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  1. #1
    muser is offline New Member
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    Aug 2013

    Wink Test for medical use (sorta) (19yrs) [help with depression]

    Hey guys,

    I'm extremely brand new to this, but I'd like to ask your opinion. I'm 19, and I have severe depression etc [how fun right? lol] anyway, because of that my Test is not really at optimal levels. I got some bloodwork done and I was told by a couple doctors that even though I have many symptoms of low test (no sexual interest/need, crazy intense fatigue, er.. difficulties on occasion, etc.) mine is within normal levels, even if it's not optimal for my body, and so to cover themselves legally they wouldn't prescribe anything. They basically just said - you're depressed - it's a symptom - deal with it. I've done some research and found out that using Test gel and similar things has been proven in many studies to help with depression and the symptoms of it in teen guys. So of course I went to my friendly neighbourhood steroid /// er I mean supplement salesman and asked him to find me something. He should be ready to bring me something tomorrow but it's most likely a gel or similar pure test product.

    So can I ask your opinions? Because dude do I need something or what. And all the research I've done points squarely at test.

    Will taking test gel make me more irritable? Will it make me really hairy all over? (not such a bad thing actually, I wouldn't argue with a bit of chest hair lol. I mean a lot of my friends have hair on their chests and mine hasn't really grown in completely hehe ) are there any other things I should consider? Will it get my libido back up and running? Because apart from the usual psych-screwed-upedness lol I havn't ever uh had sex with a girl because I'm also not... well... my sex-drive is kind of broken.

    Something important: I'm not using test to get huge muscles or anything like that, I wouldn't mind slimming a bit more and maybe some toning but nothing really intense. I do work out fairly regularly, but I'd just like to get more fit not really er 'swole' lol. Looks great on some people, but I'm 6'1 and that's not really my thing.

    Fyi, I'm fairly dead-set on trying it out because all the doctors I spoke to didn't tell me it was a bad idea they just didn't want to get sued if I get cancer or some crap in 20 years... So please don't try to convince me out of it, just help me figure out how to do it properly.

    I am currently on a couple antidepressants (pristiq 100mg and wellbutrin 300mg) but I'm stopping the Pristiq... which is pure and absolute hell man seriously. Withdrawal from this poisonous crap is worse than I've had from anything ever. I also take Seroquel 50mg on rare occasion because its basically an antipsychotic. But don't worry :P I'm not psychotic, it just helps if I ever get myself into a bad situation, or like really intense anxiety - it's basically a calming sleepy pill that knocks you the fuq out haha. But the reason I'm mentioning is because I read something about it screwing with your cholesterol, but I don't think i take it often enough for that to be a real issue.

    I am also mid (cycle?) on TEST-FREAK natural test booster supplement and ANABOLIC -FREAK supplement as well, and I take a lot of vitamins (C, B-100 complex, Mens'-multi, D), and I take about 10,000 mcg of Biotin every day to counteract the metabolism-suppressing effects of pristiq (the biotins increased hair growth quite a bit as well lol, it's even thicker on my arms now, and more on my legs, feet, and my facial hair grows really really fast - though it's still kind of a teen beard/not really full men's thickness yet)

    Anyway thanks a lot for your insights,


    TL;DR: I want to take Test gel to help with depression - how to?, what should I consider?, What are the side effects (will I get hairy?/libido increase?). Not for bodybuilding or huge muscle gains - more medically purposed. Also, if not test gel, then what's another good option for pure test?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Do you know what your testosterone level was?

    What time of the day did you get your bloodwork done?

  3. #3
    Buddyguy's Avatar
    Buddyguy is offline Associate Member
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    Vancouver bc
    If you want anyone to help you. You gotta post all your bw

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