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Thread: Should i advise Primary Doc I am on TRT?

  1. #1
    MArz123 is offline Junior Member
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    Should i advise Primary Doc I am on TRT?

    hello fellas,
    Been on TRT about 8 months now, i have a regular check up with my primary care doc coming up...considering whether i should let him know i am receiving TRT therapy...i discussed TRT with him at one point in the past and because my numbers were "within the low normal" range he did not even consider it. So i had to find another doc, which i do i let my primary know or not? thought is if i tell him he will blame every ailment i might have as a "side effect" of TRT...what do you all think js best?
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  2. #2
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Yeah, no reason not to let him know. If he runs labs he will be scratching his head with how your hormones are elevated with a completely suppressed HPTA.

    It should just be objective on his part (and yours too), and if anything it might peak his curiosity with the protocol your HRT physician is administering to you. I had to take a similar road as you when I started this journey 5 years ago. My primary doc was very limited on anything that was endocrine related. It's kind of funny, now when I see her, she asks me all sorts of questions about HCG , estrogen support, etc. She has seen that I have been doing this year after year now, and all I seem to be doing is getting healthier along the way (in all aspects). She can't argue with the results, and the facts with things like I barely get one cold a year now (if that), where I used to easily get 4 or 5.
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  3. #3
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    I cant argue with what was said above^^^^^^, me personally I go a dfferent route. My GP is very good to me, easy to see and talk to and has 8 years of history with me. If I need a pain medication cause the herniated discs in my back, he wont even hesitate cause he knows its real. Keeeps a close eye on everything. However, when i asked him to test me for Low T several years ago, he did and all he said is your fine. I never did see the results, thats before I started to keep my own medical file. Would not surprise me if I was in range but very low. Next, I dont want some cream, Im dialed in. Not worth him dissmising me and having to find a new Dr IMO for not disclosesing the last 3 yrs. my fear is its only a matter of time before everthing is electronic, Dr visits and possibly even meds???? Cross that bridge when I come to it.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vettester View Post
    Yeah, no reason not to let him know. If he runs labs he will be scratching his head with how your hormones are elevated with a completely suppressed HPTA.

    as ig most drs know about hpta suppression....

    my primary care dr is horrible, not only in trt, but in anything, but i may consider telling her in order to get bloodwork, although i doubt shed do it, she wouldnt even order a testosterone test when i first saw her...and i had to lie and say that my balls hurt to go to the urologist.
    if the urologist gives me t she will be mad also bc the endo in her building wouldnt give me t or even test bloodwork...the whole practice is a sham, but they refer me anywhere i want since the front staff is nice.

  5. #5
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    its a double edge sword, if he is ignorant or anti HRT then he won't treat you properly, on the other hand if he doesn't know why your hormones are at the high end then he'll start wondering why, prescribe medication, run unnecessary tests and so forth. for me I'd take that chance and tell him everything.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Tell your doc. If he/she can't handle it, find another. My GP was quickly out of his league with my TRT but is a great primary for me and my family in all other aspects to this day. He referred me to an endo who was clueless and I subsequently fired (to his face) which he could not believe. Told him to stick to diabetes/metabolic diseases as he could not answer questions that I already knew the answer to. Simple ones at that. He called me on my cell later that day to try and get me back as he couldn't believe I was leaving him........Landed with a euro who is absolutely awesome and lets me control my treatment. I consider myself very fortunate.

    Be up front with your doc. Establish a relationship built on trust.
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  7. #7
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    I think I was a little lucky with my situation. My doc diagnosed and prescribed me test cyp at 100mg 2Xmonth. really wacky setup with no AI or Hcg . So I went with this sites company to do things right. My Doctor thinks she's a genius. Its really funny when bloods come back. She's smiling ear to ear telling me "I told you TRT patients don't need an AI or Hcg".

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Tell your doc. If he/she can't handle it, find another. My GP was quickly out of his league with my TRT but is a great primary for me and my family in all other aspects to this day. He referred me to an endo who was clueless and I subsequently fired (to his face) which he could not believe. Told him to stick to diabetes/metabolic diseases as he could not answer questions that I already knew the answer to. Simple ones at that. He called me on my cell later that day to try and get me back as he couldn't believe I was leaving him........Landed with a euro who is absolutely awesome and lets me control my treatment. I consider myself very fortunate.

    Be up front with your doc. Establish a relationship built on trust.
    wish i was as assertive as you...not only do i not fire docs to their face..i let them walk all over me, and i say ''well i heard varicoceles affect testosterone levels but i may be wrong, and trust your opinion that they don't''..or ill say ''ok i guess ill trust you that low e2 doesnt matter''
    was this during the time you were on trt or before you went on it? I remember you started at a tt of 70..although if i recall you were symptomless, so i was surprised u went on trt.

    anyway op looks like u have various opinions

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay adams View Post
    I think I was a little lucky with my situation. My doc diagnosed and prescribed me test cyp at 100mg 2Xmonth. really wacky setup with no AI or Hcg. So I went with this sites company to do things right. My Doctor thinks she's a genius. Its really funny when bloods come back. She's smiling ear to ear telling me "I told you TRT patients don't need an AI or Hcg".
    you should tell her ur with you are just adding to the slew of egotistical uninformed docs. i am happy you went the lowt route though, better than the protocol she'd have you on bro!

  10. #10
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    you should tell her ur with you are just adding to the slew of egotistical uninformed docs. i am happy you went the lowt route though, better than the protocol she'd have you on bro!
    If I told her the only thing she would do is stop being cool. She wouldn't change her views about treatment. She's been treating people way before she met me. Its hard to find a doc with the insurance I have. I agree with bullshark. I've had this doc a long time and she serves certain things great. I'll keep this doc and put my TRT into the hands of someone with superior knowledge.

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well, I'm the type that if I'm going to a doctor with a list of questions I know the answer ahead of time. If they provide a different answer than what I feel it should be I'm going to question them. Up front they will know that I'm in charge of my health and they are they to help. Not all can handle it well but if you present yourself well and are knowledgeable enough some respect you for it. If you find one like this it makes for a great relationship.

    Before going to this uro I called his office to see if he would treat me with Test, HCG and an AI if needed. The answer was yes. At the first meeting we spoke and I told him my expectations and that he's there to help me. He had no problem and said it should be a partnership. I now run my appointments. Meaning we go through my BW and I give my thoughts and goals and speak about it. A day or two before I email him the scripts I need so he can have them ready ahead of time. I really enjoy the appointments as we learn from each other.

    This was in the beginning of my TRT journey. Primary to endo to uro. I started TRT due to my level being at 59 from a pituitary tumor that was located via blood work and MRI. I really didn't seem to have many symptoms. At least that I noticed or I just adapted to it. Not sure. Was still training hard, etc. Actually my primary said your symptoms were somewhat more tolerable due to the condition I maintain. Don't know if I really buy that but I can't say I felt horrible at that time either. Strange.

    I had to go the TRT route. I was on the path to zero T production.....

    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    wish i was as assertive as you...not only do i not fire docs to their face..i let them walk all over me, and i say ''well i heard varicoceles affect testosterone levels but i may be wrong, and trust your opinion that they don't''..or ill say ''ok i guess ill trust you that low e2 doesnt matter''
    was this during the time you were on trt or before you went on it? I remember you started at a tt of 70..although if i recall you were symptomless, so i was surprised u went on trt.

    anyway op looks like u have various opinions
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Well, I'm the type that if I'm going to a doctor with a list of questions I know the answer ahead of time. If they provide a different answer than what I feel it should be I'm going to question them. Up front they will know that I'm in charge of my health and they are they to help. Not all can handle it well but if you present yourself well and are knowledgeable enough some respect you for it. If you find one like this it makes for a great relationship.

    Before going to this uro I called his office to see if he would treat me with Test, HCG and an AI if needed. The answer was yes. At the first meeting we spoke and I told him my expectations and that he's there to help me. He had no problem and said it should be a partnership. I now run my appointments. Meaning we go through my BW and I give my thoughts and goals and speak about it. A day or two before I email him the scripts I need so he can have them ready ahead of time. I really enjoy the appointments as we learn from each other.

    This was in the beginning of my TRT journey. Primary to endo to uro. I started TRT due to my level being at 59 from a pituitary tumor that was located via blood work and MRI. I really didn't seem to have many symptoms. At least that I noticed or I just adapted to it. Not sure. Was still training hard, etc. Actually my primary said your symptoms were somewhat more tolerable due to the condition I maintain. Don't know if I really buy that but I can't say I felt horrible at that time either. Strange.

    I had to go the TRT route. I was on the path to zero T production.....
    you are similar to me, in that i bring all my bloodwork, i bring questions, and goals, and i even rehearse what ill talk about before going to the dr. The thing is they never respect me. They tell me i read too much internet, or they sayy, im trying to do their job and i dont know what im saying, or they just say im flat out wrong.
    i buckle under them and dont even fight anymore.
    im pretty nervous that my urologist appt this week will turn into the same shit. the urologist im going to is the same one who prescribed me hcg bc he told me trt wouldnt be right for me at 23 and he wants me to remain fertile, even though i dont give a **** about that.
    im going to him now hoping he will prescribe it, because he is located right near my house, is young(so i dont need to worry about him retiring), does hcg, and is the only option i have now.
    i just worry that the first thing he will say this week is im not getting trt, and i will not be assertive enough to demand it...or fire him to his face.

    i bring my dad to my appts for support, but still dont assert myself.
    hopefully instead of getting depressed at his office i get angry. when im angry i am a force to be reckoned with, but when im anxious/depressed, im nothing.

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