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Thread: 23 year old starting TRT, advice needed!!

  1. #1
    Gettingstronger!'s Avatar
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    23 year old starting TRT, advice needed!!

    hi guys,

    So over the last 8 months I've been seeing my endocrinologist regarding low hormones, most concerning of which is my testosterone . To give you a bit of background, I have never been on any steroids or testosterone, and have also not taken any supplements that would interfere with my natural hormone levels so far as I know.

    I've had frequent blood tests, including insulin tolerance test, gnrh test, thyroid tests etc. I've also had an MRI which came back as normal (ie, no structural damage).

    The last batch of blood tests showed as follows:

    Albumin -40g/L (Ref range: 35 to 50)
    Prolactin - 72mIU/L (Ref range: 86 to 324)
    LH - 1.3IU/L (Ref range: 1 to 9)
    FSH - 2.5IU/L (Ref range: 1 to 10)
    Testosterone - 7.2nmol/L (Ref range: 10.1 to 27.8)
    SEX H.B.GLOBULIN - 32nmol/L (15 to 70)

    The Insulin tolerance Test also confirmed my human growth hormone levels were low, however I don't have the ITT results handy.

    My symptoms (some of which I feel are subjective):
    no libido
    constant fatigue
    no desire to do anything, lackluster.
    reduced / 0 appetite
    muscle loss (i think?)
    reduced need for calorie intake (seem to be able to sustain myself on less than 1300 cals a day)
    depression, social withdrawal & massive anxiety

    My next consultation is in 6-8 weeks, after which my treatment will most likely will most likely be TRT (which, my endocrinologist has told me, will be testosterone injections, followed up with growth hormone replacement)

    I'd love to hear everyone's feedback on how I should proceed, will TRT help me? Can I take it in such a way to boost my muscle mass (a la cycle), or will this happen anyway?

    Another question I have is if I was ever interested in taking steroids, are there any special considerations I should take into account, given that I'm naturally not producing enough hormones? I've always loved the gym, and I've never been able to gain muscle, only fat (at one point I cranked my diet up to circa 2,200 calories a day, no cheat meals etc, and gained over 20lbs of fat in a month)

    One final question - I find it very easy to gain fat, whilst very difficult to gain muscle. Would this be in part to the low hormones?

    If my questions sound a bit strange, it's only because I'm absolutely clueless.

  2. #2
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    growth hormone replacement at 23? trt is supposed to raise gh so id hold off on that, especially since it'll be hard to dial 2 things in vs one. btw man your lh and fsh are low which means youd be a good candidate for restarting your system or if that doesnt work hcg only therapy.

    is your doc prescribing hcg, and does she check estradiol*estrogen) levels? If not, your nuts will DISAPPEAR faster than fallen acorns by a squirrel's home.

  3. #3
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    Am I the only one that finds this post to be strange.

  4. #4
    2Sox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    Am I the only one that finds this post to be strange.
    Please elaborate..

  5. #5
    Gettingstronger!'s Avatar
    Gettingstronger! is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the reply, what do you mean by restarting my system?

    What the endocrinologist said was basically we'd start on TRT first, and if that didn't work to improve my symptoms, they'd then move onto HGH replacement. So far I'm not being prescribed anything, I have one more blood test in 5 weeks to measure my thyroid, and once this has been completed they're going to prescribe treatment.

  6. #6
    Gettingstronger!'s Avatar
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    Why do you feel this is strange, I'm after advice?
    Last edited by Gettingstronger!; 08-31-2013 at 04:37 PM. Reason: ambiguous

  7. #7
    2Sox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gettingstronger! View Post
    Why do you feel this is strange, I'm after advice?
    Is this you?

    Starting HGH tomorrow.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gettingstronger! View Post
    Thanks for the reply, what do you mean by restarting my system?

    What the endocrinologist said was basically we'd start on TRT first, and if that didn't work to improve my symptoms, they'd then move onto HGH replacement. So far I'm not being prescribed anything, I have one more blood test in 5 weeks to measure my thyroid, and once this has been completed they're going to prescribe treatment.
    THERE'S TWO TYPES OF HYPOGONADISM(LOW T) is primary hypogonadism, and the other is secondary hypogonadism

    primary-your balls dont work, and that's why your t is low
    secondary- your pituitary gland doesnt work, and since the pituitary sends out lh, which is the signal to the testes to produce testosterone , your t level is low.

    your lh and fsh(another pituitary hormone) are low. some drugs such as hcg and clomid can fix this...but it's not a guarantee.

    i think your endo is clueless...don't let her put you on trt unless you go on hcg...or else your nuts will disappear.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post
    nice find 2sox..regret helping him now

  10. #10
    Gettingstronger!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post
    Is this you?
    Yeah that is, at the time i was becoming pretty obsessive about losing fat, i chickened out and didn't buy it in the end (cold feet). I did take clenb, however as far as I'm aware this would not interfere with natural hormone levels?

    I'm not debating any issues, or allowing myself to be "put on trial", I've come here asking for genuine advice as I understand there are people here in a similar position to myself.

    I do understand that this can be a bit of a suspicious topic, however I do appreciate being given the benefit of the doubt in this instance.

  11. #11
    Gettingstronger!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    THERE'S TWO TYPES OF HYPOGONADISM(LOW T) is primary hypogonadism, and the other is secondary hypogonadism

    primary-your balls dont work, and that's why your t is low
    secondary- your pituitary gland doesnt work, and since the pituitary sends out lh, which is the signal to the testes to produce testosterone , your t level is low.

    your lh and fsh(another pituitary hormone) are low. some drgs such as hcg and clomid can fix this...but it's not a guarantee.

    i think your endo is clueless...don't let her put you on trt unless you go on hcg...or else your nuts will disappear.
    Again, thank you for the advice - my endo is in his last year of being a specialist registrar. He's nice enough, but i'm not always confident in his advice. I think my gonads work fine :P (I hope!!), would there be any physical ways to tell (visual changes etc?)
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gettingstronger! View Post
    Yeah that is, at the time i was becoming pretty obsessive about losing fat, i chickened out and didn't buy it in the end (cold feet). I did take clenb, however as far as I'm aware this would not interfere with natural hormone levels?

    I'm not debating any issues, or allowing myself to be "put on trial", I've come here asking for genuine advice as I understand there are people here in a similar position to myself.

    I do understand that this can be a bit of a suspicious topic, however I do appreciate being given the benefit of the doubt in this instance.
    you said u never took steroids before.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    you said u never took steroids before.
    That's correct, it was my understanding that clen was not a steroid ?

  14. #14
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Have you ever tried to implement some sort of PCT?? Reading your other thread, I believe you said something about being 16% BF. That's not an alarming rate of BF by any means ...

    A physician should be looking in-depth at any method to get your endogenous production up to normal. At your age, it's not a "normal" thing for a pituitary not to produce enough gonadotropin when signaled by the testes via feedback loop. I would think there's other variables (pathology, environmental, ...).

    If your physician is confirming that everything checks out, including all thyroid/AB related assays, then ultimately it sounds like a diagnosis of hypogonadism. If a PCT related therapy can't get your HPTA on track, then treatment is pretty simple, a lifetime of moderate test therapy to keep your serum level sustained at a normal level. There's nothing glamorous about it, and you would need to monitor other areas like your E2, and your RBC/hematocrit on a regular basis.

    Again, it's not normal for a HPTA to tank on someone your age. If your MRI's have checked out, and nothing else can be discovered, then follow the lead from your physician (it's basically that simple).

  15. #15
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    Agree with Vette. I'd consider attempting a doctor guided pct in effort to stimulate your pituitary to kick in. Keep us posted on this thread with how things go for you please.
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    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  16. #16
    JackedJesse's Avatar
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    Judging from what you've said, you lack knowledge in diet and training, and what these d r u g s are. If you supposedly took clen , did you possibly get bunk clen and it was actually winstrol ? That would explain your low T. If you've been seeing your endo for 8 months, what have you guys been doing? I can only imagine she has already tried proper PCT's, and has come to the conclusion that you need TRT.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by JackedJesse View Post
    Judging from what you've said, you lack knowledge in diet and training, and what these d r u g s are. If you supposedly took clen, did you possibly get bunk clen and it was actually winstrol? That would explain your low T. If you've been seeing your endo for 8 months, what have you guys been doing? I can only imagine she has already tried proper PCT's, and has come to the conclusion that you need TRT.
    prob told him to make lifestyle changes and sent him on his way lol

  18. #18
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    I hope not.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by JackedJesse View Post
    I hope not.
    happened to me -_-

  20. #20
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    Hi Vettester, thanks for your reply.

    No, since being diagnosed with this I've stopped all supplements (including any sort of legal diet pills a la thermogenics)

    I've had about 5 blood tests now, I first noticed this when I came to the doctor with gynocomastia which I developed when I was 12, for which they ran my blood. Annoyingly I was told when I checked it as a teenager, that it would go when puberty finished. However, when I saw a specialist recently, the first thing they said was "why didn't you see us when you were a teenager"

    I know there's nothing glamorous about it, I've been experiencing some of the lowest moods of my life, low esteem, loss of motivation, no appetite. Nothing feels good to me anymore, I've dropped about 2st of weight because I'm never motivated to eat or train. My MRI has checked out fine, we're now waiting on this one final test (which I believe is to do with my thyroid)

    Quote Originally Posted by JackedJesse View Post
    Judging from what you've said, you lack knowledge in diet and training, and what these d r u g s are. If you supposedly took clen, did you possibly get bunk clen and it was actually winstrol?
    The way it made me feel leads me to believe it wasn't, I had cramps, the worst shakes ever, I stopped taking it after I think maybe a week? It made me feel horrible. (just an fyi I've been off clen for good 3-4 months)

    The problem with my endo is because i'm doing this through NHS, their waiting times are annoyingly long, I wait roughly 1-2months in between tests/appointments. No treatment has been given yet.

    Once again, thank you all for the replies. They are all very informative.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Agree with Vette. I'd consider attempting a doctor guided pct in effort to stimulate your pituitary to kick in. Keep us posted on this thread with how things go for you please.
    I will kelkel, my thyroid test is on 8th October, and supposedly will have a follow up appt 2 weeks after that. Right now I play the waiting game.

  22. #22
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    I suggest you stop messing around with your own drugs and let the doctor treat you. And you need to be honest with her and tell her what you have taken, or what you think you've taken. And hopefully shell be able to help you.

  23. #23
    Gettingstronger!'s Avatar
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    Hi all,

    So after being referred to a genetic specialist from my endo it turns out what's causing my low hormones is an inherited form of hypopituitarism, caused by a fault in one of my genes. As I understand it both my parents were carriers and it was just luck of the draw that this has happened.

    I've been told I will be started not just on growth hormone replacement, but tesotosterone as well as something for my thyroid.

    I've been advised to freeze a sample of my semen as well. I won't lie, I'm frightened by this turn of events, but I am happy that my symptoms will be treated at least.
    Last edited by Gettingstronger!; 10-16-2013 at 12:04 PM.

  24. #24
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    I also want to thank you all in advance of any replies, looking through posts it's clear that there are some very knowledgable members here, and I'm very happy to have found a community like this.

    I have a question regarding my imminent treatment - I was seen today by 4 Doctors at once so it was all a little overwhelming, and as such I forgot to ask this question. I was advised by the senior endocrinologist to freeze a sample of my semen. Does this mean that once I begin my therapy, I will be unable to procreate naturally?

    I look forward to any response.

  25. #25
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    did you ever find out how low your gh was? the freezing of sperm is just a precaution. if your doctor is competent they will keep you on hcg with your trt, and the freezing of sperm will be pretty unecessary but still a god precaution.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    prob told him to make lifestyle changes and sent him on his way lol
    Or just check a couple hormones and say they're low but your body will fix itself...
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