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  1. #1
    Tnatious's Avatar
    Tnatious is offline Associate Member
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    Doctor finally agrees to Test Cyp Im Imjections

    Hey everyone! Haven't been on this wonderful cite in about 4-5 weeks due to some errors on iPhone. No worries...I always stop by to read, but I haven't been able to add anything constructive in that time:-(
    Anyhow, my Doctor has FINALLY decided to allow me to switch from the Testosterone Crap...cream. Sorry - to Testosterone Cypionate injections!!! Hallelujah!
    I recently posted my 4 month blood work. And please take a look if you have not seen is horrible. I did as the Doc and her assistant asked for 4 entire months!!! They actually asked that I continue and simply apply the crap...-cream (sorry) to a different area of my body for another 2 months!!! Lol!
    Well finally my question is almost here! I have picked up a vial. Made by Watson ( which I have heard of this lab) Testosterone Cypionate 2000 mg/ 10 m/L ( 200mg/mL ) 10mL vial. Okay on the side it states Benzyl Benzoate 20%, with Benzyl Alcohol 0.9% as preservative, in Cottonseed Oil. Okay I know what that means BUT HERE IS THE QUESTION... It states on the bottle and the directions from the Doc to use it IM (Intramuscular injections only). What about using it for SUB Q as so many of you guys do?????????
    I gave myself the first pin today and wow! Super thick guys!!! It's very similar to cookin' oil!!!
    Could I warm it to make it a tad thinner?
    Last thing fellas! Please stick with me. My instructions are as follows:
    1/2 mL injected into the muscle every 10 days !?!?
    Okay! Hmm. Wouldn't it be easier to say once a week? Or every Wednesday? Or wait...that's not right??? Lol!
    I also want to do as ALOT if not MOST of you guys do and split my injections into 2 shots a week to keep levels stable. Do u all still agree with this? If so, a quarter mL SubQ should not cause much, if any discomfort!?!?!
    I don't know?!?!?! Da!!!! Help me out. It's freaking 2:23 here in Louisville!!! WTH am I still up for???
    Later and nite y'all!

  2. #2
    Brett N is offline Senior Member
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    Jul 2013
    1/2 (100mg) ml every 10 days would be equal to (close) 30 mg every 3 days or exactly .25ml every 5 days. I definitely think splitting it wold give you a more even feel than 1 pin every 10 days.

    I never tried warming test but some say it helps. What gauge pin are you using? My test does fine with a 26. It's a little slow but not bad for the amount I inject. I do .25ml sub q with no problem. Sometimes I get a small lump but nothing bad.

    Sub q is so much more comfortable to do yourself. I am not sure what the maximum amount you could inject subq but I know that .25ml is well within it. Does your doc also have you on HCG ?

    I would try to discuss with your doctor about changing it to 2 injections every 10 days. Are you self pinning? It seems your doctor is not against change even though a little hesitant. There is nothing wrong with you being curious about how your body is treated. It is your body and it is a life process, not like taking a course of anti biotics and all is better.

  3. #3
    sparverius is offline Junior Member
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    I have no problem loading 31g insulin syringes. I inject more air into the bottle than the amount of liquid I'm removing, then pull the plunger down to get a vaccuum.

    Splitting the dose into smaller more frequent shots will give you less of a roller coaster feeling.
    10 days between shots is too long. The doctor does not understand the medicine they are prescribing.

    100mg/10 days is less than the typical starting dose of 100mg/week but it may work for you if you split it up.

    I'm doing 112mg split into 4 shots a week but I burn the stuff up fast. Many guys are good with twice a week.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    For IM try at 25ga 1". Just load with a 18-20 gauge pin.
    For SQ it's what your comfy with. Even a 27ga short works fine.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
    Brett N is offline Senior Member
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    Jul 2013
    kelkel, is there a max amount that one could pin sub Q? If your RX is for 200mg a week, can you pin .5ml in one spot subq?

    Sorry, not trying to hijack thread. OP got me wondering about this.

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