Hey there i am a 22 year old male ,almost 23. I started steroids at age 17 and pretty much used on and off for years... my first cycle was at age 17 i started off with a bottle of havoc, i knew what i was getting myself into, after that i ran test and eq for 3 months which was right after havoc. and then from there i used steroids and prohormones on and off at times for up to a year all the way to age 22. I got a blood test last year for low testosterone at age 21, i got back on steroids. now ive been off for almost half a year and i am suffering severe fatigue, no desire to do anything, weird thoughts, anxiety, paranoia... ect but at one point i was sleeping for 14 hours everyday..

anyways long story short i was considering doing trt since my levels are so low. or if i should do clomid