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  1. #1
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well... I'm screwed..

    Ok, I'm 20YO and I have low free test.

    19/11/2012(was 19 at that time)
    Test Total: 26 Range:10-30
    Test Free: 370 Range: 223-915
    SHBG: 68.1 Range: 12-46
    Lh: 6.8 Range: 1.7-8.6
    FSH: 3.8 Range:1.5-12.4

    I added zinc - magnesium - vitamin D and a test booster

    17/01/2013(still 19)
    Test Total: 27.2 Range:10-30
    Test Free: 471 Range: 223-915
    SHBG: 54.8 Range: 12-46
    Lh: 5.8 Range: 1.7-8.6
    FSH: 4 Range:1.5-12.4
    Estradiol: 53 Range:28-156

    I was feeling better but still not enough...
    Before that I never used steroids .

    After I tried aromasin at 12.5mg/ED for 2 weeks.
    After that I was feeling still a bit better but it didn't last...

    I don't want to depend on supplement to feel "good enough to don't kill myself..." I'd rather be on TRT and feel well for real...

    I'm now trying proviron with hope to feel better because lately I am super lethargic, I sleep all the time, no libido, no motivation.
    Even with my girlfriend who cuddle me and want to make love I still refuse cause I just don't have the energy to do it... I forced myself to make love to her because I have no will to do so. And still my erection don't last...

    After 1 month of proviron if I still don't feel better I do a cycle of test prop to see if my SHBG will get down and most importantly stay down.
    I had an advise about a testosterone blast who could lower it and I could maintain that low SHBG with mag/zing/vit-d.
    If it still don't work then...

    Seriously, it seems way better than how I fell right now...

    Unfortunately, I have no access to any BW. I'm trying but it all go so damn slow where I live. Maybe I will have the opportunity to have some soon but I don't expect it... I'll regulate my E2 by feelings...

    Anyway, If I don't feel better after my cycle.

    I'm planning on self-TRT until I find an endo not as stupid as the GP that I've seen up to now...

    So here's my plan.

    200mg test/week + .25 arimidex /EOD (test will be subQ)

    HCG 200UI 2x/week (Until I'm followed by a endocrino I will keep running it, however I'm not sure of the importance of it when recovery is not in the equation anymore. I don't really care about having my balls shrinked...)

    If I want to switch arimidex for aromasin does 6.25mg of aromasin ED would be the same?

    Plus is there any other med needed with TRT??

    Like cialis 5mg 2x/day (it is needed or just a good plus)
    or anything else that I didn't think of?

    I have no thyroid disorder or particular sensitivity to E2.

    I have to ask but I'm scared of the answer, does Exogenous testosterone will lower my SHBG...??? Especially if I have an supra-physiological amount?


  2. #2
    rt12008's Avatar
    rt12008 is offline Junior Member
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    You really really need to see a doctor. Self medicating and self diagnosing could make you worse. I am not being critical of you and ultimately it is your body to do with as you will. At the same time, as imperfect as doctors are most do care. I think you should find a doctor that you connect with, is current on the latest treatment options, and do this with the doctor.

    That being said, and I am no expert, your starting quite high for TRT. A cycle will just start you in a cycle of feeling better and then feeling bad. These are just my opinions. Best of luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Before you start going crazy and starting TRT at 20 yrs old....
    Your total test is good.
    Your free test is midrange.
    Your free test has improved since adding Vitamin D.
    (Vitamin D lowers SHBG and thus increases free T.)

    How much Vitamin D are you taking?
    Many on this forum take from 5,000-10,000ius a day.
    Maybe try upping your vitamin D intake.

    Also, you started taking an AI even though your estrogen wasn't high.
    Maybe you tanked your E2 and that is why you are now extremely tired all the time.

    As stated above, I would see a doctor before attempting to self-medicate.
    You're not even fully developed physically yet. I wouldn't go on TRT at 20.

  4. #4
    bigdippin's Avatar
    bigdippin is offline Associate Member
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    Please see a dr. At your age, it isn't worth self medicating or getting on trt for life. Your numbers aren't bad. Save some money that your spending on supplements and meds and see a professional.

  5. #5
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post

    Before you start going crazy and starting TRT at 20 yrs old....
    Your total test is good.
    Your free test is midrange.
    Your free test has improved since adding Vitamin D.
    (Vitamin D lowers SHBG and thus increases free T.)

    How much Vitamin D are you taking?
    Many on this forum take from 5,000-10,000ius a day.
    Maybe try upping your vitamin D intake.

    Also, you started taking an AI even though your estrogen wasn't high.
    Maybe you tanked your E2 and that is why you are now extremely tired all the time.

    As stated above, I would see a doctor before attempting to self-medicate.
    You're not even fully developed physically yet. I wouldn't go on TRT at 20.
    I was about at 40 000ui/day ( I used liquid and approx, but I passed 1 200 000UI in 1 month)

    The AI was after and in is about 3 month from now... so my E2 is fine...

    Doctor in canada are incompetent and don't care at all... I'm still looking for a good one but till then I'm feeling like crap.

    And no my test free as dropped again, like I said at 470 free test I was feeling ok... nothing more.
    It dropped again. and I feel horrible.

    TRT seems awesome from my point of view...

    Quote Originally Posted by bigdippin View Post
    Please see a dr. At your age, it isn't worth self medicating or getting on trt for life. Your numbers aren't bad. Save some money that your spending on supplements and meds and see a professional.
    Seeing a professionaly is free, and long and even when we meet one, he is a complete incompetent. Being in TRT will cost me WAY LESS than suplement I should take to feel just OK.

    Like I said above, TRT is cheaper and more efficient, less trouble and far more convenient.

    Still I'm trying to avoid it... But feeling like I feel, make it harder to keep trying...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    your total t is great but free t is kind of low imo...still i doubt trt is ur answer man.

  7. #7
    Black Beard's Avatar
    Black Beard is offline New Member
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    Don't forget this though If for some reason your source disappears or something happens with the shipment, you are going to be ****ed. You will turn into a *****. If you can get your hands on some hcg , that might be able to preserve your testicular function. You could even try Hcg monotherapy before TRT. I know where you coming from, you would rather risk it than feel like shit all the time. I would try Hcg monotherapy and see where that takes you. That way it's your own balls that are producing the testosterone . Not to mention there are advantages to fully functioning testicles besides fertility. Testosterone isn't the only intra-testicular hormone.

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