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Thread: Took the plunge, my HRT log

  1. #1
    Facecrash is offline Member
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    May 2006

    Took the plunge, my HRT log

    I want to thank everyone for the valuable insight and information you gave me when I was researching trying to make the decision.

    178 lbs (now), was 185 when I started 4.5 weeks ago.
    bf - unknown by but my abs are making a long overdue appearance
    I started cycling when I was 26, did about 5 cycles, test, tren , deca , win, var.

    A year ago I was diagnosed with low T. I practice meditation and overhauled my diet, went with a mostly alkaline, pescaterian diet. I work very hard on mindset and after a while, I realized I was doing everything right and still I felt the heavy weight of low T.

    I researched a bunch and it seemed HRT was the right move a year ago but I wanted to have children so I went with Clomid/HCG last summer. Successfully I got my wife preggo in Sept and we are having a baby in...umm...a couple of days?

    5 weeks ago I decided to get in balance and start TRT. Saw a few docs, researched a lot, and I am 4 shots in


    200mg Test Cyp every Tuesday.

    I'll do a quick catch-up of the last month and do my best to keep this updated moving forward, though I imagine the baby will have other ideas...

    week 1 - 1st shot 200mg test. I embraced the placebo and prepped my mindset for a positive, amazing journey. I felt great, committed to cardio 5x/week and boxing 3-4 days per week 1 hour per day. I was 185, 5'9 with some flab I was eager to get rid of

    week 2 - muscle has memory and I noticed an increase in sex drive, whether mental or otherwise. The mind is a powerful tool. Knowing I was on a great path I was extremely happy

    week 3 - shoulder felt better (had full shoulder repair 12/2011, rotator, lab repair, and bone spurs). Started to get muscle back. Started to be ok hitting the bag heavy and hard. Noticed a huge increase in libido. Morning wood, sense of well being. Started to kill it at work. loving life. Not much activity in the sex life with a 9 month preggo wife but I was feeling great. Noticing a bloating in my face and retaining water. Trying to drink a gallon a day and juicing daily if I have time(vegetable juice I mean you clowns). If I dont juice and drink water, skin is irritated and face is moon-like. Some body acne, started tanning 2x/week.

    week 4 - Waking up everyday and running 3+miles at 545 am was not a problem at all. Lethargy disappeared. Muscles are coming back faster than I thought. libido still there. loving it, taking on the world. Lot of confidence and well being. Sleep is great, no night sweats. Balls shrinking significantly. Noticed it being a problem while playing soccer. actually had to grab them on the field and pull them down otherwise I felt my nuts would be in my esophagus.

    week 4.5 - huge push at the gym, started lifting in addition to running and boxing. Lost 7 pounds and abs are making an appearance. Appetite is changing. I'm craving meat a lot more. I'm not a strict vegeterian so I enjoy food as much as I can but try to stay alkaline as much as possible.

    noticed this week a slight loss in libido, and a slight itching of my left nipple. Called Doc and asked if I shoudl take AI. He said it is too early to tell and should wait until week 6 to see where BW is at.


    During week 2, doc gave me 3 loaded Syringes of 200mg cyp to take home. Supposed to go back week 6 for shot and BW, However I may be with baby at that time and doc is 30 mins away. Is it ok to go this Tues and get BW done at week 5?

    I plan to switch to as soon as it is ok for me to fly to the nearest doc (houston). Right now, I cannot leave my wife and I imagine I won't be able to until late June with the baby coming soon. Doc seems against an AI. I'm tempted to get some from Ar-r but I dont want it to affect my BW. What to do?

    Why did my libido cool off?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Facecrash View Post
    I want to thank everyone for the valuable insight and information you gave me when I was researching trying to make the decision.

    178 lbs (now), was 185 when I started 4.5 weeks ago.
    bf - unknown by but my abs are making a long overdue appearance
    I started cycling when I was 26, did about 5 cycles, test, tren , deca , win, var.

    A year ago I was diagnosed with low T. I practice meditation and overhauled my diet, went with a mostly alkaline, pescaterian diet. I work very hard on mindset and after a while, I realized I was doing everything right and still I felt the heavy weight of low T.

    I researched a bunch and it seemed HRT was the right move a year ago but I wanted to have children so I went with Clomid/HCG last summer. Successfully I got my wife preggo in Sept and we are having a baby in...umm...a couple of days?

    5 weeks ago I decided to get in balance and start TRT. Saw a few docs, researched a lot, and I am 4 shots in


    200mg Test Cyp every Tuesday.

    I'll do a quick catch-up of the last month and do my best to keep this updated moving forward, though I imagine the baby will have other ideas...

    week 1 - 1st shot 200mg test. I embraced the placebo and prepped my mindset for a positive, amazing journey. I felt great, committed to cardio 5x/week and boxing 3-4 days per week 1 hour per day. I was 185, 5'9 with some flab I was eager to get rid of

    week 2 - muscle has memory and I noticed an increase in sex drive, whether mental or otherwise. The mind is a powerful tool. Knowing I was on a great path I was extremely happy

    week 3 - shoulder felt better (had full shoulder repair 12/2011, rotator, lab repair, and bone spurs). Started to get muscle back. Started to be ok hitting the bag heavy and hard. Noticed a huge increase in libido. Morning wood, sense of well being. Started to kill it at work. loving life. Not much activity in the sex life with a 9 month preggo wife but I was feeling great. Noticing a bloating in my face and retaining water. Trying to drink a gallon a day and juicing daily if I have time(vegetable juice I mean you clowns). If I dont juice and drink water, skin is irritated and face is moon-like. Some body acne, started tanning 2x/week.

    week 4 - Waking up everyday and running 3+miles at 545 am was not a problem at all. Lethargy disappeared. Muscles are coming back faster than I thought. libido still there. loving it, taking on the world. Lot of confidence and well being. Sleep is great, no night sweats. Balls shrinking significantly. Noticed it being a problem while playing soccer. actually had to grab them on the field and pull them down otherwise I felt my nuts would be in my esophagus.

    week 4.5 - huge push at the gym, started lifting in addition to running and boxing. Lost 7 pounds and abs are making an appearance. Appetite is changing. I'm craving meat a lot more. I'm not a strict vegeterian so I enjoy food as much as I can but try to stay alkaline as much as possible.

    noticed this week a slight loss in libido, and a slight itching of my left nipple. Called Doc and asked if I shoudl take AI. He said it is too early to tell and should wait until week 6 to see where BW is at.


    During week 2, doc gave me 3 loaded Syringes of 200mg cyp to take home. Supposed to go back week 6 for shot and BW, However I may be with baby at that time and doc is 30 mins away. Is it ok to go this Tues and get BW done at week 5?

    I plan to switch to as soon as it is ok for me to fly to the nearest doc (houston). Right now, I cannot leave my wife and I imagine I won't be able to until late June with the baby coming soon. Doc seems against an AI. I'm tempted to get some from Ar-r but I dont want it to affect my BW. What to do?

    Why did my libido cool off?

    Thanks in advance.
    Congrats on the baby first off (:
    Second, you should really wait 6 weeks for bw if you can.

    The cool off in libido is probably from estrogen rising, not many can take 200 mg a week without an ai. Arimidex should have you feeling great in no time.

    Wait another week for the blood work though. Don`t self medicate with the ai.
    Last edited by jomamma007; 04-27-2013 at 11:05 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Good log so far. Congrats on the baby. I will enjoy following your progress. I did the same thing when I was 34. Keep up the good work!

  4. #4
    knuckles69's Avatar
    knuckles69 is offline Associate Member
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    Congrats on the baby. I'd wait the 6 weeks to see what bw says and if your doc is dead against ai then there's always a second opinion

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Congrats on the kid! It's life changing for sure. Agree with the above guys. 200 is a whopper of a starting dose, IMHO. Get your BW and titrate accordingly. It's normal to have the libido rush due to dopamine levels. Then your body adjusts and settles down, basically. Read GD's sticky on "What to Expect on HRT" for more info. Read all the stickies actually.

    Glad to have ya here, Dad!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  6. #6
    Facecrash is offline Member
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    May 2006
    My wife and I had our son on Mother's Day, so blessed!

    I had my BW done at week 6 last tuesday. My doc was super vague about it and I was amidst a screaming baby so didn't get too many details. He said my test is at 843 which is exactly where we want it. He said my estrogen levels are slightly high but nothing too alarming. His suggestion was I can just leave it as-is and keep an eye on it or start arimadex. I'm going to pick up the a-dex on Monday and get a copy of my BW, I'll post here. NOticing hardening nipples.

    i'm feeling great lately. Have not been able to workout the last 10 days due to the baby but I'll be getting back in today. I'm eating like crazy, keeping semi-clean and not gaining any weight.

    I just ordered some HGH which should be coming in 2 weeks. going to run 3-4 iu/day for about 9-10 months for fat loss, healing benefits for my shoulder, and some leaning muscle gain.

    I'll post again once my BW is in-hand. Can't wait until has an office close to me!

  7. #7
    Facecrash is offline Member
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    So my 6 week be came in and free test 853 and estrogen total 136

    That's all that was on the lab. Doc gave me a bottle of anastrozole and said take 1mg a day for a week then switch to eod

    Felt awful last 3 days so I hope this helps

    Better news, got my be approved with low testosterone .com and going to my doc appt next tues

  8. #8
    Moparman's Avatar
    Moparman is offline Associate Member
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    Wow 136 is a bit more than slightly high

  9. #9
    Facecrash is offline Member
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    I figured so since I have 2 hard lumps behind both nipples. Obv this doc is not too knowledgable. Any suggestions? Is 1 mg anastrozole good enough? How long till I feel better? I'm a cranky bitch lately

  10. #10
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Do not take 1mg/day of Adex, repeat, DO NOT TAKE that much. The dosage should be broken up, and I would never suggest going more than 2mg/wk total. If it takes a month or two to balance it then so be it.

    We need to know if this was a sensitive assay and what the ranges are.

  11. #11
    Facecrash is offline Member
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    It says
    Estrogens total , 136, reference range 40-115, pg/ml. *1

    Then below

    Prepubertal. <40
    Female cycle
    1-10 days 61-394
    11-20 days 122-437
    21-30 days 156-350

    So how much should I take daily?

  12. #12
    Moparman's Avatar
    Moparman is offline Associate Member
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    I was taking 1mg 2x a week and I crashed my E.

    Now I'm on ,25 once a week and doing better.

  13. #13
    Facecrash is offline Member
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    What should I be taking? I feel worse everyday

  14. #14
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    I can't tell you what to take, that needs to be a call made by a 'good' physician and yourself. I know a guy on this forum who was down and out for several months by taking 4mgs/wk. Your estrogen assay is a female standard. The only way to really gauge estradiol in a male (with any real accuracy) is by going with a "sensitive" assay. A 10 point deviation either way with a sensitive panel could be the difference with making or breaking a good protocol (trust me, I know). That 10 point deviation might only show up as a 3 or 4 point difference with your current panel standard. The tolerance of measurement with the sensitive is much more tighter, as it should be, since men do not experience, nor could they handle the same types of estrogen surges that women experience every month.

    Again, to get this tackled properly you need to make sure you're on the same page with a good physician. As a comparison, other members here have administered 0.5mg x 2, or x 3/wk , then ran labs in 4 weeks to follow up. 'Most' of the time, that dosage will get E2 down to a manageable level, where the AI can then taper off to .25mg x 1, or 2, or even none at all if you get it under control, and maybe look at SubQ as the method to administer injections. But get yourself the correct lab first so you really know what you're up against. The E2 sensitive might only be slightly elevated, it might not be as bad as you think. Even if it were, you can get it down to a healthy level over a month or two, while you get other variables of your protocol/program refined.
    100% and bringndaheat like this.

  15. #15
    Facecrash is offline Member
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    So I saw my doc and I'm now following:

    100mg cyp per week
    .5 mg adex twice / week
    250 iu hcg twice/ week

    I feel better and emotions are in check

    I'm going to run this for a month and then check fertility to see if I want to taper down off of test until I have more kids or if I can stay on test and still have kids. Input on this topic?

    Also, I just got enough jins to run 4iu 5 on 2 off for 10 months ( need for shoulder repair I had full Labrem slap and rotator a year ago and still only 70%)

    Is it ok to run gh?

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