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Thread: Need help with coming off of TRT at 27

  1. #1
    NWIron is offline Junior Member
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    Need help with coming off of TRT at 27

    I have been on doctor prescribed TRT for 3yrs. I recently went to the Philippines and bought some 100mg/ml vet grade testosterone to bring back. I have gone through about 10mls in the past 6 weeks. Last week I got my annual bloods done and SURPRISE…my gear is bunk. The weird thing is that I feel great. I have noticed some fat gain and lack of concentration, but overall my sense of well being has actually improved. I am on GRFmod/IPAM so that may be contributing to my sense of well being. My erection quality is low, but I actually feel a little better than when I did while on test cyp (watson). My protocol was taking around 100-125mgs/wk and .5adex 2xs per week. Anyways, here are my levels as of 6 days ago:

    Total T: 214 (300-1080)
    Free T: 69.4 (47-244)
    SHBG: 11.2 (11-80) first time I have not tested extremely low in 3yrs.
    Prolactin: 5 (2-13)
    WBC: 3.9 (4-11)
    RBC: 4.63 (4.31-5.77)


    I am 27 so I am thinking this is a perfect chance for a restart. I have pharm grade HCG and adex. I can get HG clomid and nolvadex as well. I would like to have kids and I don't have insurance so if I can return to normal it would be awesome. I am thinking about trying an HCG/Clomid restart with a small amount of adex to reduce E2 sides. I am VERY prone to gyno. What are your thought/experiences? The bummer is I just used about 75mgs of my Pharm grade T on monday as I mixed the shot with half of the bunk stuff and half Watson brand. So I may have to wait a week or so. Any insight on this will be helpful.

    I will be trying the restart myself because my endo is to expensive. will be monitoring BW online.


  2. #2
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    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by NWIron View Post
    I have been on doctor prescribed TRT for 3yrs. I recently went to the Philippines and bought some 100mg/ml vet grade testosterone to bring back. I have gone through about 10mls in the past 6 weeks. Last week I got my annual bloods done and SURPRISE…my gear is bunk. The weird thing is that I feel great. I have noticed some fat gain and lack of concentration, but overall my sense of well being has actually improved. I am on GRFmod/IPAM so that may be contributing to my sense of well being. My erection quality is low, but I actually feel a little better than when I did while on test cyp (watson). My protocol was taking around 100-125mgs/wk and .5adex 2xs per week. Anyways, here are my levels as of 6 days ago:

    Total T: 214 (300-1080)
    Free T: 69.4 (47-244)
    SHBG: 11.2 (11-80) first time I have not tested extremely low in 3yrs.
    Prolactin: 5 (2-13)
    WBC: 3.9 (4-11)
    RBC: 4.63 (4.31-5.77)


    I am 27 so I am thinking this is a perfect chance for a restart. I have pharm grade HCG and adex. I can get HG clomid and nolvadex as well. I would like to have kids and I don't have insurance so if I can return to normal it would be awesome. I am thinking about trying an HCG/Clomid restart with a small amount of adex to reduce E2 sides. I am VERY prone to gyno. What are your thought/experiences? The bummer is I just used about 75mgs of my Pharm grade T on monday as I mixed the shot with half of the bunk stuff and half Watson brand. So I may have to wait a week or so. Any insight on this will be helpful.

    I will be trying the restart myself because my endo is to expensive. will be monitoring BW online.

    vet grade as in veterinarian? why would vets us trt?

  3. #3
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16

    vet grade as in veterinarian? why would vets us trt?
    Its vet grade testosterone , used for animals.

    You can do trt with every test just use TRT dose.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco View Post
    Its vet grade testosterone , used for animals.

    You can do trt with every test just use TRT dose.
    why would animals need trt? humans cut dog's balls off

  5. #5
    NWIron is offline Junior Member
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    BTW: Hypogonadism was caused by previous steroid abuse .

  6. #6
    NWIron is offline Junior Member
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  7. #7
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Your taking ad ex without checking estrogen? That's not good.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Op fill us in on why you think you will be able to go back to a "better" level now than you were before, when you decided to go with TRT?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  9. #9
    NWIron is offline Junior Member
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    Sure. My doc was an idiot and immediately put me on testosterone at 24yrs old. (of course I was excited at the time though) My low T was caused by previous steroid abuse but I hadn't done any steroids in over a year. I was 19 when I did my first cycle. I was in the 200s without any clomid or HCG therapy. I have am thinking that I should give one of these or both options a shot as coming off has not been as bad as advertised. Does that make sense?


  10. #10
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    yes clomid and hcg will help

  11. #11
    NWIron is offline Junior Member
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    ^^well that was helpful.

  12. #12
    EverettCD's Avatar
    EverettCD is offline Member
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    Dr powerlifty strikes again.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by NWIron View Post
    ^^well that was helpful.
    what kind of response was that? im in your thread trying to help, so why be rude? I don't see anyone else offering anything better.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by EverettCD View Post
    Dr powerlifty strikes again.
    sarcastic d bag everett strikes again..why post if you have nothing constructive to offer?
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  15. #15
    NWIron is offline Junior Member
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    This turned out very constructive. It's a shame, in 04-07' this board was the spot to be for good insight.

  16. #16
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Here's the deal OP, you've been on exogenous meds for 3 years now, and I don't have a lot of faith that any PCT you can conjure will restart your HPTA to get gonadotropin production normal and sustained. Yeah, maybe some initial response will yield some LH and FSH, but will it get on track with the feedback loop process with your endogenous production? Again, 3 years suppressed, plus the time prior due to the AAS, I'd say it doesn't look overly promising. However, you are young and the body can do some amazing, unpredictable things, so give it a run and hope for the best.

    This is a classic case why we tell young/old members, whoever is considering TRT, it's a lifetime commitment. Once you're in, you're in, there really can't be any looking back down the road. There's always a few exceptions, but it is rare. Just so you know (in case TRT stays in play), HCG & HMG fertility treatments are exceptional and quite successful. That would be my preference if given the options.

    Keep us posted ...

  17. #17
    NWIron is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the response. That is helpful. Kimber is my favorite pistol BTW, great gun. Would you suggest a certain sustained PCT? I was thinking of giving this a shot:

    1-4 HCG 750iu eod
    1-10 adex .25mg eod
    1-10 Clomid 12.5mg ed

    BW at wk 5 and wk 10. Possibly continuing low dose clomid therapy depending on BW. I can always jump back on TRT so that is good to hear about HMG/HCG.


  18. #18
    phaedo's Avatar
    phaedo is offline Associate Member
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    ^ not sure what's going on with all the hating, but...

    Given your predicament, determination, and good attitude, I think it worth a shot. I suppose you can ask the age old question: "what's the worst that can happen?"

    In three months, if your restart protocol fails to do as you intend, then I would reconsider TRT in a different light. But until then, try what you have planned. I would lower hCG to 500 IU 3x weekly and up the Clomid to 25 mg for the first few weeks. I'd also suggest you run the regiment for a full 3 months (12 weeks).

    hCG alone was enough to instigate spermatogenesis after being on TRT for four years. From my antedoate, hCG and hMG together is a certain pregnancy haha.

    ... I'm partial to Springfield myself, though Kimber makes an excellent firearm.

  19. #19
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Its really not hate. Its more this question is asked all the time and it should have been discussed by your doctor more thoroughly

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