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Thread: Ovidrel HCG

  1. #1
    Movingmetal is offline Junior Member
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    Ovidrel HCG

    I am currently taking 100mg of Test E per week.
    Starting HCG this week with Ovidrel.

    My doc lives interstate and sent me the script by mail so have not been shown how to use it yet.

    How do I use Ovidrel?

    What dose and frequency?

    Your help is greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by Movingmetal; 09-21-2013 at 01:36 AM.
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  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    He didn't send any instructions? Did he even tell you hiw many iu's or how often to run it?

  3. #3
    Rusty11's Avatar
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    As jim stated, strange that your dr. gave you no instructions. Here's a great thread that talks about reconstitution and common hcg protocols..

  4. #4
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    im pretty sure ovadrel comes premeasured in syringes.i think they are 150 iu syringes. id take one full syringe per day.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    im pretty sure ovadrel comes premeasured in syringes.i think they are 150 iu syringes. id take one full syringe per day.
    150iu ed? Seems like a lot to me

  6. #6
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    just looked it up and each syringe contains 250 mcg of hcg in a 0.5 ml solution....idk how many mcg is one iu.

  7. #7
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    that's 1050 per week, what do you use?
    maybe he could just do 150 4x per week.

  8. #8
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    200-250 iu ew is usually enough to maintain testicular function. Less is better in my opinion

  9. #9
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    jim you are the first i hear to say this. not calling you out, but every protocol on here has a range of 750-1050 per week. i never see people taking less than 250 twice per day but most do 250 3x!!

    less is more though, so if you maintain on 200 that's great

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    jim you are the first i hear to say this. not calling you out, but every protocol on here has a range of 750-1050 per week. i never see people taking less than 250 twice per day but most do 250 3x!!

    less is more though, so if you maintain on 200 that's great
    There must be some sort of confusion here between the 2 of us? We are talking about iu's ew week correct? Running that much would really risk desensitization of the ledig cells. Do you have a link talking about running that much hcg ? The only time i have ever seen doses like that are for the power pct protocol

  11. #11
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    there is definitely some confusion here. your body makes the lh equivalent per day of 250iu....if you just spend some time browsing the forum you will see typical protocols range from 250 iu twice per week, up to 500 iu 3x per week...but most will do somewhere from 25oiu 3x per week to 500 iu twice per week.

    you have been on this forum for a while so i am thinking there is some confusion here.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    there is definitely some confusion here. your body makes the lh equivalent per day of 250iu....if you just spend some time browsing the forum you will see typical protocols range from 250 iu twice per week, up to 500 iu 3x per week...but most will do somewhere from 25oiu 3x per week to 500 iu twice per week.

    you have been on this forum for a while so i am thinking there is some confusion here.
    Some confusion for sure we are talking about a standard protocol along side trt right? That much hcg is going to cause heavy aromatization as well. Even running heavy steroid cycles 250 iu 2 x ew should maintain testicular function. Are you talking about a restart after being on for an extended period of time?

  13. #13
    Movingmetal is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the feedback. I see him in a month. I requested to start earlier rather than later so he just sent the script so I can get bloods done before I see him again.

    Online it states that 250mcg/.5ml is 6500 ui!

    How would i do this?
    Last edited by Movingmetal; 09-21-2013 at 08:37 PM.
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  14. #14
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    most hcg is dosed in units(iu)...idk hopefully one of the veterans here could help...i am not sure on this one!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Movingmetal View Post
    Thanks for the feedback. I see him in a month. I requested to start earlier rather than later so he just sent the script so I can get bloods done before I see him again.

    Online it states that 250mcg/.5ml is 6500 ui!

    How would i do this?
    I take 250iu EOD. Crisler notes that the risk of desensitization comes at doses OVER 500iu ED. Below that - much below that - according to Crisler, is fairly safe. In fact, he writes in his "updated" protocol: "250IU QD is an effective, and safe, dose. After all, we are merely replacing that which is lost to inhibition."

    I take desensitization very seriously and keep close to what Crisler advises.

    I agree with Powerlifter; most posters take doses several times a week of anywhere from 100iu every day to 250iu several times a week.
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox
    I take 250iu EOD. Crisler notes that the risk of desensitization comes at doses OVER 500iu ED. Below that - much below that - according to Crisler, is fairly safe. In fact, he writes in his "updated" protocol: "250IU QD is an effective, and safe, dose. After all, we are merely replacing that which is lost to inhibition." I take desensitization very seriously and keep close to what Crisler advises. I agree with Powerlifter; most posters take doses several times a week of anywhere from 100iu every day to 250iu several times a week.
    how much AI are you running?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    how much AI are you running?
    250iu EOD. What I wrote above.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox
    250iu EOD. What I wrote above.
    thats your hcg dose not your AI dose unless I am missing something?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    thats your hcg dose not your AI dose unless I am missing something?

    I no longer take an ai. 2000mg (1000mg morning and evening) of DIM, 4mg Copper, 50mg zinc - all daily - seems to control my E2.

    Previously, even .125mg liqidex E4D was too much for me, so I tried the above protocol suggested by LowTMike. I'm doing pretty good.

    BTW, it's my understanding that hCG only increases intratesticular E2, not serum concentrations. Is this correct?
    Last edited by 2Sox; 09-22-2013 at 08:43 AM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post

    I no longer take an ai. 2000mg (1000mg morning and evening) of DIM, 4mg Copper, 50mg zinc - all daily - seems to control my E2.

    Previously, even .125mg liqidex E4D was too much for me, so I tried the above protocol suggested by LowTMike. I'm doing pretty good.

    BTW, it's my understanding that hCG only increases intratesticular E2, not serum concentrations. Is this correct?
    HCG will increase aromatize activity increasing circulating estrogen that's is why i asked about the AI. Running more than 500 iu ew of hcg i would be surprised if your estrogen stays within normal range

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    HCG will increase aromatize activity increasing circulating estrogen that's is why i asked about the AI. Running more than 500 iu ew of hcg i would be surprised if your estrogen stays within normal range
    Not arguing, but this contradicts what other knowledgeable members have posted. I'd like to see you data and/or sources on this. My physical state bears this out - no symptoms of high E2 at this point. Let's see how it goes. Just had BW done 5 days ago. Waiting to see results but I'm very optimistic that my protocol is doing its job.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post

    I no longer take an ai. 2000mg (1000mg morning and evening) of DIM, 4mg Copper, 50mg zinc - all daily - seems to control my E2.

    Previously, even .125mg liqidex E4D was too much for me, so I tried the above protocol suggested by LowTMike. I'm doing pretty good.

    BTW, it's my understanding that hCG only increases intratesticular E2, not serum concentrations. Is this correct?
    i think most of the e2 from hcg is intratesticular, but i think some of it is serum also...i wonder if clomid is the same?

    i wonder where jim got his info about hcg though. im surprised with the length of time he has been here, and his knowledgable member status that he feels that the dose we members are familiar with is too large.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post
    Not arguing, but this contradicts what other knowledgeable members have posted. I'd like to see you data and/or sources on this. My physical state bears this out - no symptoms of high E2 at this point. Let's see how it goes. Just had BW done 5 days ago. Waiting to see results but I'm very optimistic that my protocol is doing its job.
    my e2 went from 9.4ish to 14ish after 6 weeks of 1200 iu per week

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post
    Not arguing, but this contradicts what other knowledgeable members have posted. I'd like to see you data and/or sources on this. My physical state bears this out - no symptoms of high E2 at this point. Let's see how it goes. Just had BW done 5 days ago. Waiting to see results but I'm very optimistic that my protocol is doing its job.
    Regardless of any opinion running labs as you are is the smartest thing you can do! This will be the tell tail for you to adjust your protocol to what you need. You do have to remember there are many different protocols out there and finding what works for you to keep your numbers in range is what is most important. Takes all the guessing out of the game

  25. #25
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    Gotta go guys. Will check back in a few hours.

  26. #26
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    here is a pretty good read. Doesnt say one way or another but just interesting info

  27. #27
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    Some doctors are recommending using 200–500 IUs twice a week for men who are concerned about testicular size or who want to preserve fertility while on testosterone repla***ent. Higher doses, such as 1,000–5,000 IUs twice a week, have been used but I believe that these higher doses could cause more estrogen and DHT-related side effects, and possibly desensitize the testicles for HCG in the long term. Some doctors check estradiol levels a month after this protocol is started to determine whether the use of the estrogen receptor modulators tamoxifen (brand name: Nolvadex ) or anaztrozole (brand name: Arimidex ), is needed to counteract any increases in estradiol levels. High estradiol can cause breast enlargement and water retention in men but it is important at the right blood levels to maintain bone and brain health.

    did we convince you jim?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    Some doctors are recommending using 200–500 IUs twice a week for men who are concerned about testicular size or who want to preserve fertility while on testosterone repla***ent. Higher doses, such as 1,000–5,000 IUs twice a week, have been used but I believe that these higher doses could cause more estrogen and DHT-related side effects, and possibly desensitize the testicles for HCG in the long term. Some doctors check estradiol levels a month after this protocol is started to determine whether the use of the estrogen receptor modulators tamoxifen (brand name: Nolvadex ) or anaztrozole (brand name: Arimidex ), is needed to counteract any increases in estradiol levels. High estradiol can cause breast enlargement and water retention in men but it is important at the right blood levels to maintain bone and brain health.

    did we convince you jim?
    Ummm now i am really confused??? This is exactly what i was trying to say.

  29. #29
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    Guys i see the confusion now. In post #8 i meant 200-250 iu 2 X ew not once ew. Sorry for the confusion
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 09-22-2013 at 11:28 AM. Reason: spelling

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    Guys i see the confusion now. In post #8 i meant 200-250 iu 2 X ew not once ew. Sorry for the confusion
    jim are you saying 200-250 twice per week is what you'd reccomend or are you saying that would cause leydig cell problems. i think 250 twice per week is the min dose and 500 3x per week is the MAX.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    jim are you saying 200-250 twice per week is what you'd reccomend or are you saying that would cause leydig cell problems. i think 250 twice per week is the min dose and 500 3x per week is the MAX.
    Yes i am saying 200-250 iu 2 x ew would be the bottom end starting dose. Again sorry for the confusion! I should have reread the posts sooner

  32. #32
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    700-1000iu weekly works for most, ideally no more than 500iu in a single injection. At 500iu weekly my boys would be tiny and ache all day... Just have to see what works best and keep eye on E2 levels via blood work.

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