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  1. #1
    bht0504 is offline New Member
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    Advice needed. Complete Noob

    Little info about myself. I'm 30yo I've been on subutex going on 3 years for opiate dependency. My doctor informed me that long term side effects include low t. I've been dealing with the symptoms for a long a couple years now and it finally got so bad I decided to get the BW done. I went to the lab and they faxed my doctor the results the next day. He called me and informed me I do have low t and called in a script for 200/mg Test C biweekly. I asked what my results were and he said 200 something. I thought it was weird he didn't give me a specific but I didn't ask about it. He said it should be between 350 and 1200. After reading a little bit on here yesterday, I decided to start with 100mg and do that once a week. I did that earlier today. Now, I'm wondering if I should be taking other stuff along with the Test C or will I be fine just on that. Mainly, I'm wondering about the HCG . I would like to have kids within the next 5 years and I'm not sure how this will effect that. Also, I'm 6' 200lbs. I use to work out a little bit but never got real serious. I would like to take advantage of this and start working out again and also just try to get more healthy in general. I eat pretty unhealthy and smoke a lot of cigarettes. Another question I have is how long should I do this for and will I be able to produce Test on my own ever again? I'm thinking the subutex has alot to do with this. It's been a terrible habit for the last 3 years and I feel like I'm signing up for another terrible habbit. My doctor informed me he is definitely not in expert with this stuff but he can help me since I don't have insurance and I already see him once every 3 months for the subutex. So, any advice on my situation would be highly appreciated. I will be reading alot more to help find my own answers but anyone with experience in this area would be awesome. Thank you guys for your time and help.

  2. #2
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    Most of us use HCG . Good read here:

    Good info here as well: HCG: Why you should use it on-cycle only & how to prepare your hCG for injections

    Based on blood work after a good 8 weeks, you may need an AI such as Arimidex if your E2 (estrogen) is high. Splitting your injections into two shots (50mg every 3.5 days) allows many to not need an AI, so you may want to go that route if not too inconvenient for you.

    I inject test sub-Q every Tues night and Sat morning. HCG I inject via sub-Q the days before my test injection, and I dose my Arimidex the day after my test injections.
    Last edited by FRDave; 09-06-2013 at 12:00 AM.

  3. #3
    bht0504 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2013
    Thanks, I printed that out to show my doctor. My next appointment is in late November. Will I be ok to wait till then or should I try to get in sooner and talk to him about this. He is pretty open minded and usually doesn't have problems writing scripts so what exactly should I ask him to prescribe? Dose wise and stuff like that. Any info is appreciated. Thank you

  4. #4
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bht0504
    Thanks, I printed that out to show my doctor. My next appointment is in late November. Will I be ok to wait till then or should I try to get in sooner and talk to him about this. He is pretty open minded and usually doesn't have problems writing scripts so what exactly should I ask him to prescribe? Dose wise and stuff like that. Any info is appreciated. Thank you
    I would try to get HCG as soon as possible, but you will be ok. Just shop around as it can be pretty pricey. Will be cheapest if purchased overseas, but with a script, a compounding agency will most likely be the cheapest.

    As for dose, 500-1000iu weekly works for most. The majority use 250iu every Mon/Wed/Fri or 350-400iu the day before test injection on a 2x week protocol. Just do not inject more than 500iu per day, and you should not need more than 1000iu per week. I personally use 400iu the day before my test injections for a total of 800iu weekly.

    After you get follow-up blood work, he will most likely write a script for arimidex , depending on how high your E2 rises, if at all. If needed, start low, like .25mg as this stuff is strong and will kill your E2, leaving you with a host of issues. If your lucky and only slightly elevated, you can try an over the counter AI such as 200mg DIM and 50mg Zinc/2mg Copper daily.

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