t prescribed, there are a lot of things you can do the night before the testing occurs.
    Correct. It's really not how we do things on this side though. That's more for the AAS or lounge side.
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  8. #8
    riotz0r is offline Associate Member
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    I understand a lot of that and I guess I should have posted this earlier... My test level is around 400(I'm 28), cant remember the exact number so I am low for my age. I would have to dig up my BW for the exact number but it was in the 400s, I could get on TRT if I wanted I would assume. To be perfectly honest I feel fine other then a low sex drive but if I were to get on TRT I would probably be doing it strictly for benefits in the gym. Yes my diet is pretty spot on, I am AFPA certified so I do know a good chunk about nutrition and training. I have been tracking my macros for years now pretty much every day.. I do understand that TRT is to help people feel better with low t, I'm just simply stating in my case I do have low t but I would be more or less doing it for gains in the gym so I'm wondering if its worth it or to just cycle... Cycling scares me due to my occupation(I'm not giving my occupation out you can guess what I do, just know AAS is not a good idea lol)

  9. #9
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    500mg weekly usually nets around 3,500-4,000 ng/dl.

  10. #10
    Mr Tick's Avatar
    Mr Tick is offline Associate Member
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    @Riotz0r I would think about your symptoms and if they are an issue in your life. Dont make a life long choice to get on trt because you would like to see more gains in the gym. I think you would regret starting something for those reasons. TRT is a life long ordeal and takes a large amount of commitment. If you plan a vacation or go on trips out of town you have to plan to bring your stuff. When i travel i have to make sure i have everything i need with a few extra things just in case something happens. Then I have to make sure i have freezer bags on my hcg to keep that cold no matter of flight delays or any other issues. For me travel is hard and something that I didnt think about when i started TRT.

    These are just things i didnt really think of before i got on TRT. I had several of the symptoms of low T and it was really negativity effecting my life and thats what prompted me to start, so gym gains was just a plus. If I were you I would really look at what symptoms I actually have and how they are affecting my life. Go from there and you will never question the choice you made later in life because TRT is for life.

    Hope this makes since and it helps. Please feel free to ask me questions you have. Im 29 and have been on for about 2 years. On IM shots for a little over a year.

  11. #11
    riotz0r is offline Associate Member
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    Thats a good post Tick... Things I obviously didn't think about and the more I have been thinking about it and reading through these forums maybe TRT isn't for me and isn't such a good idea to do just for gains in the gym. I guess I'm stuck being natural for awhile lol

  12. #12
    rt12008's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Tick View Post
    @Riotz0r I would think about your symptoms and if they are an issue in your life. Dont make a life long choice to get on trt because you would like to see more gains in the gym. I think you would regret starting something for those reasons. TRT is a life long ordeal and takes a large amount of commitment. If you plan a vacation or go on trips out of town you have to plan to bring your stuff. When i travel i have to make sure i have everything i need with a few extra things just in case something happens. Then I have to make sure i have freezer bags on my hcg to keep that cold no matter of flight delays or any other issues. For me travel is hard and something that I didnt think about when i started TRT.

    These are just things i didnt really think of before i got on TRT. I had several of the symptoms of low T and it was really negativity effecting my life and thats what prompted me to start, so gym gains was just a plus. If I were you I would really look at what symptoms I actually have and how they are affecting my life. Go from there and you will never question the choice you made later in life because TRT is for life.

    Hope this makes since and it helps. Please feel free to ask me questions you have. Im 29 and have been on for about 2 years. On IM shots for a little over a year.
    Great post man. I just started and from the benefits it is worth it. What do you use to store the hcg?? I have a trip this coming weekend and I just thought of this.

  13. #13
    Mr Tick's Avatar
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    @Riot*0r When the low T issues start to cause issues in your life you wont have to wonder if TRT will be right for you. You will know you dont want to live having the low T symptoms anymore and at that point it will be the right choice for you. I would wait until that happens before starting TRT because it is for life. Hang out here and check out the diet section as well as the workout section. There are TONS of great guys there that im absolutely sure can help u pack on some muscle. Best luck man and continue to ask questions as they come up. Thats the only way to learn as well as read the stickys. Great info in there as well.

    @RT12008 I just pack a collapsible ice chest bag and use the reusable free*er ice packs. Just be sure to check them after about 4-5 hours if its hot. Those suckers melt fast. I will just add ice if that happens. Bring some *ip lock baggies to put the ice in for when it melts ur not dealing with leakage. Also you can use Powerade or Gatorade bottles because u can jam ice cubes in there and dont have to worry about the spillage when it melts. If i have a trip coming up i will try to plan out my HCG so where i have enough left in the vial for the trip and can just dispose of it when im done with it. Saves on the hassle of the return trip care. Since you have a trip this weekend its a little late to plan out that part unless ur lucky and are almost out then it will work out good for u.

    Take care

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by riot*0r View Post
    I understand a lot of that and I guess I should have posted this earlier... My test level is around 400(I'm 28), cant remember the exact number so I am low for my age. I would have to dig up my BW for the exact number but it was in the 400s, I could get on TRT if I wanted I would assume. To be perfectly honest I feel fine other then a low sex drive but if I were to get on TRT I would probably be doing it strictly for benefits in the gym. Yes my diet is pretty spot on, I am AFPA certified so I do know a good chunk about nutrition and training. I have been tracking my macros for years now pretty much every day.. I do understand that TRT is to help people feel better with low t, I'm just simply stating in my case I do have low t but I would be more or less doing it for gains in the gym so I'm wondering if its worth it or to just cycle... Cycling scares me due to my occupation(I'm not giving my occupation out you can guess what I do, just know AAS is not a good idea lol)
    I would start with thorough BW. Take a look at the Finding a Doc Sticky for an example. There are ways you can improve your natural T levels and these should be tried first. Vit D for one, Microni*ed Preg, DHEA, better sleep, nutrition and the list goes on.

    When it comes to travelling with HCG , etc. If it's a short trip you'll live without it. Take the shot before you leave, hell, even add a little more to it if you like. Then hit it again when you come back. Missing one injection or a week for that matter will be just fine and won't hurt you.

    If you still feel the need to travel with it then google "Insulin Travel Packs" and you'll see some nice items that will work well for you.
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