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  1. #1
    w8liftr is offline Junior Member
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    Metabolism of DHEA while on TRT

    Been on TRT - test cyp, for over two years now, total T around 700, estrogen is around 38 on scale of 20 to 56. Latest dhea levels came in at 75 with range of 31 to 700. Take 100 mg T cyp per week, 300iu HCG eod, Anastrozole .5 mg every week in divided dose on days of hcg inject.
    Question: if I take DHEA at 25-50 mg per day how will this likely metabolize and break down given what Im taking above? Will taking Anastrozole prevent aromatizing to estrogen sufficiently, and if so, what will the dhea convert to? I've seen the steroid metabolism chart from Wikipedia , but wondering what metabolism of oral dhea would be given my stats. How about transdermal cream dhea?

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Supplementing with DHEA will basically back fill pathways altered by hormone supplementation as well as normal age related decline. Read the below links as they should answer your questions. There's also a sticky thread at the top of this forum. If you use a pill be sure it's a micronized produce to help it survive the first pass through the liver. Creams may work, it's just up to the individual. I used a compounded cream for a period of time and it was ineffective for me. The micronized product made a huge difference. Micronized slow-release is even better. Your question "what can dhea be metabolized into?" Practically anything, from LEF:

    "DHEA is the most common steroid hormone in the body. It is produced mainly by the adrenal glands, and to a lesser extent, elsewhere in the body (including fat cells). DHEA is metabolized from pregnenolone, the body's “master hormone,” which itself is metabolized from cholesterol. DHEA can be metabolized into other sex hormones, including testosterone , estrogens, and up to 150 individual metabolites."

    Yes anastrozole is an aromatase inhibitor and is very effective in controlling estrogen. Key is to frequently monitor your blood work initially to allow proper adjustments in dosage. Your goal is to use a little as possible and hopefully none. I guarantee if you split your T dosage in half and injected it twice per week you would be able to use less AI. Basically less injected = less spike in E2. Many guys here have had success with this protocol.


    DHEA Restoration Therapy - Hormone Replacement, Cholesterol, Metabolized - Life Extension Health Concern
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  3. #3
    Joseph956's Avatar
    Joseph956 is offline Associate Member
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    What if micronized is not available? I heard non micronized just takes longer to work?

  4. #4
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph956
    What if micronized is not available? I heard non micronized just takes longer to work?
    Micronized is used to bypass the liver for optimal absorption. If not using micronized, you will have to use much much higher dosages.

  5. #5
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    Micronized is used to bypass the liver for optimal absorption. If not using micronized, you will have to use much much higher dosages.
    I may be splitting hairs here, but I would think that micronization aids in bioavailability by absorption through the intestine, not liver metabolism. Once it's in your bloodstream, it's all the same DHEA.

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Correct above. Everything goes through the liver. Just a matter of how many passes based on administration method.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  7. #7
    w8liftr is offline Junior Member
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    What research I've done indicates that, in my particular case being on TRT and hCG , DHEA, in the presence of aromatase inhibitor, will likely metabolized into DHT. Hmmm. Not sure I want that.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Your particular case? Almost everyone here is on TRT, hcg and most on adex as well. In the thousands and thousands of posts here you won't find a single one relating high DHT due to DHEA and an AI. You're over analyzing this. If some turns into DHT so what. DHT is not "bad" for you, it's actually what makes you a man far more than testosterone . Testosterone turns to DHT everywhere in your body except skeletal muscle. You need DHT. Simply monitor your BW along this journey and titrate accordingly.

    Every top TRT Doc in the country encourages supplementation with DHEA and Preg.
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  9. #9
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Wouldn't I want to raise my dht then?

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    To a point yes. I like mine at the top of the chart and monitor it on every set of BW I pull. My last labcorp BW had me at 84, scale 30 - 85 so I nailed it! Remember, dht is everywhere in your body except muscle. It's responsible for so many things including playing a part in your libido. More dht can = better sex drive. Test turns to dht via the 5 alpha reductase enzyme. What little dht gets in your muscles is basically taken out by another enzyme called 3-Hydroxy Steroid or something similar (can't remember exactly.)

    DHT is also a natural AI on several different pathways so maintaining a decent level can be advantageous. Certain steroids guys do on cycle are dht's like Masteron and Proviron actually.

    Everyone should know their level but don't hyperventilate over it. It's about how you feel. Monitor a bit more closely if on transdermal gels as they tend to cause levels to spike, basically due to the skin being used as a reservoir for delivery and the 5AR enzyme residing in said skin.
    Last edited by kelkel; 08-18-2013 at 07:59 PM.
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  11. #11
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Is there a dht supplement? I read it is the alpha male hormone!

  12. #12
    w8liftr is offline Junior Member
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    I should clarify; I guess I don't want elevated DHT levels because I'm trying to lower my PSA numbers, which last came in at 5.7. Although that is down from 7.7 a few weeks earlier from that test.
    I'll be sure to add DHT to my list of elements to test in the next bloodwork.

  13. #13
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Damn. Has the doctor done any further testing? Are you aware they actually use dht to treat androgenotherapy?

    Interesting brief article below:

    "DHT can actually be used to treat benign
    prostate hypertrophy (BPH)!"
    As I started to explain before, DHT is a strong androgen that will signal the pituitary to decrease the production of gonadotropins. The decrease in gonadotropins will then cause less testosterone to be produced which will in turn cause the estrogen levels to drop. The resulting change in the hormonal milieu (high DHT, low estrogen) then apparently results in a regression of BPH. The clinical application of this theory is discussed in US patent 5,648,350 Dihydrotestosterone for use in androgenotherapy.

    The following two paragraphs taken from the patent study illustrates the results:
    In 27 subjects in which the plasma DHT level was controlled, so as to modulate the administered doses, said levels have been increased to 2.5 to 6 ng/ml. There resulted a decrease in gonadotrophy as well as in the plasma levels of testosterone which exceeded at least 1.5 ng/ ml (from 0.5 to 1.4 according to the case); as to the estradiol plasma levels, these decreased by 50% .
    Among this group of subjects, the volume of the prostate diminished significantly, as was evaluated by ultrasound and by PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen). The mean volume of the prostates was from 31.09. + .16.31 grams before treatment and from 26.34. + -. 12.72 grams after treatment, for a mean reduction of 15.4%, the treatment having a mean duration of 1.8 years with DHT (P= 0.01).

    The information from this study kind of flies in the face of the traditional thinking concerning BPH now doesn't it?
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