Hello everyone, I was on TRT for about 3 years, and things went well. I have been off completely for the last 3 months. I was on 100mg T Cyp E6D, 250 IU HCG E3D, .5 adex E3D. This protocol had my levels dialed in and was feeling good. The only side effect were that my nips itched. My E2 levles were always around baseline levels, but did fluctuate a little. My prolactin levels were also within range.
Several months after starting I noticed my nips were itchy, but nothing too uncomfortable. Over time, I started to notice that my nipples (Just the 'stem') were getting longer. No bumps, no soreness, no lumps - so I dont think gyno is there. During puberty I did suffer from sore and sensitive nips, so I am definitely have some sensitivity to estrogen.
So, my question is whether or not I can do anything about it. It is more of a cosmetic issue I believe, but a nuisance nonetheless. Ive heard maybe Nolva, clomid, letrozole ..... HELP PLEASE!!!!