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Thread: Healthy total testosterone levels but very low free testosterone levels - Please help

  1. #1
    Arreis is offline New Member
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    Healthy total testosterone levels but very low free testosterone levels - Please help

    Over the last few years (mainly since the start of this year) i have grown increasingly lethargic, depressed and lack motivation to get things i need to get done, done. It's affecting my life and i decided to get blood tests done to find out what the culprit was, i am well aware low test can cause those symptoms so i got the applicable bloodwork done and my free testosterone came back lower than "normal" ranges in 1 test and barely scraped in the other time. I have been lifting for nearly 4 years very seriously now, i get 8 hours sleep a day but also take ZMA and Vit D to promote healthy testosterone levels , i basically want a second opinion from the more experienced members here whether my free testosterone is any cause for concern?

    heres my full blood work too, im not sure if it will help you guys but it can't hurt

    Last edited by Arreis; 08-30-2013 at 09:02 PM.

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    Arreis is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    is there something wrong with what i posted? i went over the rules and found nothing, i do apologize if there is

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arreis View Post
    is there something wrong with what i posted? i went over the rules and found nothing, i do apologize if there is
    i posted something and then reread your post and deleted my post

  5. #5
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    Free test is low which would cause your issues. Any blood work showing D3 levels? SHBG? Estrogen?

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    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    ^^^ these would be my questions as well.
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  7. #7
    Arreis is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    Free test is low which would cause your issues. Any blood work showing D3 levels? SHBG? Estrogen?
    none of them have been tested yet, i will go to my doctor and request them i'm sure he won't have a problem. Is there any way to naturally increase it while i am waiting to get results back for it? and can someone shed some light on the possible causation of this? you guys are a lot more helpful than the last forum i posted on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arreis View Post
    none of them have been tested yet, i will go to my doctor and request them i'm sure he won't have a problem. Is there any way to naturally increase it while i am waiting to get results back for it? and can someone shed some light on the possible causation of this? you guys are a lot more helpful than the last forum i posted on.

  9. #9
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arreis

    none of them have been tested yet, i will go to my doctor and request them i'm sure he won't have a problem. Is there any way to naturally increase it while i am waiting to get results back for it? and can someone shed some light on the possible causation of this? you guys are a lot more helpful than the last forum i posted on.
    Your estrogen and SHBG could be high, causing free test to bind up. If this is the case, you can lower SHBG by supplementing with vitamin D3 and can get your estrogen in check with zinc and DIM if not overly high (over the counter) or a low dose of arimidex (prescription).

    Don't do anything prior to blood work though as this is only an assumption based on the info we have. Don't want to treat an issue you don't have and make symptoms worse.

  10. #10
    Arreis is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    Your estrogen and SHBG could be high, causing free test to bind up. If this is the case, you can lower SHBG by supplementing with vitamin D3 and can get your estrogen in check with zinc and DIM if not overly high (over the counter) or a low dose of arimidex (prescription).

    Don't do anything prior to blood work though as this is only an assumption based on the info we have. Don't want to treat an issue you don't have and make symptoms worse.
    thats a fair call, i have an appointment this week with my doctor so i'll present him what has been said in this thread. are my levels any cause for concern? because i know how ridiculously low your total test levels have to be as a male to be put on TRT so i wouldn't be surprised if my free test levels were 80 year old man low

    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    im confused ?
    Last edited by Arreis; 08-31-2013 at 12:12 AM.

  11. #11
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    Your free test is bottom of range, with your 2nd test being under the range. Any TRT or anti aging clinic would put you on TRT with no issues if your estrogen and SHBG are in range, but Dr's are a bit more difficult as they deem you normal if in range.

    Good luck. Worse case scenario, you see a specialist and have to pay out of pocket like the majority of us.

  12. #12
    Arreis is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    Your free test is bottom of range, with your 2nd test being under the range. Any TRT or anti aging clinic would put you on TRT with no issues if your estrogen and SHBG are in range, but Dr's are a bit more difficult as they deem you normal if in range.

    Good luck. Worse case scenario, you see a specialist and have to pay out of pocket like the majority of us.
    i am only 20 years old too if this means anything, i thought my test would be sky high and this is a little bit of a downer i will admit. The doctor i go to now is very understanding so hopefully he will be able to get me the help i need

  13. #13
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arreis

    i am only 20 years old too if this means anything, i thought my test would be sky high and this is a little bit of a downer i will admit. The doctor i go to now is very understanding so hopefully he will be able to get me the help i need
    Being young will make it hard for a Dr. to want to treat you for TRT as well. Good news is they will be more willing to try and find the cause of low T vs just saying your getting old.

    Check out the stickied threads and try to get as much blood work as possible to help diagnose. One of the stickies has a full list of blood labs to get to help diagnose.

  14. #14
    EverettCD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arreis

    i am only 20 years old too if this means anything, i thought my test would be sky high and this is a little bit of a downer i will admit. The doctor i go to now is very understanding so hopefully he will be able to get me the help i need
    Being 20 years old with signs/symptoms of Low T means you need to do everything you can to have your Dr figure out what the root cause of your condition is. Don't just jump on the TRT bandwagon because you want to, think it's cool or have fantasies that TRT will turn you into the Hulk. I'm only 34 & really wish I didn't medically need TRT for the rest of my life.

    Sent from my iPhone that was manufactured in a sweat shop in China

  15. #15
    Arreis is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EverettCD View Post
    Being 20 years old with signs/symptoms of Low T means you need to do everything you can to have your Dr figure out what the root cause of your condition is. Don't just jump on the TRT bandwagon because you want to, think it's cool or have fantasies that TRT will turn you into the Hulk. I'm only 34 & really wish I didn't medically need TRT for the rest of my life.

    Sent from my iPhone that was manufactured in a sweat shop in China
    i completely understand the seriousness of TRT and would like to avoid it if at all possible, like with my anxiety/mild depression i opted against anti depressants because i believe it should only be a very last resort if all other avenues have failed me and the same goes for this. I am not you're typical lifter who is just looking for an excuse, all i want is a better quality of life not to stack on pounds of muscle

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