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Thread: pro hormone and low T

  1. #1
    psychoink is offline Junior Member
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    pro hormone and low T

    Sorry for the length
    Im 30yr old 6ft 208lbs around 15% body fat..A year ago I started feeling lathargic, no energy, no sex drive at all so I went to the Dr he ordered blood work.

    Results came back every was pretty good nothing to outta wac but noticed my T was on the low end.. low was like 360 high was 1100. I came in at 458 which I thought was low. But he is the Doc and he said it was fine.. Prescribed me some anxiety pills to help me get some normal sleep and to get my core temp down.

    A month later went to get more blood work done and my T level was 411 so I notice its dropping But he says its still in the normal range... if only school grades were the same.

    So I decide to take some over the counter pro hormones. .. work great see good strength and size gains.. a month after the cycle time for more blood work...

    Test level dropped to 34!!! I'm sure there would be some effect but damn. Of course my liver tox was nuts but I told him I was done with my "supplements".

    Does pro hormones drop T levels that much?

  2. #2
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Of course it does... what do you expect.

    Prohormone are supressive as much if not worst that actual steroids ...

    Also your anxiety medication drops our test...

    you could attemp a post cycle with a HCG blast prior.

    I think the protocol look like 2000UI EOD for 10 days followed by 40/20/20/20 of nolvadex and 50/50/50/50 clomid, some aromasin may be used due to his capacity to lower SHBG and free up some more test. But I would not use more than 12.5mg/day for 2 weeks.

    I would still wait for a pro to chime in and confirm(or infirm) that protocole sample.

    Good luck
    jomamma007 likes this.

  3. #3
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    prohormones drop your testosterone to 0. They're even worse then anabloic steroids . At least with those you're running some for of testosterone as your base.
    You obviously don't know what you're doing as it seems you didn't even pct.

    Kel informed me that that kind of protocol is more of a restart for long term aas users, not just from one cycle.
    You need to run a PCT now to get your natural levels back as quickly as you can.

    The site sponsor ar-r has all the products you need if your doctor wont help, which I doubt he will saying a 400 test level is okay.
    Clomid and nolva should be enough. Order them up asap!

    Daily Dose(week1)/Daily Dose(week2)/Daily Dose(week3)/Daily Dose(week4)
    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/40/40/40

    Hopefully that makes sense.

    You should also get a complete thyroid panel test done. Elevated core temperature and anxiety could be symptoms of thyroid issues, which in turn lead to your low testosterone levels .
    Last edited by jomamma007; 11-16-2013 at 11:04 AM.

  4. #4
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jomamma007 View Post
    which I doubt he will saying a 400 test level is okay.
    Don't overestimate the logic of dr these day. at 20YO I had 370 of free test and they said it's all normal.

  5. #5
    psychoink is offline Junior Member
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    I have some pct stuff but I was thinking if I keep my test level low maybe he would put me on some sort of TRT wheather it be gel or injections. If he thinks 400 is normal lets see what he says in a month when its 100. Would that be a smart thing todo.

  6. #6
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by psychoink View Post
    I have some pct stuff but I was thinking if I keep my test level low maybe he would put me on some sort of TRT wheather it be gel or injections. If he thinks 400 is normal lets see what he says in a month when its 100. Would that be a smart thing todo.
    If you do not feel like shit.
    If you are ready to get a little bit fat and lose muscle.
    If you have enough cialis/viagra/levitra to get it up.
    the most important: If you wanna go in TRT.

    It may be ok. However, if your doc said 400 was ok. then he is probably not aware of how prescribed a good TRT protocol...
    Plus, having that kind of drop may reveal some question(on his side).

    If I were you, I would try a PCT and find a good endo to prescribe me what I need. Because at 400, it's a valid reason to start TRT.

    good luck

  7. #7
    Ctits23 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by psychoink View Post
    Sorry for the length
    Im 30yr old 6ft 208lbs around 15% body fat..A year ago I started feeling lathargic, no energy, no sex drive at all so I went to the Dr he ordered blood work.

    Results came back every was pretty good nothing to outta wac but noticed my T was on the low end.. low was like 360 high was 1100. I came in at 458 which I thought was low. But he is the Doc and he said it was fine.. Prescribed me some anxiety pills to help me get some normal sleep and to get my core temp down.

    A month later went to get more blood work done and my T level was 411 so I notice its dropping But he says its still in the normal range... if only school grades were the same.

    So I decide to take some over the counter pro hormones. .. work great see good strength and size gains.. a month after the cycle time for more blood work...

    Test level dropped to 34!!! I'm sure there would be some effect but damn. Of course my liver tox was nuts but I told him I was done with my "supplements".

    Does pro hormones drop T levels that much?
    you might as well injected test and done a cycle. pro hormone will do the same thing shut you down. it also requires pct just like a regular cycle.

    as for test levels 400 may be in the range for normal levels but it everyone is different. naturally at 30 your levels will begin to decline.

  8. #8
    Ctits23 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by psychoink View Post
    I have some pct stuff but I was thinking if I keep my test level low maybe he would put me on some sort of TRT wheather it be gel or injections. If he thinks 400 is normal lets see what he says in a month when its 100. Would that be a smart thing todo.
    no thats not a good idea. you dont want to screw with your hpta just so you can get trt. and by the sounds of it your doctor wont prescribe you test anyways. most regular doctors dont believe and the only ones that tend to prescribe trt is anti aging or hormone replacement therapy doctors.

    best you worry about treating yourself and getting your levels in optimal range. screw trying to get trt from your doc steroids is available everywhere and you can buy a cheap vial that will cost you 20 times less then trying to get trt from your doctor

  9. #9
    psychoink is offline Junior Member
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    That was my thought exactly.. if he doesn't want to help me then ill just take matters into my own hands... all I want is test to feel normal again.. I have many friends that use gear test and other stuff and have had some what same problems I have had so what the hell might as well. They feel great on it and live a normal life with of course benefits from test not only giving them a healthy sex life but in the gym as well. Thanks for the advice. I have a good idea what I need to... a lil more research I will be ready

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