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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Cool I Received my dad's blood work please read!

    I got my dad's blood results. He is 56.5 years old. The doctor used a lab called bioreference....i was disgusted when i saw the range for testosterone was 193-740
    My dad is on diabetis and cholesterol/blood pressure meds. are the results his doc tested(keep in mind the doc he is going to is the same idiot who told me at 19 that my 277 test level was gdevine and everyone else....he most likely will not be able to get full comprehensive panels..and my dad doesnt care enough to go to private md labs...however maybe we can get an endo to test further)

    after reading some labs, if i didnt know better i would say my dad had a pituitary tumor. He had an mri last year though for headaches which came out clear....seeing these labs though im gonna ask for the report.

    testosterone 320.4(193-740)
    free testosterone serum 1.70(3.84-34.17) his free is nonexistent
    percent free test 0.5 (2.0-4.8)
    LH 5.6(1.7-8.6)
    FSH 23.3 (1.5-12.4) why so high????
    prolactin LESS THAN 0.1 (4-15.2) WHY SO LOW?
    tsh 2.090 (0.270-4.200)
    psa looks awesome at 0.49(<4)
    vitamin b12-368(211-911) he is too stubborn to listen to me....
    vitamin d 22.4(32-100)....again too stubborn....his idiot doctor finally reccomends 4000 units..which is too low imo....and he doesnt care what i say...but ehre i am taking 5-25 per day depending o nthe day and fine lol.

    cholesterol 129(he takes a lot of meds)
    triglycerides 124
    hdl direct 41
    hdl percent 32 (>14)
    chol/hdl ratio 3.1 (<7.4)
    LDL?HDL ratio 1.66 (<3.56)
    LDL direct 68 (<100)
    vldl calc 25 (7-32)
    SMALL LDL-P(29).......................20.7 RANGE(>25)
    HDL PARTICLE COUNT(29)..........31.1 (>40.0)
    HEMOGLOBIN A 1 C 7.1(<5.7)

    As stubborn as my dad is I think he is considering test..and I told him only to use shots. Reading the chart that showed he was in the 5th pecentile for his age, and that the average 85-100 year old has a higher level helped.

    He also has a big gut that needs improvement ha.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Well, he's hypogonadal for sure, no argument there.

    But there are so many variables here; age without a doubt is one contributing factor as is his a double whammy!

    He could have hypopituitarism visa vi his tanked prolactin levels.

    Without question, his drugs come into play here big time as well.

    Find a well trained hormone specialist...not just any run of the mill endocrinologist.

    He needs special care and no one here is going to figure this one out.

    Find the proper care and get Dad there as soon as you can.

    He deserves a better quality of life.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Thanks for the response. He is bringing his blood work to my urologist this friday and my endo in may so we will see what they think. Do you think it would be a bad idea to start him on cyp if the doctors ordered it? I think in his case it's probably just age related hypogonadism since he's 56.

    Yes, i've read that diabetes and low test go hand in hand. Do you think by controlling his test his diabetis numbers may improve, and why the heck is his fsh so high?

    I'm going to pick up his mri tomorrow so i can look it over and be sure it was really clear.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    Thanks for the response. He is bringing his blood work to my urologist this friday and my endo in may so we will see what they think. Do you think it would be a bad idea to start him on cyp if the doctors ordered it? I think in his case it's probably just age related hypogonadism since he's 56.

    Yes, i've read that diabetes and low test go hand in hand. Do you think by controlling his test his diabetis numbers may improve, and why the heck is his fsh so high?

    I'm going to pick up his mri tomorrow so i can look it over and be sure it was really clear.
    no opinions on whether controlling his low t will help his diabetis?

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