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  1. #1
    coltsblue1844 is offline New Member
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    Got blood work done, but am confused with numbers...

    Hey guys, i'm pretty new here (had an older account but forgot the user name/password and started this new one)...

    Anyhow, I am 32yrs old 6'4" 250lbs...I have a lot of the SYMPTOMS of Low T, but need help with the test results and making sense of it... As for the symptoms, I have lost a lot of my sex drive over the past few years...gained fat around the torso area...lack of motivation/energy...not really depressed, but never really "happy", either. I will add, due to lots of stress and panic attacks a few years ago, my doc has had me taking Klonopin on a daily basis (which im sure doesn't help with the T levels)... anyhow, with all of that said, here are the numbers from the paperwork the doc gave me after my labs came in, in regards to my hormone levels:

    LUT Hormone 3.54

    Testosterone FR 94

    Testosterone 483

    SHBG 31

    Free Testosterone 2.0

    He said my thyroid etc were good...cholesterol is great...and blood sugar is great. So basically I guess I just need an opinion from someone that knows about this stuff...would TRT be warranted for me with these numbers, or would I be better off not starting? Also I might add, I do not have any kids yet, but would like to one day.

    Anyhow, any and all help is greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    if you have complete BW post it all with ranges. "good" doesn't mean optimal. we need to see the whole picture.

  3. #3
    coltsblue1844 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    if you have complete BW post it all with ranges. "good" doesn't mean optimal. we need to see the whole picture.
    Unfortunately, these are the only #s I have...I called the office to ask for the #s I knew I needed to have, as it's over an hour drive to the office itself, that's why I called to get it...

    If we assume that my thyroid etc IS in good shape, what can you make of these #s? Do they seem low for my age, about right etc?

    Basically I have been approved by a HRT clinic to receive TRT, but want to make sure it's a wise move before I jump on board with it.

  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    some clinics will approve you even if you're mid way on the range. call them and have them email it to you, then post everything with RANGES, its important to post ranges.

  5. #5
    coltsblue1844 is offline New Member
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    I've already tried that, and they require that I come in for that, because they're busy and don't have time to email it they say. And as for ranges, I know that 483 total T comes in as low end "normal"...but for my age, the AVERAGE is high 600s and the top 10% is closer to 900s...the bottom 10% is near 400.... so i'm at the "bottom" of my age range... and want to take it if it will help, but not if everyone thinks that I DONT need it.

  6. #6
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    483 is not bad enough to jump into TRT without understanding what's going on, you need to find the cause and then treat it. how far is the office? I live in Cali and my Clinic was in Florida, they emailed all my BW with no issues. if we can't see the whole picture no one can make a good assessment, anything we say at this point is a shot in the dark,

  7. #7
    coltsblue1844 is offline New Member
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    Well it will be next week sometime before I can go get my paperwork...and I would be starting anything before then, anyhow. My only question is since I didn't know how to interpret my #s that I DID provide...such as SHBG and free testosterone ...I didn't know that if I were completely healthy otherwise, do those numbers warrant getting on TRT at my age. The clinic said that they would like to get my test up to around mid 700s instead of the 400s that I currently test at...they suggested starting with 150mg test c per week, along with two shots of HCG per week at 250mcg each and arimidex at .5 per week... From everything my doctor has said, and the HRT clinic has said, I am perfectly healthy other than my test levels being low for my age...and my doctor referred me to the clinic, because he didn't feel knowledgeable in the subject of TRT. Like I said, i'm on the fence about it because I don't understand what levels DO warrant getting on TRT...but if I need it, I have no issues with taking it as prescribed...just want some opinions on if I need it/would feel better if I do take it, with my total T being in the 400s now without it

  8. #8
    coltsblue1844 is offline New Member
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    And for what it's worth, the only contributing factors (other than age) that I can think of, that would cause my levels to be as low as they are... would be the 1mg Klonopin that I take daily along with the fact that when I was 18-20 I used prohormones foolishly without knowing what I was doing, and never knew about time on/time off or even pct...I was just a kid who knew I could get the stuff at GNC and never really thought much about it. So I assume that my past prohormone use as a kid along with the Klonopin are probably helping to lower my numbers.

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