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  1. #1
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    Nov 2011

    High test levels and thyroid

    Hey guys,
    I doubled my test dosage last week to get my estrogen to come back faster after crashing it. Wondering if this will give a false result if I test thyroids rn.

  2. #2
    TMan96's Avatar
    TMan96 is offline Associate Member
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    Good question, I was wondering if higher T levels.... up close to the top of the rage, free a little over, would cause issues with Thyroid. I had to go on Armour Thyroid about 10 months after starting T injections. Doc said it was already borderline before I started T therapy.

  3. #3
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    What is considered borderline?

  4. #4
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Did you crash your e2 with an AI? wouldnt it bounce back by just lowering dose of it? Just curious.

  5. #5
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    well I don't take an ai, I just took it once to see if it would help before blood work and it crashed my estroge. Sure my estrogen would come back on it's own but on 100mgs a week it takes me a month to get it back to 20+ on a sensitive panel. Didn't want to wait so I double dosed for a week

  6. #6
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jomamma007 View Post
    Hey guys,
    I doubled my test dosage last week to get my estrogen to come back faster after crashing it. Wondering if this will give a false result if I test thyroids rn.
    I wouldn't worry about your thyroid taking a jump either direction with adding some more testosterone . Your thyroid probably went through some adverse changes during the onset of hypogonadism, as did other various endocrine related functions, i.e., adrenal, pituitary, and of course thyroid. I can tell you from experience that my thyroid results never varied too much one way or another in the early part of my treatment, regardless if they were taken during my normal protocol, or if they were taken shortly after a blast. My results were always angled towards hypothyroidism, +/- marginal differences.

    With that said, I would be curious about your previous thyroid results, and a little more about how much test you have added and how long you will be administering at that dosage? Are you anticipating that your physician will be ordering labs anytime soon?

    ** edit - I just read where you talked about 100mg/wk, so I'm up to speed on that. Would still be interested in your previous thyroid situation, and any other pertinent labs you might have or could link me to. Thanks.
    Last edited by Vettester; 11-18-2013 at 08:34 PM.

  7. #7
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    Thanks for the post Vette. Well I've never had extensive thyroid testing, and I'm always tired on TRT. Recently I had a thyroid check, and my TSH went from around low 1 too almost 3 since starting TRT. This is what peaked my interest in the whole ordeal.

    Again you said you feel better with a little higher estrogen and that fatigue was an issue with you when your estradiol sensative was under 20. Mine was 19 so I believe this might be too low for me. I definitely know I felt better on 100mgs a week when it was higher, but I never had a sensitve panel at that dosage. Working on getting estrogen up right now, I've been relying on the regular estradiol panel for the last 2 months and have been keeping my estrogen too low. This could be why I always feel tired, I wont know till I get my estrogen back up.

    Honestly I think my problem if not estrogen related, is related to adrenal fatigue, but I'm ruling out thyroid issues as well as sleep apnea this month. Here's all the blood work I have.

    9/17/13 7 weeks into TRT
    on 80mgs per week cyp divieded into two doses, 250ius hcg 2-3 week
    Total t 816
    Free T 19(9-26)
    Estradiol Sensitive 19(3-70)
    SHBG 33
    DHT 56 (30-85)
    DHEA 155 (31-700) Began supplementing after this with 50mgs dhea and preg daily
    cortisol 13.1 labs @ 1pm

    seperate lab after upping dosage to 100mgs per week
    TSH 2.69 (.45-5)
    t4 6.5 (4.5-12)
    t3 uptake 31 24-39%
    FTI 2.0 1.2-4.9
    IGF 228 83-344
    Cholesterol, Total 119 100-189 mg/dL SO
    Triglycerides 40 0-114 mg/dL SO
    HDL Cholesterol 50 >39 mg/dL SO
    VLDL Cholesterol Cal 8 5-40 mg/dL SO

    TSH 2.440
    t4 4.9 4.5-12
    t3 uptake 38 24-38
    FTI 1.9 1.2-4.9

    TSH 1.020 .45-5
    T4 4.4 LOW 4.5-12
    T3 Uptake 49 High 24-39
    FTI 2.2 1.2-4.9

    Cortisol 7.9 8:00am 8-19 Labs taken at 10 seems low
    testosterone 467 350-1030
    [B]DHEA-S 125 100-460
    IGF 344 Range 281-510
    Prolactin 7.9 3-18
    TSH 1.2
    LH 3.4
    FSH 5.0
    t4 4.3 LOW 4.5-12
    Thyroxine Binding Globulin 8 LOW 13-39

    Right before starting TRT
    Total T 381
    Estradiol 24.8 7.6-42.6
    DHEA-s 203.9 L 211-492
    SHBG 60 H 16.5-55.9
    TSH 1.53 .45-5
    T4 Free 1.63 .82-1.77
    Prolactin 12.2 4-15.2
    Last edited by jomamma007; 11-18-2013 at 08:58 PM.

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