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Thread: what could it mean if 100mg T gave me 1800 levels?

  1. #1
    jaxbrah is offline Associate Member
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    what could it mean if 100mg T gave me 1800 levels?

    As im waiting for my first bw of my second go around of trt, im recalling my bw results of my first time and im wondering something. A couple years ago I tried trt for a few months before stopping due to insurance reasons. At the time I was on 100mg a week and hcg 250 3x a week, and arimidex .25 x3. My results were 1800 t levels and 10 e2 levels. I stopped trt before I could go over it with my doc but I was wondering why 100mg would spike my levels so high?

    Does that mean that my liver and enzymes process T very efficiently, or is that very unefficient? From what I read, 100mg should get you 800-1100 levels. Perhaps im sensitive to hcg or arimidex? I have secondary hypoginadism if that makes a difference.

    This time around im trying to avoid t levels that high and e2 levels that low. So, im avoiding arimidex, but im just curious as to why my T was too high. I know everyones body is different, I was just wondering if it was a good or bad thing to get those kind of levels from that dosage.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Even if you tested at it's peak that's an exceptionally high level for that dosage. Very odd to say the least. Possible skewed test results? Improper dosage measurement?
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  3. #3
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Nice avi kel

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    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I like it!
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  5. #5
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    Possible? Yes, very possible. 100mg/wk or any dose you can think of will not yield the same results in ever man or even close to the same results in every man. Perfect examples, and if LowT Mike would like to chime in he can verify this as well. We have guys on as little as 50mg/wk who have levels over 1000. I can think of one off the top of my head whose labs came back in at right around 1400 on 50mg/wk. I've heard Mike say several times that he's had patients on as little as 25mg/wk (usually older guys) who are around 1000 on their total test. And then there's the other end of the spectrum, guys on 200mg/wk who don't break 1000 or even 800 without adjustments.

    Now is there anything magical about being 1000+? No, some feel better in the 800-900 range. I personally feel best in that range or even in the 700's. Everyone is different and we do not all process the hormone the same.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    LT I still think it's far more the exception than the norm.
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  7. #7
    cad78 is offline New Member
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    140mg per week only got me 550

  8. #8
    NWIron is offline Junior Member
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    Were you using pharm grade test?

  9. #9
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Even if you tested at it's peak that's an exceptionally high level for that dosage. Very odd to say the least. Possible skewed test results? Improper dosage measurement?
    this is what I am thinking too.

  10. #10
    booku is offline Associate Member
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    your forgetting about the synergy of the three drugs, the hcg and the dex contributes just as much most likely to the high total T number
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  11. #11
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    LT I still think it's far more the exception than the norm.
    I agree, it's not the norm but I also wouldn't call it extremely rare. You give a 50yr old or older man 50mg of testosterone a week, a man whose body has been starving for testosterone for a long time, and you'll often see his levels skyrocket.

    LowT Mike can attest to this, I've heard him say more times than I can remember, when he was still practicing at his clinic, he'd talk about how older guys often need far less testosterone than younger guys do to reach the same level. What a younger guy could get to on 200mg/wk, an older man could get the same on half that dose and sometimes less.

    Again, extremely common? No, but we see it every day. A good example, we have a client who is 59yrs old. He started on 75mg/wk, no HCG . He's primary. At 6wks his testosterone levels were above 1500. His dose dropped down to 50mg/wk, he's now at 1300+. He could easily go down to 25mg/wk and more than likely still stay in the optimal range and he probably will. Now that is a bit of an extreme example, I'll admit that but similar ones exist every day. And then of course there's the other end of the spectrum. There are guys who exist who can take 200mg/wk and still barely get into the optimal range or slightly below. Is it common? No, but they're out there, but they're definitely the rare ones.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by booku View Post
    your forgetting about the synergy of the three drugs, the hcg and the dex contributes just as much most likely to the high total T number
    booku, while this is true, it is my understanding that 100 mg per wk will take a man to the 600-800 range even with hcg . Austinite has t levels in the 700s on 100 mg of t and im pretty sure he is on hcg.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Low Testosterone View Post
    I agree, it's not the norm but I also wouldn't call it extremely rare. You give a 50yr old or older man 50mg of testosterone a week, a man whose body has been starving for testosterone for a long time, and you'll often see his levels skyrocket.

    LowT Mike can attest to this, I've heard him say more times than I can remember, when he was still practicing at his clinic, he'd talk about how older guys often need far less testosterone than younger guys do to reach the same level. What a younger guy could get to on 200mg/wk, an older man could get the same on half that dose and sometimes less.

    Again, extremely common? No, but we see it every day. A good example, we have a client who is 59yrs old. He started on 75mg/wk, no HCG. He's primary. At 6wks his testosterone levels were above 1500. His dose dropped down to 50mg/wk, he's now at 1300+. He could easily go down to 25mg/wk and more than likely still stay in the optimal range and he probably will. Now that is a bit of an extreme example, I'll admit that but similar ones exist every day. And then of course there's the other end of the spectrum. There are guys who exist who can take 200mg/wk and still barely get into the optimal range or slightly below. Is it common? No, but they're out there, but they're definitely the rare ones.
    what you say is interesting..kind of similar to how starvation with food works. When you don't eat, the body actually stores what little we do eat as fat, and losing weight is difficult. I guess being low t for so many years causes older guys to more efficiently use the t they have and 50 mg per wk for them can get them to nice levels....or maybe im just spewing bro science.

  14. #14
    booku is offline Associate Member
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    for what its worth i went from 70 to 920 on 100 mg/week test only

  15. #15
    j2048b is offline Associate Member
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    this is exactly what i was wondering OP, im on 100 mlg test watson cyp from the pharm, BUT once in introduced hcg , it took my test levels over the 1000 range eeks! doc almost flipped out... i have to discontinue the hcg or lower my 100 mlgs test per week, or im gonna get dropped by my physician... he doesnt want me over 800... so strozole and hcg combined w test raises mine to 1050 to be exact... what to do what todo... hcg makes me feel awesome, but man i dont want to drop either...

  16. #16
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Ya same here man. Androgel was OK but hcg really put me up there

  17. #17
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    And. Besides over a,thousand isn't bad. Tired of the bullshit ranges. Just go by how you feel
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  18. #18
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by j2048b View Post
    this is exactly what i was wondering OP, im on 100 mlg test watson cyp from the pharm, BUT once in introduced hcg, it took my test levels over the 1000 range eeks! doc almost flipped out... i have to discontinue the hcg or lower my 100 mlgs test per week, or im gonna get dropped by my physician... he doesnt want me over 800... so strozole and hcg combined w test raises mine to 1050 to be exact... what to do what todo... hcg makes me feel awesome, but man i dont want to drop either...
    Total T doesn't matter that much. Your doc need to look at Free T. A thought would be to simply lay off HCG for a full week prior to BW. This way you'll know your true test level based on exogenous test only.
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  19. #19
    LowT Mike is offline HRT Specialist, P.A. -
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    Its not one size fits all. I have 70 year olds on 50mg a week with levels at 1600. From the trillions of labs Ive seen there is a strong correlation with older men needing less T. As brought up before Using the 3 big ones...TEST C or E/HCG /Anastrozole. All of these medications are going to boost Serum Free T and Total T from different enzematic pathways. Anstrozole will drive T up 20% using it alone just by controlling E2 which competes for T. HCG will boost natural T. and Test..well you get the picture. Its all about balance.

    Think about this paradigm... bodybuilders "needing" 800mg of test per week. Well yeah they do..because their is no synergy and everything is unbalanced. This is neccessary for them to get the results they expect. If everything is balanced and in synergy you generally will need less T to reach optimal levels. Its not the "norm" to see a young guy starting out with 100mg to have T levels above 1500. But it does happen.
    Last edited by LowT Mike; 10-17-2013 at 10:58 AM.
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  20. #20
    LowT Mike is offline HRT Specialist, P.A. -
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreadnok89 View Post
    And. Besides over a,thousand isn't bad. Tired of the bullshit ranges. Just go by how you feel

    Couldnt agree more. Use the labs as a guideline only. Symptomatic relief is the ONLY goal. Too many doctors and patients alike treat the labs and not the patient.

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