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  1. #1
    omg is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    HRT: Test e every 14 days & 100mg DHEA cap per day. Help ageing process?

    I have to admit, I was on 400-600 mg eq and 250 mg test e per week for 16 weeks. Then went 400mg deca and 500mg test e per week for 16 weeks. I was using 12.5mg aromasin per day and caber towards the end due to the increase in prolactin from the deca - made me feel shit. Now I am either going back to HRT dosages (test e every 14 days). But more likely will cruise on 250mg test e per week with caber for another 6-8 weeks till deca is totally out of my system and continue to take 12.5mg aromasin per day as when I was on 250mg test e per week, my estrogen went to 250, 50-150 is normal range.

    Firstly, does test e and DHEA actually slow the aging process down?

    Secondly, I know a lot of people who take 250mg test per week when off cycle. Is that safe in the long term?

    Lastly, i recently got a blood test for my IGF-1 levels. Normal range is 12-30 and my level was 28. I am 36 years old. Does anyone know whether deca, test, DHEA and aromasin increase IGF-1? If so, by much? I wanted to get m HGH levels tested. Apparently there is another test: Arginine challenge for HGH levels. I was thinking about going off aromasin and maybe even dropping test e to every 14 days and continue the 100mg DHEA cap per day to get an accurate IGF-1 reading / HGH reading.

  2. #2
    omg is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    C'mon guys, some of you must know the answers to these questions.
    Would really appreciate it!

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