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Thread: Bad cardio issues. Really need help.

  1. #1
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Bad cardio issues. Really need help.

    I've been having cardio issues worse than ever before.

    I've been on TRT for over 1 year. I'm 29, 180lbs 5' 10". I inject 50mg 2x a week of cyp only.

    In May of this year I was on Lexapro and when my shrink upped the dose to 10mg (which is still low) I started having ED issues, which I waited months before actually treating. I even went off Lexapro but that didn't improve the ED issues. It doesn't ever get fully hard, more like 80%. My girlfriend doesn't notice the problem but I do, so I got a prescription for Cialis which I take 5-10mg of once or twice a week.

    I've had issues with my hematocrit creeping up over 50% and I'll go give blood and it will go back down to 46%. When it gets high I can definitely feel that weird chest pressure and stuff.

    So that's the back story that leads me to what's been happening lately. 3 days ago I gave blood which should have dropped my hematocrit back to normal levels. Lately I've noticed while having sex I'm really getting out of breath to the point where I feel like I need to stop. Not trying to get too explicit here but even when I'm just using my fingers on her (going really fast) I feel like I'm getting extremely winded/out of breath and then my HR goes up and I feel completely overwhelmed. Last night I took just under 10mg of Cialis right before sex and I was really wiped out.

    Which leads me to today. I got up and went outside to try to do HIIT training, just 15 second sprints followed by 60 second breaks. Last year I was about to do 12 sets of this without issue, even with high hematocrit. Today I felt like I was going to die after only 6! I felt like I couldn't breathe at all after the 6th one my chest felt tight, I also felt really hot despite it only being 69 degrees out. I had to walk the rest of the way home.

    I lift 2-3x a week and I never had any heart issues while lifting, but I never do cardio. However, before starting TRT I could run 3 miles straight without an issue and the only thing that ever held me back was my knees (chrondromalacia patella). Something definitely feels different these days. I routinely check my HR and my base is like around 85 bpm, and the last time I saw my doctor my BP was 140/62, but usually the first number is under 120.

    What the hell is wrong with me? Is it the testosterone ? It's the only thing I'm taking right now besides the cialis which I take 1-2x a week.

    Some other issues I've had since starting TRT is I feel bloated all the time, my gut just feels pushed out and I've been a pretty skinny guy my entire life so that's not something I'm used to. I've gained some weight but haven't noticed in issues putting on pants so I find that a bit odd. I also feel like I have more fat around my waist on top of the bloat that I just can't seem to get rid of. I could go back on a starvation diet like I used to to get rid it lol but I haven't wanted to lose my gains in lifting.

    This cardio issue is causing me to not want to do any cardio at all. I'm going to go see my doctor about this but I'm not getting my hopes up expecting him to actually have a solution. Has anyone else had issues like this?

  2. #2
    EZ E's Avatar
    EZ E is offline Associate Member
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    I would say get a full bloodworkup. A resting HR of 85bpm is fairly high which could mean nothing or maybe your heart isn't working properly and needs to work harder to make up for some deficiency (such as arrhythmia). It is definitely NOT normal and needs to be looked at.
    powerlifterty16 likes this.

  3. #3
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    Have you had your E2 checked? High E2 would cause bloating and fat gain.

    As for Cialis, majority of us use 5-10mg daily in which you may want to look further into the benefits if you can afford it.
    powerlifterty16 and TestingMe like this.

  4. #4
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    Have you had your E2 checked? High E2 would cause bloating and fat gain.

    As for Cialis, majority of us use 5-10mg daily in which you may want to look further into the benefits if you can afford it.
    The last time my E2 was tested at my current dose it was this:

    Estradiol (E2) 67
    Males,16 and over : 0-39.8pg/mL

    I have arimidex but I haven't taken it for a year. I never felt any different when it was lower on adex and higher when off.

  5. #5
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    The cardio issues are more important to me right now obviously then being bloated and carrying a little extra weight.

  6. #6
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by juice2012
    The cardio issues are more important to me right now obviously then being bloated and carrying a little extra weight.
    It's all about balancing E2 to test for optimal health. High E2 effects the heart, as well as ED.

    Good read here:

  7. #7
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm having the same exact issues man. The freak out during cardio, the winded feeling during sex, the ED problems, the high heart rate/high blood pressure. Literally the same story bro. Had to stop cardio a week ago cuz I felt 3 really painful heartbeats and my heart rate was through the roof. Scary shit. Also, my BP and heart rate are pretty high when I'm not even doing much. I think it's the estrogen bro. I got bloods a few months ago and my estrogen was at like 40, so I got on pct of nolva and the heart issue completely went away. When I got off the nolva after 2 months, the heart problems came back almost immediately. It has to be the estrogen man. I'm seeing a cardiologist and an endo this week. Ill message u if anything comes to be a solution. I also just started a thread about it in HRT so check it out later, maybe find answers. I know how you feel. its pretty terrifying. Just Stay safe bro and no cardio till you figure it out.
    TestingMe likes this.

  8. #8
    highpsi is offline Junior Member
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    Was having this issue too, my estrogen was 74 on a 0-56 scale. Breathing good now with the occasional estrogen med.

  9. #9
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Wow guys thanks for the responses. That's crazy, I had no idea it could be from e2, in my mind I was thinking T might be too high. I guess it's time to start taking adex again, I'm going to go to my doctor and get everything looked at in the meantime.

  10. #10
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sjamal1023 View Post
    I'm having the same exact issues man. The freak out during cardio, the winded feeling during sex, the ED problems, the high heart rate/high blood pressure. Literally the same story bro. Had to stop cardio a week ago cuz I felt 3 really painful heartbeats and my heart rate was through the roof. Scary shit. Also, my BP and heart rate are pretty high when I'm not even doing much. I think it's the estrogen bro. I got bloods a few months ago and my estrogen was at like 40, so I got on pct of nolva and the heart issue completely went away. When I got off the nolva after 2 months, the heart problems came back almost immediately. It has to be the estrogen man. I'm seeing a cardiologist and an endo this week. Ill message u if anything comes to be a solution. I also just started a thread about it in HRT so check it out later, maybe find answers. I know how you feel. its pretty terrifying. Just Stay safe bro and no cardio till you figure it out.
    Pretty wild we got the same story going on here. Definitely PM or post in this thread with an update from your upcoming appointments and I'll do the same.

  11. #11
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by juice2012

    Pretty wild we got the same story going on here. Definitely PM or post in this thread with an update from your upcoming appointments and I'll do the same.
    Will do man. Just remember, no cardio. Heart issues are not to be played with. I would also avoid drinking and smoking if you normally do.

  12. #12
    TestingMe is offline Associate Member
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    Very much the same experiences with an E2 level of 70. My HCT was about 57 and after finally getting it to 49 I am starting to feel better but can see the Estrogen was/is playing a large part in me feeling low energy.
    Last edited by TestingMe; 09-17-2013 at 09:00 PM.

  13. #13
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sjamal1023 View Post
    Will do man. Just remember, no cardio. Heart issues are not to be played with. I would also avoid drinking and smoking if you normally do.
    Good advice. I've never smoked a day in my life and haven't drank for years. At least I got those things going for me.

  14. #14
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Tried to schedule a appt online with my Doc for Wednesday but when he saw my symptoms he immediately called me and told me to come in today. Did an EKG, chest X-ray and bloodwork. He wants to rule out a blood clot and said he might have me do the treadmill test.

    I'll keep you all posted.

  15. #15
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by juice2012 View Post
    Tried to schedule a appt online with my Doc for Wednesday but when he saw my symptoms he immediately called me and told me to come in today. Did an EKG, chest X-ray and bloodwork. He wants to rule out a blood clot and said he might have me do the treadmill test.

    I'll keep you all posted.
    PM me with results or updates. I think I'm about to take the treadmill test as well. Talk about being stuck in the same damn boat.

  16. #16
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Got all my results back today:

    Testosterone 393 241-827 ng/dL
    White Blood Cell Count 5.5 4.0-11.0 K/uL
    Red Blood Cell Count 4.96 4.40-6.00 M/uL
    Hemoglobin 14.8 13.5-18.0 g/dL
    Hematocrit 43.7 40.0-52.0 %
    MCV 88 80-100 fL
    MCH 29.8 27.0-33.0 pg
    MCHC 33.9 31.0-36.0 g/dL
    RDW 12.7 %
    Platelet Count 219 150-400 K/uL
    D.Dimer,Quant. <110 ng/mL DD

    Ventricular Rate 86
    Atrial Rate 86
    P-R Interval 144
    QRS Duration 84
    Q-T Interval 344
    QTC Calculation(Bezet) 411
    P Axis 66
    R Axis 75
    T Axis 56
    Diagnosis Normal sinus rhythm
    Diagnosis Normal ECG
    Diagnosis No previous ECGs available

    I was surprised how low my T was but it was like < 24 hours after my last injection and i did lower my dose to from 100mg a week to 80, split in 2.

    Here's what my doctor said:

    The blood tests came back normal - no sign of anemia or polycythemia or blood clot. T level looks fine. It's hard to tell where this symptom is coming from but I wonder if the Cialis might be playing a role. I suggest monitoring the symptoms for the rest of this week and avoiding Cialis. Let's go ahead and do the treadmill test just to be sure your heart is okay. Please call the cardiology department to schedule. Certainly let me know if symptoms are getting worse.

    I've already signed up for the treadmill test but it's not until October 1st.

    Today I woke up and am totally exhausted and don't want to do anything at all. Even typing this post is taking way too much effort.

  17. #17
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    It's all about balancing E2 to test for optimal health. High E2 effects the heart, as well as ED.

    Good read here: Dangers of Excess Estrogen in the Aging Male - Life Extension

    Exactly this. Remember, when you start your adex start at the lowest possible dose and titrate up based on BW.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  18. #18
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Exactly this. Remember, when you start your adex start at the lowest possible dose and titrate up based on BW.
    When I took it before, I did .25mg 24 hours after injection, so 2x per week. Injecting 50mg 2x a week ended up giving me an e2 of about 22 i think.

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