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  1. #1
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Adding Clen to a Cutting Cycle?

    I'm going to be starting a Cutting cycle in the upcoming weeks of 200/mg week Test C (current TRT dose) Test Prop at 75mg/EOD and 60-100mg/day Anavar for 8 weeks. I'm thinking of adding Clen into the mix and was curious about your thoughts on it? I've had issues with major cramping with Clen but I'm thinking of starting Taurine, Calcium, and Potasium supplementation a few weeks earlier to ensure it's in my system. I know that Clen needs to be cycled every 2 weeks so it would be 2 weeks on 2 off and 2 on at 60-100mg/day.

  2. #2
    wizarddeath is offline Junior Member
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    Hey Pistol,

    Just curious, is it advisable to do a cycle while on TRT? Is your Dr in the know about this? We test about every 4 weeks right now, and I guess once I am stable we go to 6 months. Wouldn't doing additional test(and I'm assuming PCT) cause more changes in your Test levels and cause some issues from your Dr?

    How do 2 test products act together?

  3. #3
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    No need for PCT while on TRT so no issues there. I don't need bloodwork until December so I'm good to go. I'm doing a short ester Prop and Var so it will be cleared by the time I get new bloodwork done. My TRT Dr. is not in the know about this.

  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    that's allot of compounds! is your heart healthy? 100 mgs ed avar may screw up your lipids quickly, and will raise your BP so keep an eye on that. I am assuming your diet and exercise are in check otherwise this will be a waste. have you done this before? also be careful with clen especially if you have issue with your heart. what's your BF% now? usually these cycles are done and are more effective at 15% BF or lower.

  5. #5
    bigpapabuff's Avatar
    bigpapabuff is offline Senior Member
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    60-100 MCG not mg! Also if you get keto you can run it straight without doing the 2 on 2 off. I like that better.

  6. #6
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    that's allot of compounds! is your heart healthy? 100 mgs ed avar may screw up your lipids quickly, and will raise your BP so keep an eye on that. I am assuming your diet and exercise are in check otherwise this will be a waste. have you done this before? also be careful with clen especially if you have issue with your heart. what's your BF% now? usually these cycles are done and are more effective at 15% BF or lower.
    My blood pressure has always been perfect so no worries there. i do have a home BP tester so I will keep an eye on that. Heart is strong. I don't think I'm going to add the Clen with this cycle as it may put too much on my heart which totally makes sense. I agree that it's prob. way too many compounds going on at once. My Bodyfat is around 13% currently but hoping to get down a bit before starting the cycle. My workout schedule is really good- I work in the fitness industry so it's my job to workout basically so I'm fairly lean. I'm lifting 4 days/week and doing cardio 4 days/week. Obviously it's mostly double workouts in the same day.

  7. #7
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolPete33 View Post
    My blood pressure has always been perfect so no worries there. i do have a home BP tester so I will keep an eye on that. Heart is strong. I don't think I'm going to add the Clen with this cycle as it may put too much on my heart which totally makes sense. I agree that it's prob. way too many compounds going on at once. My Bodyfat is around 13% currently but hoping to get down a bit before starting the cycle. My workout schedule is really good- I work in the fitness industry so it's my job to workout basically so I'm fairly lean. I'm lifting 4 days/week and doing cardio 4 days/week. Obviously it's mostly double workouts in the same day.
    that's great, I think you'll do fine. clen/keto cycle by itself is very effective also, perhaps on next cycle!

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