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  1. #1
    fm2002 is offline Associate Member
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    Blood results for Sub Q B12 & Test Cyp

    As promised I'm posting my blood test results from doing sub Q injections of B12 and Test Cyp. My protocol before testing was:

    Test Cyp 62.5mg twice a week (Monday & Friday)

    For the B12 I'm actually doing a product called Trivit-B. Each ampoule is 3ml and consists of
    100mg B1
    50mg B6
    1000mcg B12
    I inject 1ml once a week (Wednesday). So 333mcg of B12.

    I alternated injections of both B and Test between my left and right quads. I was on this protocol for about 10 weeks.

    Testing - I had blood drawn on Friday morning before my friday Test Cyp shot. So basically I would be at my lowest Testosterone level.


    Total Testosterone - 614 ng/ml This was a bit disappointing. Injecting the same amount IM I'm typically in the low 900 range. So I than increased it to 75mg twice a week for 1 month. Got my blood tested again and it raised it to 861. * tested on a Thursday not Friday

    B12 - 1186 pg/ml I'm very pleased with this result. When I was doing the same amount IM once every 10 days my number was 808 pg/ml.

    Conclusion - bye bye to long big needles into the muscle and hello to 31g insulin needles into the fat

  2. #2
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fm2002 View Post
    As promised I'm posting my blood test results from doing sub Q injections of B12 and Test Cyp. My protocol before testing was:

    Test Cyp 62.5mg twice a week (Monday & Friday)

    For the B12 I'm actually doing a product called Trivit-B. Each ampoule is 3ml and consists of
    100mg B1
    50mg B6
    1000mcg B12
    I inject 1ml once a week (Wednesday). So 333mcg of B12.

    I alternated injections of both B and Test between my left and right quads. I was on this protocol for about 10 weeks.

    Testing - I had blood drawn on Friday morning before my friday Test Cyp shot. So basically I would be at my lowest Testosterone level.


    Total Testosterone - 614 ng/ml This was a bit disappointing. Injecting the same amount IM I'm typically in the low 900 range. So I than increased it to 75mg twice a week for 1 month. Got my blood tested again and it raised it to 861. * tested on a Thursday not Friday

    B12 - 1186 pg/ml I'm very pleased with this result. When I was doing the same amount IM once every 10 days my number was 808 pg/ml.

    Conclusion - bye bye to long big needles into the muscle and hello to 31g insulin needles into the fat
    Don't know why you just don't do insulin needles IM in the delts. That's how I do my test, hurts less then going into the stomach and keeps my levels around 900-100 on 100mgs/week

  3. #3
    Tnatious's Avatar
    Tnatious is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jomamma007

    Don't know why you just don't do insulin needles IM in the delts. That's how I do my test, hurts less then going into the stomach and keeps my levels around 900-100 on 100mgs/week
    Not sure if a typo or something I'm missing...but how are you able to use a insulin needle and actually reach muscle tissue? Not sure if the needle would be long enough? Interested to hear more.
    And I just started 100 mg Test Cyp (switched from Test Cream) weekly and was wondering what my total would be. 900-1000 ? Wow!
    Last edited by Tnatious; 11-17-2013 at 07:27 AM.

  4. #4
    gatornate97 is offline Junior Member
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    How did you get the trivit-B? Script?

  5. #5
    fm2002 is offline Associate Member
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    Buy it in Thailand. No script needed and very very cheap

  6. #6
    2Sox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tnatious View Post
    And I just started 100 mg Test Cyp (switched from Test Cream) weekly and was wondering what my total would be. 900-1000 ? Wow!
    From my knowledge, age is always a big factor in total and free testosterone levels . Presently, I'm injecting SQ, 36mg EOD. My levels are always over 1200. Sometimes they go into the high 1300s (which is too high). I'm keeping a very close watch on hematocrit, which was back in range after a blood donation. (I just donated again for good measure and plan to donate at least four times a year.) E2 is stable on low dose anastrozole - .25mg E3D.

  7. #7
    fm2002 is offline Associate Member
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    Every time I see my HRT Doc he tells me to donate blood. I'm sure it's for the same reason you do. I'm not a big fan of IM injections as I mentioned, but what really puts me into a cold sweat is when they draw blood from a vein. My once a year draw with Lab Corp. I think I have to give 12 of those glass vials full of blood and it's a huge struggle to get through that. So because I'm a big wussy I've never given blood. Any of you guys want to scare me enough into going and finally having it done??? Why is it so important?

    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post
    From my knowledge, age is always a big factor in total and free testosterone levels . Presently, I'm injecting SQ, 36mg EOD. My levels are always over 1200. Sometimes they go into the high 1300s (which is too high). I'm keeping a very close watch on hematocrit, which was back in range after a blood donation. (I just donated again for good measure and plan to donate at least four times a year.) E2 is stable on low dose anastrozole - .25mg E3D.

  8. #8
    2Sox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fm2002 View Post
    Every time I see my HRT Doc he tells me to donate blood. I'm sure it's for the same reason you do. I'm not a big fan of IM injections as I mentioned, but what really puts me into a cold sweat is when they draw blood from a vein. My once a year draw with Lab Corp. I think I have to give 12 of those glass vials full of blood and it's a huge struggle to get through that. So because I'm a big wussy I've never given blood. Any of you guys want to scare me enough into going and finally having it done??? Why is it so important?
    No big deal. If you start going over 50%, you chances of getting a stroke, pulmonary embolism, heart attack and kidney dysfunction increase dramatically. Maybe dying would be better than how you would be left if you survived any of these.

    I wanted to be sure of my answer so I Googled this before I replied to you.

    BTW, you'll get used to giving blood. I used to get faint when I looked at a needle. BW goes with the territory if you're on TRT. Just don't look at the needle. Pretty soon, you'll find that you can. Just tell the vampire to be gentle with you. ;-)
    Last edited by 2Sox; 11-17-2013 at 06:45 PM.

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    One thing to remember is that if you "have" to donate blood all the time due to hematocrit levels you should probably consider titrating your dosage down a bit.

    @Tnatious. Re insulin needles and IM injections, it just depends on how lean you are. I would not suggest going smaller than a 1/2" length needle for this though, no matter how lean you are.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  10. #10
    fm2002 is offline Associate Member
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    Just checked. My Hematocrit is 50.7. LabCorp. range 37.5 - 51.

  11. #11
    GeriatricOne's Avatar
    GeriatricOne is offline Associate Member
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    That's high and will only increase. Donate right away. A small discomfort is nothing compared to the potential consequences. If you have the desired blood type, consider donating double red cells.

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