I read an article written by the beloved "Red Baron" which provided my with unequivocal information regarding HGH. I now have some, and I have my nutrition plan and weight lifting regimen ready to go. My only remaining question is which plan should I follow regarding dosage?

Red Baron suggest everyday injections, 7 days a week
For a normal cycle of 5-8 months in length, injecting once or twice a day, 7 days a week should be fine
However, a comprehensive article I read indicates that every other day doses stimulated superior growth compared to everyday
There was a study done on continuous Human Growth Hormone use vs. every other day injections (ED vs. EOD for the sake of brevity), with a equal total weekly dose. Although its counter intuitive, every other day injections produced better total growth in the kids in this (2 and 4 year long) study.
I am 28 years old, I weigh around 137lbs. I wrestled college, I'm currently in great shape, I have a proper gain-assimilated nutrition plan in place. The purpose of me using HGH is to finally break the 150lb threshold with PERMENANT lower body musculature growth (I will be using an advanced "Texas Method" style lift to do this). I do understand regardless of which plan I use, I will be ramping the IUs to achieve my desired results.

Please provide me with any feedback you may have. I am totally open to suggestions about additional supplements.