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  1. #1
    spv is offline New Member
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    Aug 2013

    Question about low T, and treatment

    I have had an issue with low T for about two years now, and I am 43 years old and in fairly good shape. I tried using replacement medications (androgel & one other pump) that were met with minimal success. My doctor set me up on clomid 3 times a week and I have seen great improvement since that time. My last two test levels were about 600 and 550. My last free level was at 140. I have cialis for daily use as well, and take that as needed.

    My question is, even with improved numbers, and the cialis onboard, I am still having issues. I'm not sure if it's just in my head at this point, or if there is something else anyone could suggest.

    One of the hardest things I have found in the past few years, is that beyond your partner and doctor, it's really hard to find someone to talk to about this to figure stuff out! I found this forum on a google search and it seemed to have a lot of members and information.

    Thanks in advance!!

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    have you checked your E2? low or high E2 can give all sorts of problems especially in ED issues.

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