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Thread: When it kicks in, you'll know

  1. #1
    Machdiesel's Avatar
    Machdiesel is offline Anabolic Member
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    When it kicks in, you'll know

    So you know when you were in your teens and you tried an extra curricular activity for the first time with a friend in your basement. . . .Your friend comes over after school while your parents are at work and it begins. So you both wait about and 10 minutes and you ask eachother do you feel it? Afte 20 minutes you say this sucks. After 25 minutes u say you feel something but not sure. BUT after 26 minutes one of you is on the ground with his shirt off chirping and the other is talking to the door handle. Lol we'll that's what today was like for me. Going on 3 weeks on TRT and all last week I was just looking for something to say ya it's kicked in. We'll today I kicked in!! I was up early with my son and didn't get to the gym an hour after I normally do. Felt tired and knew I was gonna have to push it. From the first rep I was a different person. Aggression ,strength, focus, the need for one more rep. Like nothing I've ever felt before. Think about takin 5 servings of your prework out with no jitters just clean energy. Absolutely amazing, undescribable the difference in focus. Very excited to see the next few weeks

    Edit: also after the Workout when I took my headphones off and walking out I felt calm and not overly hyped at all. No need to go rape and pillage a nearby village. It was like a switch , pretty amazing
    Last edited by Machdiesel; 11-16-2013 at 09:52 PM.
    jomamma007 likes this.

  2. #2
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    well I'm always a fan for pillaging a nearby village butttttt that's great. 3 weeks in is just the beginning, give it 3 months and you'll be a new man.
    Just be sure to get blood work at 6 weeks so you can keep everything in place to keep the clean energy going!

  3. #3
    Machdiesel's Avatar
    Machdiesel is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jomamma007 View Post
    well I'm always a fan for pillaging a nearby village butttttt that's great. 3 weeks in is just the beginning, give it 3 months and you'll be a new man.
    Just be sure to get blood work at 6 weeks so you can keep everything in place to keep the clean energy going!
    Ya Esteogen may be a bit high. Somedays I feel like my BP is a tad high and everyone in a while a hallmark commercial or sitcom will choke me up. I quickly realize now and laugh to myself. BW will
    Be done in 3 more weeks. Doc only ordered total test, free test and e2 estradiol but it should let me know what's goin on and if I needel to change anything. Currently only running test cyp e3d at 60mg

  4. #4
    Novice489's Avatar
    Novice489 is offline Associate Member
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    Glad it's working out for you. If your workouts changed that much it will be interesting to see what kind of gains you get.

  5. #5
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Mach, I don't want to take the steam out of your thread, but please edit out your first couple of sentences, referencing the teen drug experience. We have a rule in place about no discussion of recreational drugs, even in a hypothetical form or past tense. Thanks

    Congrats on your 'positive' experience with TRT!! Keep pushing forward, it only gets better. Just stay on top of your labs, your diet, and supplement/backfill where it's needed, who knows how far you will go.

  6. #6
    tectime's Avatar
    tectime is offline Member
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    Welcome to the wonderful world of hrt and the great ride to come !!!!!!

  7. #7
    Beethoven's Avatar
    Beethoven is offline Productive Member
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    Glad to hear it Mach, it does get better. I'm like you, I'm in at about 4 weeks and it's kicking in. I'm still getting dialed in so we'll see after BW in about 2 weeks. And btw, none of us here have ever done anything like that. :P

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